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1 minute ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


Lol..I'm sure just ka-ching would work. Lots of it. And a lot of guilt-tripping (but...but...you'd be doing your fans who don't get to travel abroad a chance to see you a great service! You know, the ones who travelled to see you back when you were still competing despite not being Japanese? And the ones who only get to see you through a computer screen and was happy when you're happy and sad when you're sad? *sad doggy eyes*) in case he's willing to turn away truckloads of money for whatever reason.

LOOOOL. I don't have the heart to guilt trip him. And i think that he wants money only for headphones so that might work.


1 minute ago, Xen said:

I thought we only needed to do that for Iphones? o_O

I'm looking at event management and planning and holy, it looks different from Project Management. It's so detail oriented I think I'd puke if I have to deal with it daily. T_T

Can we request Yuzu smile to brighten up the thread? 


you don't need to do it daily just once a year. But here


Just now, kamotejojo said:

If we bottled a concentrated form of his kuyashii, it will not be fit for consumption. :P


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6 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

You only need one kidney and you have two :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:


5 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


Well, how much money did you get when you sold your soul? Surely that'd at least cover SP tickets.


I was horrified when I checked the price of plane tickets, I don't think I'll survive the price of the comp tickets.

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9 分ぐらい, Hydrobladeさんが言いました:

LOOOOL. I don't have the heart to guilt trip him. And i think that he wants money only for headphones so that might work.


Lol. I'm sure he'll want to look into investing. Especially since he's a numbers sort of guy. Seems to enjoy crunching them a lot. There are property investments and business ventures he could look into that would occupy some of the space in that big brain of his. There's also charity and he'd also be looking to fully provide for the family he seems keen on starting. 


And nah, rather than guilty, the guy would just turn on us and enjoy the effect he has on his audience. And he may agree to do it since, well, a cult figurehead has to appease his followers. >_<

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1 hour ago, Xen said:

That's the impression I get too. First place in his heart is the Japanese fan crowd, and I'm somewhat resigned that ACI 2017 might be the first, last and only time I'll see him live. 

This is why I really want to go to Milan 2018! I'm banking on the chance of him going to worlds because I really want to watch Yuzu skate live at least once!  I wish I became a fan earlier...


59 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

Yeah Japan is historically rather xenophobic. It's admirable that Yuzu acknowledges his foreign fans and does so quite often; it shows he does care, but the language barrier probably makes it hard for him to truly understand them. 

Yea, which is why I'm so glad that Yuzu finally opened up to Brian, Tracy and the rest of his team even though it took him a while. I believe that there is some implicit bias that makes it impossible for Yuzu to live permanently in a foreign country. =(


56 minutes ago, meoima said:

I think Yuzuru will tour Europe. I think money is not the case if he wants to. And he did say he would want to travel a lot and skate in many tours. He does not like staying in one place. I remember that interview vividly. We will see him around the world. I do believe so.

He can also go visit Plushenko at his academy. =P  


31 minutes ago, Xen said:

*polishes her project management resume* How much of a leap is it? 

@Hydroblade: I wonder how hard it is to take up Japanese? It's actually memorizing the Hiragana and Katakana that gets me in the end (I'm aware this is odd since I'm a chinese speaker), the rest I find doable since I learned tad bit of Korean and grammatically I didn't find it too hard. 

I think being a Chinese speaker helps a lot! Although my Japanese is still not great, knowing Chinese helps a great deal because its closer than English to Japanese.

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3 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


Lol. I'm sure he'll want to look into investing. Especially since he's a numbers sort of guy. Seems to enjoy crunching them a lot. There are property investments and business ventures he could look into that would occupy some of the space in that big brain of his. There's also charity and he'd also be looking to fully provide for the family he seems keen on starting. 


And nah, rather than guilty, the guy would just turn on us and enjoy the effect he has on his audience. And he may agree to do it since, well, a cult figurehead has to appease his followers. >_<

Oh he has said he keen on starting a family? Yuzu with babies? Kids?  :10636614:

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5 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:

And nah, rather than guilty, the guy would just turn on us and enjoy the effect he has on his audience. And he may agree to do it since, well, a cult figurehead has to appease his followers. >_<

B-but, wouldn't that put unnecessary pressure on him? "Do it for your foreign fans"? Wouldn't he feel like he has to give his absolute best for all the people who traveled from far away places to see him? Idk, i know this guy will always be intense on his skating but a part of me wants him to relax a bit after retiring... And he has already given us so much...

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I vaguely remember a tweet where Stephane Lambiel said he'd want to invite Yuzu to his ice shows, so I'm sure he'd accept that invitation.


In fact, if any retired skaters who have ever worked or helped him in some way asked him to be in their shows I'm sure he'd accept since he wants to repay their kindness.

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4 minutes ago, kiches said:

I vaguely remember a tweet where Stephane Lambiel said he'd want to invite Yuzu to his ice shows, so I'm sure he'd accept that invitation.


In fact, if any retired skaters who have ever worked or helped him in some way asked him to be in their shows I'm sure he'd accept since he wants to repay their kindness.

In that case, doesn't Plushenko hold a bunch of Ice shows in Russia? I think he'd take up ice shows in Russia well, since he has trained and had choreography done in Russia. I imagine if "gratitude" comes into play, he might even take up less profitable ice show invites from Canada, since maybe he feels a bit of indebtedness to Toronto. I could also see something for Spain if Javi comes into play, since I think he's sympathetic to the goals of Javi in promoting skating in Spain. Then there's the training camps and seminars that might be held at TCC or the annual ones that Javi hosts. So it's unlikely he'd fade off the planet. 

