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3 minutes ago, wombat-poodle said:


Good to know. Am I right to say that at worst he's suffering from a partial tear? Given that he could walk around with his own strength.


I seriously doubt it's anything more than that. Neither his knee or his ankle was excessively awkwardly twisted on the ice when he fell, I maintain what I said earlier about his doing a good job of adjusting his fall to minimise the damage. He's supposedly in the hospital now? I'm guessing they will be scanning the leg to see the full extent of the damage.

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Yuzu bby, it's ok. We understand, your health comes first and foremost.


Gathering all the silverlinings on this:

  1. He is wiser,
  2. he prioritises better,
  3. he now has time to properly recover,
  4. he is not skating new programs-no need to have plenty of competitions to get used to them,
  5. no more pressures to win gpf and hence additional pressure going into oly no matter the result of gpf, 
  6. etc. please add if you know more.

Get well soon and properly, Yuzu-kun!:snonegai:

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you know, as much as we panic on the planet, I really am grateful this community exists.  None of my friends or family care about skating, so when I want to tell someone about Yuzu (including his injuries) everyone just brushes me off or tells me its not that important (which it obviously is to me).  Sometimes I get really sad and lonely because I can't talk to anyone about the stuff I like but here, you are all so welcoming and nice! Thanks :)


The past 2 days have been painful and I'm sure more are to come, but I'm glad I'm not alone!

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5 minutes ago, wombat-poodle said:

I hope Yuzu skips Nats tbh, it's an overrated competition that's not worth much international value, and he could use extra time to heal and train. He should take part in 4CC instead. Or if that's too close to the Olys, any random small comp in January, to build confidence and adjust his condition.

I understand that it would be stupid of JSF not to send Yuzu to the Olympics, but I still think he should compete if he can (Unlike 2016 when he was sick, if he can skate by then then he should)...I would feel bad for the other skaters who showed up.  In that way, I don't want Yuzu to get special treatment.

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1 minute ago, Syless Jinx said:

I understand that it would be stupid of JSF not to send Yuzu to the Olympics, but I still think he should compete if he can (Unlike 2016 when he was sick, if he can skate by then then he should)...I would feel bad for the other skaters who showed up.  In that way, I don't want Yuzu to get special treatment.

I can't imagine anyone being able to stop him competing if he's well enough.

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