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17 minutes ago, BeningLin said:

:oops: SORRY I WILL BE A LITTLE BIT :offtopic:


Watching Kenji no Heya and there is this line that intrigue me...


"I never thing 'if' I'm going to win the Olympic. I think, I will definitely win it!"


And suddenly have a prompt of fanfic like this:


Imagine young Yuzuru just came back from his All-Japan Novice competition. As he approached the rink the next day he realized that he is alone in the building. The only voice came from the rink. There was someone there practicing (or he think someone is practicing alone). So he quietly went to the rink. Afraid it may be a top-notch skater that practicing and he interrupted them.


When he went to the board he saw a young man in his 20s practicing Quads and Axels. It was so beautiful, young Yuzuru felt goosebumps. He immediately vow, "I will land Quads and Axels as beautiful as that person." But young Yuzuru didn't know who he is. He accidentally tripped on a wire and pushed a wheeled rack. Obviously made a loud noise. The man stopped his training and skated back to the board.


"Are you okay?" the man asked. The young man equipped his blade guardand helped him to stand up. Yuzuru looked up at him, felt familiar, but he didn't know who he is. The man then said, "What is your name? Are you training here as well?" Yuzuru could only nod and the man smiled so brightly.


'Ahh... so beautiful...' he thought.


The man asked again, "What is your name?" And now young Yuzuru answered. "Yuzu.. Yuzuru..." he said. The man expression unreadable but his smile became soft. "Yuzuru, do you love skating?" he asked. Yuzuru nodded his head quiet vigorously. The man then squatted so their height was the same. "You know... Skating may not be easy... You will find so many hardships and challenge. But that doesn't mean you should quit. In fact, you should use those hardship as a motivation to aim higher. No matter what happen, never give up. Okay?" said the man. Young Yuzuru could only nod and listened. The man ruffled his hair and unexpectedly, he wasn't bothered with that. The man gave him the brightest smile. The man then stood up and walk away. Yuzuru felt panic arise in his chest. He felt like need to ssay something, but he was confused.


"Anoo... I want to win the olympic! Can I win the olympic even though I have asthma?!" he half-shouted. The man stopped and turn. "You will! Not just the Olympic but other championship as well!" the man answered also half-shouting.


When the young man disappear behind the door, his coach, Tsuzuki-sensei came immediately. "What are you doing here so early?" he asked. "There was this an practicing Quads and Axels and they are so beautiful. But I didn't know who he is." Young Yuzuru answered. The coach made a weird face but didn't answer. They then started the practice.




Now imagine Yuzuru has forgotten about this encounter for a long time but before his free skate at Helsinki dream about that. And finally he realized that the man he encountered is himself from the future....

Aww beautiful yuzus!! :tumblr_inline_nhkf04zUM41qid2nw:

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26 minutes ago, Smultron said:


How do you guys do this??? :rofl:

My mom said she liked the swan but she was so calm about it :8122879: I feel sort of betrayed because she started it all - we used to watch fs together when I was a kid and now that I'm so full of emotions I'm left alone in this :10640793: Uhhhhh 

But! We are making progress here - yesterday she asked me if single tickets for Worlds had gone on sale, yaaay :animated-smileys-hands-fingers-01: 

I always talk about yuzu infront of my mum and showed her many yuzu related stuff. Then one day she said "stop trying, I will never like him!!!" T.T

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10 minutes ago, Pamigena said:


people always try to tell me that is has something to do with physics, but I call BS on that and say they're just magic


Yuzu broke physics with his delayed axel already so anything goes now. 

3 minutes ago, yuzuuu said:

I always talk about yuzu infront of my mum and showed her many yuzu related stuff. Then one day she said "stop trying, I will never like him!!!" T.T


-_- Emancipate yourself, dear child. 

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Just now, Danibellerika said:

I've turned my mom onto Yuzu's skating.  She's watched his worlds performance multiple times.  I've never commented on his looks but she thinks he's cute too,  :laughing: .


Oh, ditto. The first thing I said when I saw him was "Wow, this is amazing! This is the greatest thing I've ever seen!I had no idea figure skating could be like this!" She said "He's very handsome." I said "Nah, I don't think so."

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1 hour ago, xeyra said:


Save me from Yuzu's fashion disasters. What is this shirt you're wearing? :drama: Sit yourself straight, young man.

I wish he would dress better BUT we need to remember he's an athlete not a model,,,a very beautiful athlete but still an athlete,,,that will always be his priority....:notamused:


He often looks very beautiful but that's just chance I think! we should at least be grateful for UA! ,, 

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6 minutes ago, PPOS said:

I wish he would dress better BUT we need to remember he's an athlete not a model,,,a very beautiful athlete but still an athlete,,,that will always be his priority....:notamused:


He often looks very beautiful but that's just chance I think! we should at least be grateful for UA! ,, 

No reason you can't be both! (see: Adam Rippon and Johnny. Also Boyang) But I'd say elite athletes who also have a sense of fashion or interest in it are still in the minority, especially the men and Yuzu has bloody tunnel vision up to eleven about his skating so my hopes for him to suddenly discover a fashionable side is zero. Our boy generally just looks extremely good by accident and sheer dumb genetic luck (thanks Mama/Papa Hanyu) :xD:

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1 minute ago, kaerb said:

No reason you can't be both! (see: Adam Rippon and Johnny. Also Boyang) But I'd say elite athletes who also have a sense of fashion or interest in it are still in the minority and Yuzu has bloody tunnel vision up to eleven about his skating so my hopes for him to suddenly discover a fashionable side is zero. Our boy generally just looks extremely good by accident and sheer dumb genetic luck (thanks Mama/Papa Hanyu) :xD:

I'm sure our boy just see's clothes as something to train in, be comfortable in, or cover himself in!,,  aside from his costumes of course which are glorious! ,,, :notamused:


I don't want him to be anyone but himself! 


P.s has boyang got good fashion sense?..

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