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52 минуты назад, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ сказал:



Good on ya for being impartial. I can't claim I'll be able to do the same. Especially if he wins despite bad skates. It just means others did worse, or just didn't have the technical firepower to best him, and definitely doesn't mean he isn't deserving of his win. I mean, if we're only strictly looking at the results. I'd be sad that he underperformed but I wouldn't be any less happy about his win.

But the feeling is not the same. I was glad that Yuzu won last year's GPF but not that much happy right after FS. On the opposite I was not very happy about CoR results, but still the performances were great.

I'm not talking about deserving a win or not (cuz it depends on others too) but mostly about a feeling from a win with a great skate and no so great skate.

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14 minutes ago, Xen said:

...you guys' fault. My brain had a quads harem, now it's also got a quads kindergarten, along with a quads office (with quads as salarymen)  ideas running in parallel. Q_Q

One idea at a time please? 

I'm getting confused too.. I'll just continue to refer as the emperor and his harem ladies:59227c768286a__s:


13 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

i think of his spins as girls but his jumps are boys :shrug:

The idea of his jumps being girls is amusing and i like it but they feel like boys to me

Am i anthropomorphizing his jumps and spins? Yes, yes i am.

Also, i stopped having expectations of gold medals. I believe he's fully capable of doing it, and if it doesn't happen it will be bc of stuff he can't control. But my only expectation is to see him satisfied with his performance, which yeah, we could argue it will only happen if he gets the gold. Don't want to jinx l o l  but i just want to see him happy.

I miss him tons, god damnit, pls bb i hope you are slowly coming back to your usual self. Pls kill us with your murderface in PC

Ultimate murderface pls so he can murder us all. RIP The Planet

12 minutes ago, Neenah said:

And to think it all started with Yuzu innocently comparing his jumps to friends, how did we end up here exactly :smiley-laughing021: 

We always ends up somewhere totally off topic :rofl:

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17 minutes ago, Neenah said:

And to think it all started with Yuzu innocently comparing his jumps to friends, how did we end up here exactly :smiley-laughing021: 

Oh nooes....the idea of an office of the quads as salarymen on a team, with Yuzu as the boss/head of office/GM/CEO of the Quad Express. 


3A: The usual star performer, usually able to deliver on time, with great quality and attention to detail. Is said to have been one of the first guys to join the company. In business negotiations is capable of pwning all opposition-ruthless. A new special role of 4A is being created for 3A, so it may need to don that role from time to time, once the pay-grades, duties and promotion routes are cleared by the boss and his HR  and finance departments (aka TCC/BOrser and Co). 


4T: the reliable worker, also joined the company in the early founding days. Usually able to deliver above quality, though you can't let him go idle for a long time (otherwise he'll pop a bit on quality). Recently has been a bit bored due to work that demands less intellectual attention from him, since he equates that with under-appreciation for his years of amazing work. A bit of challenge and attention should be fine.  Has 2 assistants-3T and 3S. Occasionally gets help too from the group secretary 1Lo.


4S: The feisty one, usually will argue with the boss on ideas it disagrees with. Not always able to deliver, but when he does, it is in style--though it will also mope in a corner and cause trouble if its brilliance is not loudly applauded. Slightly vain, but very good at the marketing and sales thing. 


4Loop: Joined the team recently and wants to prove his worth to the boss, to the office, to the world, the universe, etc (you get the drift). Is on the marketing team, is also publicly noted for his general beauty (and sometimes his brains). Has a bit of a rivalry with the other newcomer 4Lz, and will sulk if he is not taken out to events frequently. 


4Lz: another newcomer, though he was well known for a while. Rumors say that the CEO had been trying to recruit him for 3 years to no avail, and only recently has 4Lz decided to switch to this team. A rumored genius, but so laid-back and moody that he even causes the CEO to tear his hair in frustration at times-with some occasions leading to HR dept to step in to remind 4Lz who the boss is (so behave please). But when under pressure, 4Lz is brilliant. Has a rivalry with 4Loop, whom 4Lz refuses to acknowledge. 


3F: a worker who caused trouble years ago, and after years of training under HR and the boss, is finally doing well. Is the silent, curve destroyer type. Currently 3F is wondering when and if there is finally an upgrading path for him too. 


Bring your pets to work day is tuesday of every week, while casual fridays have the guys coming in in track suits (though 4Loop usually has a bit of bling attached, and a strange fondness for tight purple pants-sometimes he will wear white too). 

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26 minutes ago, Xen said:

I get why people are a bit pissed because it does ignore the severity of Yuzu's injuries, but to be fair, it does stick to the facts. And facts are facts- despite his FS usually being second, Chen has won his competitions. People are also kind of missing the last 2 sentences, which highlights that Yuzu is perfectly capable of missing nationals, and skating for a long stretch of time, only to come back and win (aka Helsinki 2017). 


