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21 minutes ago, SSS said:

To me, under COP, if correctly judged, even if Yuzu pops one jump or falls one time, he should still win those cleanish programs...so I think 4cc was robbed, and if skating order was different, score would be different. but I understand what you all saying and I understand the current "rule" is whoever clean(ish) who win... :| I think this is also one of the reasons why we are all worried. It is possible for another WTT SP or ACI FS to happen...because of pressure and Yuzu's dramatic character:xD:...but whoever wins Yuzu this year, will get huge pressure at the first time :) Hope nobody gets it ;) 




The planet is currently looking for a chef that can be responsible for the Lord's pancake cravings

Job prospects:

1) Chef are required to make constantly fluffy, creamy, delicious pancakes

2) The design of the pancake are allowed to be fun and creative as long as it looks mouthwatering. An occasional Pooh design is also advisable to fulfil the Lord's love for the Prime Minister Pooh

3)  Burnt pancakes should be avoided at all cost


 *insert R&J 1.0 dramatic fall* :rofl:

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23 minutes ago, wombat-poodle said:

I believe Yuzuru already has everything he needs to completely dominate. He just needs to get in the "zone" like he did in Helsinki. :) 






He throws the gauntlet again on his rivals. I don't want to be in Nathan's shoes now lol. This reminds me of Yuzu NHK 2015, when he was fired up by Boyang's 4Lz and answered it by breaking the worlds records with massive scores. 


But I'm being realistic here. I don't expect clean skates this time. I just hope he will gain a good momentum from CoR and peak at the right time. And no injuries *knock on woods* 


All the best Yuzu :hachimaki:

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Not wanting to dump myself in Med talk again but imo what makes her boring to some is really just down to poor choreography. All she really needs is the work with different choreographers and work on her performance/interpretation. I am hoping and praying so much that she will branch out after Pyeongchang. I would love for her to work with Misha, he could help her so much in terms of connecting to her music.

Like, I can enjoy Shoma despite all of his flaws because where he excels in choreography (tho maybe not with Turandot), interpretation and performance which is pretty much exactly where Evgenia falls totally flat for me and makes it hard to engage with her skating. She has so many interesting transitions and her mental strength/stamina is incredible. There's so much she can do but it's choreographed so nothing really stands out as a moment to remember (and a lot of her programs are kind of...samey imo). She could challenge herself more technically i guess but I understand why she doesn't - there's not much point to do more than she is, and backloading with every possible GOE raising thing attached to every element is pretty challenging in itself. She could improve some of her jumps (but, like with Shoma and others, judges are kind of 'meh' about truly punishing less than ideal technique at the moment), or she could try for a quad (but why would she, honestly, it would mess with her consistancy and she's already scoring so much higher than any other woman. When other ladies rise to be able to match or beat her, then there's a drive to, but right now why bother) But really I'd rather she branched out with her choreography and relied less on kitchy mime and little gimmicks to distinguish programs first. It's a real shame I don't find any of her programs memorable. Tho I guess it's also unfair to compare her to Yuzuru who gets very involved with his choreo and characterisation and is So Very Dramatic to make his programs have that memorable quality.


IA it's unfair to compare the consistency, or lack thereof, of the men's field/Yuzuru to Evgenia because they are so very different. But that Yuzu does push himself technically with new elements, is always working to further refine his skills and technique and pushes himself forwards artistically (though...repeating programs. but at least they are well choreographed, well-conceptualised programs that are upgraded to include additional touches to enhance the artistry of the piece...) is what makes him so special :tumblr_inline_mzx8xsVPrg1r8msi5:

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1 hour ago, CupidsBow said:

I can enjoy Shoma despite all of his flaws because where he excels in choreography (tho maybe not with Turandot), interpretation and performance which is pretty much exactly where Evgenia falls totally flat for me and makes it hard to engage with her skating

This!!! She is an exceptional skater but I don't think she connects the viewer to the music and the story very well. 

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12 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:

The pretty baby 4Lz was born! A thing of great beauty!! :tumblr_inline_mm2wbaeqQM1qz4rgp:


I... am calm now, totally calm.

*dying whale noises*


Ok, that's... whoah!


side note: is that Oda commentating? also, only Yuzu could bring that crowd for an open practice and make said crowd cheers like it is already a competition.

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