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Like Brian said, everything will be just fine. Sure, he can be at 100% condition and still fail terribly so adjusting expectations is important, but he can also be at 90% and slay everyone anyway. Heck, Boyang did at 4CC. :laughing:

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5 hours ago, Sammie said:



There aren't enough emoji to convey my level of squishiness rn :13877886:

This is one of the things I admire the most of Yuzuru, he wants his programs to be more than the sum of technical elements and choreo, more than skating to background music, more than a puzzle of disjointed parts. It's a vision that makes things harder for him, but it's why he stands out so much in my eyes:tumblr_inline_mfy936EPNF1qid2nw:


re: Takahashi's pov   

I like the analysis of the strenghts of the skaters, how he says Yuzuru is good at "drawing in" and everyone is a fan of Javi (judges too...is that a bit of shade? :animated-smileys-hands-fingers-01:  jk, we know perrformance is Javi's strenght), and the words Daisuke has for Patrick are touching. I don't quite understand that part about Nathan's steps and what they have to do with the (un)famous ballet background, unless it isn't about some interesting choreo.

I'm quite amused my view on Shoma's vs Nathan's momentum is quite the opposite tho. US media are hyping Nathan for gold, he has the highest BV (his fluid layout only lets us wonder "how much higher?) and despite not having delivered his best till now he IS unbeaten. Imo Shoma is the one going into PC with the lowest momentum between the two of them, because he lost to both Nathan and Boyang and the last one in particular was quite unexpected, so internationally he has lost steam. Tho his stamina really looked good during 4CC fs and he has the chance of redeeming himself at the team event (and I sincerely hope that he will, and maybe disrupt the "unbeaten" US narrative as a bonus :P). I wouldn't say Shoma is like Sochi Yuzu at all. If anyone has to be "Sochi Yuzu", imo Nathan might be the closest. But still, it is a bit of a stretch because of what's happened thus far (this season and the previous ones too).

Also, note that, per his owm words, Takahashi the skater had a mindset completely opposite to Yuzuru re: his rivals, only now he is a commentator he can focus more on the good qualities each skater has (which is Yuzuru's default mode):tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:


Re: skipping team event 

I'm sure it wasn't an easy decision at all, with Yuzuru taking so much pride in skating as a representative of his country. So I believe it was the wisest choice to be made under the circumstances (which we can only guess). Ngl, it would have been better for my peace of mind if he were doing the team event, too, it would mean everything else (ankle, stamina, training) was great for sure... but before I was super worried about him doing the TE and tiring himself and straining his ankle (Ambesi's words of doom about higher risk of re-injuring playing in the background):13877886:so I'll gladly take this as a half filled glass... and a chance at being a productive human being for another week. and I was wondering why NHK would broadcast a Yuzu documentary only a couple days before TE SP...now it makes sense, it's like a lifesaver thrown to keep people afloat for another week:war:



Totally unrelated:

That feeling when, scrolling down your TL, you read pH and think Planet Hanyu... only it was an article on glass electrode and pH measurement :Poohgaveup: I'm a chemist, this should really NOT happen :tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid::tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid::tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid:

I am torn between :help: and going just :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:


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