The issue of Chen and his scores are an issue that most casual fans, or non-fs fans wouldn't bother to care about. And frankly, even some of the people commenting (in other forums and twitter  mainly) have no idea what they are really arguing about. There are calls to do away with the entire COP system, when the real issue is that politics and other stuff are leading to people trying to morph the COP to the old 6.0 system.


Lastly, generally fan favorites don't really stick with the scores even (Michelle Kwan, Sasha Cohen etc). I think Yuzu would argue to just let viewers decide for themselves- sure he may not have won against Nate in COR, but Seimei is still more stunning even to the casual fan. Same can be said of Javi's LP versus some of the quadsters at GPF. There is a charm to the skating that makes you think "ah, this is what figure skating is" rather than jump after jump after jump. Heck, even Kolyada succeeds a bit better than some of the top 2. Plus if any fan really wanted to know more about the quadsters this season, they can look up how they did in the GP series-that's what youtube is for. My sincere opinion is that no one can walk away from those events and think they truly "won." Not to mention the splatfest that was GPF: if I were to look at the men this season with unbiased eyes, and you asked me who I'd pick, I'd easily pick Yuzu, Javi, Shoma, Boyang and Jason. Reasons? Because they have qualities that stand out. Yuzu has a presence with his programs that forces you to watch, even with mistakes-it's still majestic. Javi's has charm, same with Jason (that spiral sequence is to die for). Shoma has my attention because he is consistent (though his artistry is not my cup of tea this season). And Boyang stands out because with both ankles injured, just still look at those jumps at SA. While I like Nate, I would wonder what the bruhaha was about. 


Reading this, I kind of feel for Chen. Maybe that's why his ubers and the media keeps on pushing the ballet training story, and that he has the best posture out of the bunch (which tbh is not a priority for me unless it's really noticeable and bad).


But really, Chen's strength for me would be his confidence, which is something I really like in Hanyu as well, and seems to be lacking in his fp as the season builds, imo.

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11 minutes ago, Xen said:

Oh nooes....the idea of an office of the quads as salarymen on a team, with Yuzu as the boss/head of office/GM/CEO of the Quad Express. 


3A: The usual star performer, usually able to deliver on time, with great quality and attention to detail. Is said to have been one of the first guys to join the company. In business negotiations is capable of pwning all opposition-ruthless. A new special role of 4A is being created for 3A, so it may need to don that role from time to time, once the pay-grades, duties and promotion routes are cleared by the boss and his HR department (aka TCC/BOrser and Co). 


4T: the reliable worker, also joined the company in the early founding days. Usually able to deliver above quality, though you can't let him go idle for a long time (otherwise he'll pop a bit on quality). Recently has been a bit bored due to work that demands less intellectual attention from him, since he equates that with under-appreciation for his years of amazing work. A bit of challenge and attention should be fine.  Has 2 assistants-3T and 3S. Occasionally gets help too from the group secretary 1Lo.


4S: The feisty one, usually will argue with the boss on ideas it disagrees with. Not always able to deliver, but when he does, it is in style--though it will also mope in a corner and cause trouble if its brilliance is not loudly applauded. Slightly vain, but very good at the marketing and sales thing. 


4Loop: Joined the team recently and wants to prove his worth to the boss, to the office, to the world, the universe, etc (you get the drift). Is on the marketing team, is also publicly noted for his general beauty (and sometimes his brains). Has a bit of a rivalry with the other newcomer 4Lz, and will sulk if he is not taken out to events frequently. 


4Lz: another newcomer, though he was well known for a while. Rumors say that the CEO had been trying to recruit him for 3 years to no avail, and only recently has 4Lz decided to switch to this team. A rumored genius, but so laid-back and moody that he even causes the CEO to tear his hair in frustration at times-with some occasions leading to HR dept to step in to remind 4Lz who the boss is (so behave please). But when under pressure, 4Lz is brilliant. Has a rivalry with 4Loop, whom 4Lz refuses to acknowledge. 


3F: a worker who caused trouble years ago, and after years of training under HR and the boss, is finally doing well. Is the silent, curve destroyer type. Currently 3F is wondering when and if there is finally an upgrading path for him too. 


Bring your pets to work day is tuesday of every week, while casual fridays have the guys coming in in track suits (though 4Loop usually has a bit of bling attached, and a strange fondness for tight purple pants-sometimes he will wear white too). 

Wow! This AU is insane! :laughing:. Maybe the spins and other elements can be these salarymen's wives. :smiley-laughing021:

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5 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


Can that happen? In a field as deep as Russian ladies' one right now? Like, in  Hanyu's case, he's luckier because even if his track record leaves no room for any contention in terms of his selection, the fact that the Japanese men's field is rather lacking right now can only help. So he's a lock for the third spot, no ifs and no buts. Like, Takahashi had one of the best track record for the Sochi selection but had he not shown up to skate at Nats all, the third spot would very likely have gone to Kozuka. This seems more like the case for Medvedeva.