13 minutes ago, Sammie said:

Oh he has said he keen on starting a family? Yuzu with babies? Kids?  :10636614:

It was some show with Nobu and Shoma, and Yuzu said something about marrying at around the age of 25-26? But after watching him hold an iron wrong in a commercial, and our fears for him failing to boil water properly-can you imagine him trying to change diapers?


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2 minutes ago, Xen said:

It was some show with Nobu and Shoma, and Yuzu said something about marrying at around the age of 25-26? But after watching him hold an iron wrong in a commercial, and our fears for him failing to boil water properly-can you imagine him trying to change diapers?


I don't iron my clothes cus I left burn mark on the carpet, only change diaper once and did it wrong. ... almost burned my friend house down trying to boil water.  :slinkaway:



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17 minutes ago, Xen said:

It was some show with Nobu and Shoma, and Yuzu said something about marrying at around the age of 25-26? But after watching him hold an iron wrong in a commercial, and our fears for him failing to boil water properly-can you imagine him trying to change diapers?


I am sure after the fiasco in which Japanese tabloid and media spread the false rumors about his "fiancee", his view about marriage already changes a bit, at least about time.

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44 分ぐらい, Hydrobladeさんが言いました:

B-but, wouldn't that put unnecessary pressure on him? "Do it for your foreign fans"? Wouldn't he feel like he has to give his absolute best for all the people who traveled from far away places to see him? Idk, i know this guy will always be intense on his skating but a part of me wants him to relax a bit after retiring... And he has already given us so much...


Oh man, you're so sweet. Thing is, the guy has everything to gain from it. And the showman in him lives to please anyway. I genuinely think he finds happiness in making others happy. And this isn't going to be like competitions. People are there to be entertained and see him have fun, not win (though chances are high he'll probably make a competition out of *something* somewhere in the show). And when he has fun, he puts on the most amazing shows. He usually enjoys himself like a gregarious puppy at shows.


Plus, let's not forget the guy thrives on attention when he's on the ice. He craves for it. Where's he gonna get his fix of it from internationally like he did at competitions other than foreign ice shows? Which btw pays big bucks. And he has something a lot of other established Japanese skaters would kill to have: a huge loyal international following. His probably eclipses Takahashi's, whom Ive noticed has a considerable one as well.


These things often happen over the summer anyway so when he's married with kids, he can take the entire Hanyu bunch with him like a sort of vacation. This guy has it made. It's not very likely a big piece of skin off his nose to show up in some of them. And being the sensible fellow he is (when it doesn't come to training and jumping anyway), I'm sure he knows it, too.

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18 minutes ago, Xen said:

In that case, doesn't Plushenko hold a bunch of Ice shows in Russia? I think he'd take up ice shows in Russia well, since he has trained and had choreography done in Russia. I imagine if "gratitude" comes into play, he might even take up less profitable ice show invites from Canada, since maybe he feels a bit of indebtedness to Toronto. I could also see something for Spain if Javi comes into play, since I think he's sympathetic to the goals of Javi in promoting skating in Spain. Then there's the training camps and seminars that might be held at TCC or the annual ones that Javi hosts. So it's unlikely he'd fade off the planet. 

It was some show with Nobu and Shoma, and Yuzu said something about marrying at around the age of 25-26? But after watching him hold an iron wrong in a commercial, and our fears for him failing to boil water properly-can you imagine him trying to change diapers?



I just can't imagine Yuzu married in 3-4 years time. He's so adorable that I can't imagine him as the head of a household, let alone a dad. XD  

It's weird, cos I'm only slightly older than Yuzu, so while I view him as a young man some times, at other times he's just a cute little boy whom you want to pamper. 


Other than his mum, I'm not sure if anyone else can take care of Yuzu, especially when he seems so hopeless in that aspect himself. Yumi-san is so great I don't know if anyone close to Yuzu's age can ever reach her standards. Since it's Japan, I wouldn't be too surprised if Yuzu will still live with his parents after marriage. 


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5 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


Oh man, you're so sweet. Thing is, the guy has everything to gain from it. And the showman in him lives to please anyway. I genuinely think he finds happiness in making others happy. And this isn't going to be like competitions, people are there to see him have fun, not win (though chances are high he'll probably make a competition out of *something* somewhere in the show). And when he has fun, he puts on the most amazing shows. He usually enjoys himself like a gregarious puppy at shows.


Plus, let's not forget the guy thrives on attention when he's on the ice. He craves for it. Where's he gonna get his fix of it from internationally like he did at competitions other than foreign ice shows? Which btw pays big bucks. And he has something a lot of other established Japanese skaters would kill to have: a huge loyal international following. His probably eclipses Takahashi's, whom Ive noticed has a considerable one as well.


These things often happen over the summer anyway so when he's married with kids, he can take the entire Hanyu bunch with him like a sort of vacation. This guy has it made. It's not very likely a big piece of skin off his nose to show up in some  them. And being the sensible fellow he is (when it doesn't come to training and jumping anyway), I'm sure he knows it, too.

Lol i was talking about the guilt tripping.  Convincing him to do ice shows won't be an issue, as it allows him to experiment with stuff he can't do at competitions.

I know he loves attention, that won't be a problem. The problem would be convincing him to do it for the foreign fans. There are so many japanese dying to see him, why would he think of us when he has an entire country to please.

I might have an inferiority complex compared to the japanese fans, but i know we're not as important

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