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3 minutes ago, yuzuuu said:

ehh my friend who is living in japan told me everywhere she goes, she sees yuzu 


Hoooooow? Does she live in the Sendai exhibition? I hunted very, very hard but I didn't see any of the train ads, the big Ghana ad was hidden in an unappealing subway walkway, and hardly any konbini had clearfiles and they weren't exactly flying out he door, either. The only place I really saw him was in the FS section of bookshops, squashed between motorbikes and fishing.


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1 minute ago, SparkleSalad said:


Hoooooow? Does she live in the Sendai exhibition? I hunted very, very hard but I didn't see any of the train ads, the big Ghana ad was hidden in an unappealing subway walkway, and hardly any konbini had clearfiles and they weren't exactly flying out he door, either. The only place I really saw him was in the FS section of bookshops, squashed between motorbikes and fishing.


ehhh. cos when I showed her a pic of those scary P&G promos, she said its like that everywhere in japan :crazyshit2:

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Just now, yuzuuu said:

ehhh. cos when I showed her a pic of those scary P&G promos, she said its like that everywhere in japan :crazyshit2:


Haha well I guess I wasn't really hanging out in the cleaning section of big supermarkets and I don't think that campaign was around when i was there. (Thank god. It's so creepy. O_O Why they do that to him? It's not hard to make him look pretty!)

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1 minute ago, SparkleSalad said:


Haha well I guess I wasn't really hanging out in the cleaning section of big supermarkets and I don't think that campaign was around when i was there. (Thank god. It's so creepy. O_O Why they do that to him? It's not hard to make him look pretty!)

ikr. worst is how they smoothen those legs and that colour (or should I say the lack of it). :knc_brian3:

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1 hour ago, Hydroblade said:


Regarding the "bad fan/good fan" thing, yeah, i think it isn't important at all. However there was a time i felt really conflicted because i didn't think i was doing a good job as an admin, being so open about my feelings while rarely commenting on the skating aspect. We are a forum dedicated to a skater and i often floof the place too much.  However, my gushing for his skating would be a thousand times worse than the way i gush over your avatar if permitted :pouty:

Oh I think it's fine. I've been a mod before for gaming forums, and it's nice to have a mod speak up. Being a silent mod sometimes creates more issues, since the community may take silence the wrong way at times, especially on more controversial decisions.

And the fluffy posts are fine- we've got plenty of people here who geek out over numbers, bv tables, tech specs and all that, and I think sometimes the technical objectivity gets felt as coldness . So warm floof is necessary to balance out everything.

2 hours ago, Forcefield said:

A change of pace and a question to everyone.


So if you had an opportunity to have a short one-on-one conversation with Yuzu (pretend language isn't a barrier), what question would you ask or topic will you like to discuss?


Oh dear, the chance to interrogate him and dig out his brain?! You sure you want to hand me that opportunity?

*slams down a copy of Heidegger's Being and Time, Plato's Republic, and Mill's On Liberty* Let's talk...

Okay, seriously though, I'd probably ask him what his personal views are on art, artistry and beauty, and how he would define them. In the general sense, not just figure skating. And to bring it back to skating, if he had to choreograph an artistic program for another skater, who would he do it for, and how he would go about showing that skater's abilities based on Yuzu's own definition of artistry/beauty. =D


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6 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


Haha well I guess I wasn't really hanging out in the cleaning section of big supermarkets and I don't think that campaign was around when i was there. (Thank god. It's so creepy. O_O Why they do that to him? It's not hard to make him look pretty!)

Was there any star you see the most of in Japan? 

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3 minutes ago, Xen said:

Okay, seriously though, I'd probably ask him what his personal views are on art, artistry and beauty, and how he would define them. In the general sense, not just figure skating. And to bring it back to skating, if he had to choreograph an artistic program for another skater, who would he do it for, and how he would go about showing that skater's abilities based on Yuzu's own definition of artistry/beauty. =D



This is what I'm most interested about, too. Please share his answers with us if you ever get the opportunity. :)

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