Of course, it'd be great if they give her a free pass as well, but it probably won't be as easy a decision as the one for Hanyu is. (And yes, it's very certain he's in because if he hadn't been reassured of it, he wouldn't have gone as gently into that temporary good night as he had. He'd be raging against it by doing what Takahashi did 4 years ago and fight tooth and nail for a spot despite his injury. Since he agreed to WD, it's probably a safe bet that JSF already agreed that the 3rd spot is his.)


and considering he is actually the current no 1 standing and the current WR holders really just locks it. I agree that JSF probably told him beforehand that he'll get the place, if not he would've been in Japan by now. I think JSF also learned from Dai's case where he had to compete Nats and then go to Sochi. They must have had a long discussion with Yuzu's team to think for the best solution. And Japan news/tv shows was also slowly showing that he doesn't need Nationals to casual viewers says a lot.

and plus, I think that he got the 1st spot, not 3rd lol

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4 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

Somehow it makes me think that on those days no one wants to do business with 4Lo...

Uh, well it's designer purple track suits. And besides, 4Lo is publicly acknowledged as very pretty. =D He just needs to sulk a bit less in public events now. 

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16 分, Lunnaさんが言いました:

But the feeling is not the same. I was glad that Yuzu won last year's GPF but not that much happy right after FS. On the opposite I was not very happy about CoR results, but still the performances were great.

I'm not talking about deserving a win or not (cuz it depends on others too) but mostly about a feeling from a win with a great skate and no so great skate.


Haha, I guess I get what you mean. I've said before that between him winning with a flawed skate again and somehow, for whatever shady reason, he skates his best and still loses (and it will have to be a very shady reason indeed for anyone to win over him despite him putting out clean skates*), I'd rather see the latter.


But my initial point-out was more about the griping of Chen's streak being mentioned in an article about Hanyu's WD while leaving out the exact details of his win. They don't need need to include these details because they are a news reporting outlet and to them, a win is win is a win.


*For this point, thanks to the judging at ACI, the judges have proven that it's unlikely they'll go down that route if Hanyu simply gives them license to claim their hands are tied. So if he indeed manages to skate his best, he won't only be guaranteed to win everything, medals, hearts, you name it, he'll also be saving their souls, lol.

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2 minutes ago, Xen said:

Uh, well it's designer purple track suits. And besides, 4Lo is publicly acknowledged as very pretty. =D He just needs to sulk a bit less in public events now. 

I was thinking more about the fact that he's pretty but some people don't like tight pants... especially duochrome pants which make all folds and stuff really evident.

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On 2017/12/19 at 午前1時38分, MrPuddingさんが言いました:

and plus, I think that he got the 1st spot, not 3rd lol


His track record means he qualifies for the 3rd spot. The 1st spot belongs to the National champ. The second belongs to whoever comes in 2nd, or has podiumed at the GPF, etc. Basically the first two are based on recent results and the third one is the only one that allows for the consideration of past results and overall standings. So for whoever arguing against there being rules and Hanyu's selection isn't locked cos of them, it's kinda moot because it's exactly those rules that dictate the 3rd spot is his. His very achievements define that third spot. It's very black and white, really. I've never been quite sure what all the arguments and uncertainty surrounding his selection is all about, tbqh.


Had he gone ahead to compete at Nats this year, if he came in first, he'd qualify for both the 1st and 3rd spots, if he came in 2nd, he'd qualify for the 2nd and 3rd ones. He'd be overqualified. Just like back in 2013 when his results basically qualified him for all 3 spots. Either way, that 3rd spot has had his name written on it since his victory in Helsinki.

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1 hour ago, Neenah said:

Not me :noshake:  

I love Yuzu, but I won't give him a pass if he underperforms, which is exactly what Nathan did this season.


Nothing against Nathan, I was really looking forward to him stepping up his game this year but so far he didn't and I am disappointed. 


I agree...I was so impressed by Nathan's FS at US classics that I'm now more disappointed that it didn't live up to expectations.


1 hour ago, Danibellerika said:

If you were the best that day you were the best that day (or in Nate's case,  the best that event because he keeps losing the LPs). While some do, I don't devalue Yuzu's Olympic Gold even though he won it imperfectly.  That is still a title bestowed upon him to reinforce his greatness and legend.  


I guess...it's kinda similar to Nathan's GPF win...

I think winning the Olympic gold imperfectly has been a good thing for Yuzu because since then he's been trying to prove that he deserves that title. And he did! 


Although I some times get :salty:. about Shoma's and Nathan's score, I'm glad they're sharing the psychological burden of being expected to perform.)

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