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18 minutes ago, Joey said:


Haha, I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling like that - Swan is beautiful, but I don't see why it's so much more beautiful then a lot of others, like Believe, Hana ni Nare, Requiem, Story, FTT... and IMO variety or something new are always better, let alone because we have current Yuzu performing Swan, but we don't have the other ones.


Additionally, it's very likely he did Swan in CoR for TAT. She was the one who wanted that music from him anyway, she never saw it live - so there was the chance. I can't believe he'll repeat that program for the whole season too, and I don't think so. He might either switch between old programs (and tbh I don't think going back to old programs would take Yuzu as much effort as a lot of people think, it's not as if a lot of skaters didn't completely learn new EX's within a few days, or as if Yuzu couldn't still pull out the exact right movements to his 2011-12 LP whenever the music happens to play in the background, or as if skaters wouldn't take a tiny bit of time off for fun stuff even in important high season times...) or still go for a new one. I'd actually love a new one, but I'd be fine with both. If he does repeat old stuff, I request Change :smiley-love017:


I agree, even though I love NS. I just really love the whole aesthetics of it. But variety is the spice of life! Please... Yuzu.... :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

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48 分, Joeyさんが言いました:

Additionally, it's very likely he did Swan in CoR for TAT. She was the one who wanted that music from him anyway, she never saw it live - so there was the chance. I can't believe he'll repeat that program for the whole season too, and I don't think so. He might either switch between old programs (and tbh I don't think going back to old programs would take Yuzu as much effort as a lot of people think, it's not as if a lot of skaters didn't completely learn new EX's within a few days, or as if Yuzu couldn't still pull out the exact right movements to his 2011-12 LP whenever the music happens to play in the background, or as if skaters wouldn't take a tiny bit of time off for fun stuff even in important high season times...) or still go for a new one. I'd actually love a new one, but I'd be fine with both. If he does repeat old stuff, I request Change :smiley-love017:


Sure, I'll be happy to be wrong on this count. If it really doesn't take a lot of effort like you say, then why not have some fun? He did say before that he skates to some of his older stuff from time to time for fun. So it'd be great if he can find some kind of outlet from all his intense concentration before and after competitions. And it'd be a treat to us fans, as well.


But if he decides not to go for it, I won't be disappointed either because all I'm really hoping from him this season is a good showing at the Olympics and nothing more. 

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31 minutes ago, Joey said:

He might either switch between old programs


I am still betting on this one. He's done this before and I think he knows his old programs really well, and he can adjust easily if needed, so cycling through the old ones seems the most plausible to me. Of course, I would not complain if he suddenly gave us a new one at NHK. :biggrin:


14 minutes ago, Sombreuil said:

just nail Fred and Onmyouji 


Fred is here to stay I see. I love it! 


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4 minutes ago, Fay said:

I missed the Schrodinger reference - would you be as kind as to explain it to me? 


When Yuzuru finally landed a clean Lutz during CoR, we got videos of all but that one so xeyra called it the Schrodinger Lutz :laughing: 

(it's somewhere in the CoR fluff thread!)

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2 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:


When Yuzuru finally landed a clean Lutz during CoR, we got videos of all but that one so xeyra called it the Schrodinger Lutz :laughing: 

(it's somewhere in the CoR fluff thread!)

You mean the first clean landed lutz? 

It certainly was there - saw it with my own eyes. Lol

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