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General Yuzuru Chat

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Fanyu Max strikes again. He calls Gift "the biggest event in the long history of figure skating". How right he is. Never before has figure skating been shown in front of such a huge live audience in such a huge venue, and to such a huge Japanese and international audience in cinemas and a live stream. :cheer:


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Phew, finally finished catching up!
Happy GIFT day, everyone! 
May the show be successful and fruitful and Yuzu be healthy and be able to feel all the support to realize this show:smiley-angelic001:
To everyone who will watch the show at Tokyo Dome and cinemas, I hope you will enjoy the experience to the full!!!:tumblr_inline_mto5i4jHv61qid2nw:
To everyone watching the show via live stream, let's enjoy the journey together! May our live streams and internet connection hold until the end!!!:fingerscrossed:

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