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9 minutes ago, Neenah said:


Can I have more details about last season's photobook please.. I want to know what to expect and if I should start saving  


The last one is this one. It's 96 pages according to amazon and, well, it's a Yuzu season photobook, so the whole thing is just Yuzu pictures :biggrin: (and in the back are the protocols of the competitions of that season). The pictures are really good IMO and lots of them are full page size.

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3 hours ago, GreatLakesGal said:


It's an unfortunate trend and one that does nothing to help a dying sport.

Quoted for truth.

I came into figure skating fandom very, very slowly. I just sort of gradually started watching more and more, and not because of a single specific skater. But the programs themselves: the skating, the costumes, the music (the jumps not all that much, and lately I could care less).


But this sport... I dunno. First the ISU wants to make them shorter (after the Olys season, right?). That is not a good thing to me.


And There is So Much Music in this world. Repeating programs just comes across as lazy to me. Doing a program three times? Sorry Yuzu, but that doesn't earn you any brownie points from me. Unless maybe you pull out some blindingly-awesome new costume...

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4 hours ago, xeyra said:


:consoling2: Unimaginativeness is only this high during Olympics. I'm sure good music choices will appear once people aren't shitting themselves about that one 'every-4-years' competition.


FS music has always been 75% warhorses, 15% of the same music (e.g muse), and 10% uniqueness.  :drinks:

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50 minutes ago, Pamigena said:


The last one is this one. It's 96 pages according to amazon and, well, it's a Yuzu season photobook, so the whole thing is just Yuzu pictures :biggrin: (and in the back are the protocols of the competitions of that season). The pictures are really good IMO and lots of them are full page size.

Do you know if I can use my US account on Amazon Japan? Bc I have 0 Japanese skill so Amazon Japan is like an impossible task for me

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14 hours ago, PomeloPooh said:

 I'm rather surprised at people's confused & a bit gloomy reaction to Chopin 3.0, because right after my brief phase of pure surprise, I was happy about the program choice. So was 90% fans in my other Yuzu news source, weibo, who pretty much rejoiced in the return of Prince Chopin.


Yes, it's interesting that the fans’ reactions from Weibo and here are quite polar opposites. :band-smiley-face:


As Yuzu has a lot of fans in China, it is worth pointing out. For Weibo, the Yuzu-related threads have over 110 thousand registered fans.

It's interesting that it may even provoke (severe) criticism if a slight negativism is expressed there.


Personally, I'm very open-minded about that. I respect fans with different ways of expressing their concern as his fans are from different countries with completely different culture and background.


Though I'm very open-minded about the above issue, Yuzu is the only figure skater and athlete I root for and support wholeheartedly.:heartpound::heart:

 I can LIKE other athletes, but I can’t LOVE others.





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12 minutes ago, b138oo said:

Do you know if I can use my US account on Amazon Japan? Bc I have 0 Japanese skill so Amazon Japan is like an impossible task for me


Amazon Japan has an English button somewhere. Once you find it it's very easy to waste all your money. :)


Edit: Click the button with the globe that says JP and select EN. It should be around under the orange search button.

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2 minutes ago, b138oo said:

Do you know if I can use my US account on Amazon Japan? Bc I have 0 Japanese skill so Amazon Japan is like an impossible task for me


you need to make an account with amazon japan, but at the bottom of the page there's a thingy to set the site to English, so zero Japanese skills is about as much as you need ;)

I think the more tricky part for some is payment, because I think you need a credit card (I'd recommend amazon because for me it's way faster and easier, but if it doesn't work for you, you can also try something like CDJapan

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39 minutes ago, Leanna A said:


Yes, it's interesting that the fans’ reactions from Weibo and here are quite polar opposites. :band-smiley-face:


As Yuzu has a lot of fans in China, it is worth pointing out. For Weibo, the Yuzu-related threads have over 110 thousand registered fans.

It's interesting that it may even provoke (severe) criticism if a slight negativism is expressed there.


Personally, I'm very open-minded about that. I respect fans with different ways of expressing their concern as his fans are from different countries with completely different culture and background.


Though I'm very open-minded about the above issue, Yuzu is the only figure skater and athlete I root for and support wholeheartedly.:heartpound::heart:

 I can LIKE other athletes, but I can’t LOVE others.


With respect to the bolded part, from my observation it's not specifically toward minority opinions. When people disagree, 90% of the time they disagree fiercely, with no mincing words. (Scared me a little at first, honestly, the contrast against the usual sunshine and sweetness.)


The reason for the opposite reactions may be that most fans there start watching FS only because of Yuzu, thus they 1)don't have any established dislike for warhorses or repeating programs, and 2)look at anything first from a pure Yuzu perspective, presuming he makes the best decision and starting analysis from there. There's this sense of "having faith in him or not" involved. I won't say that's the best way of reasoning and opinion-forming in general:shakehead: but in this case I think it applies, since he and his team have more professional knowledge as well as information about current situation than we do, and should have played all the scenarios we have. 


Hope Yuzu will prove his insights and perspective right next season with his performances. Like he always does!:heart:

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56 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


Amazon Japan has an English button somewhere. Once you find it it's very easy to waste all your money. :)


Edit: Click the button with the globe that says JP and select EN. It should be around under the orange search button.

Thank you!!! :thankyou:

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1 hour ago, Pamigena said:


you need to make an account with amazon japan, but at the bottom of the page there's a thingy to set the site to English, so zero Japanese skills is about as much as you need ;)

I think the more tricky part for some is payment, because I think you need a credit card (I'd recommend amazon because for me it's way faster and easier, but if it doesn't work for you, you can also try something like CDJapan

Thankss!! CDJapan works for me since I used to buy a loooottttt of J-Pop albums and concerts dvds there :thankyou:

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4 時間前, Winnie_20 said:

And There is So Much Music in this world. Repeating programs just comes across as lazy to me. Doing a program three times? Sorry Yuzu, but that doesn't earn you any brownie points from me. Unless maybe you pull out some blindingly-awesome new costume...


Sorry but this is gonna get long. 


I'm sure that's just your disappointment speaking and not really you. Because I don't think anyone who has seen what he's done all these years, no matter how high the obstacles, and had grown to respect and admire him for what he's accomplished despite them, could ever label him as "lazy", and actually mean it, no matter what most might think of as seemingly dubious decisions he might make later on.


Because that kind of thing speaks of a person's core character and it's not something they can change. And Yuzuru Hanyu's proven time and time again that his core character is anything but lazy. I was born with a lazy and relaxed nature that I have to fight against all the time to get anything done at all (because I'm also cursed with a conscience) and  I can only wish I could be a fraction as hardworking and as disciplined as he is. I don't think he needs to, or can, even, prove anymore that this is the only way he can ever be.


So I'm sure after you've allowed yourself to get over this disappointment of potentially not being able to see a brand new program in the Olympic season (or having to see the same one a third time), you'll come around to the notion that if someone can make what most might consider as an overdone program into something else bigger and better entirely, and make everyone see things his way, that someone would be him. And you'll be glad for the fact that something within you saw him worth rooting for in the first place.


If this is indeed the route he chooses to take, this bigger and better thing, when it happens, I am sure we'll all end up watching over and over again no matter our doubts now, wondering why we ever thought what he delivered before, while amazing in and of itself,  was even close to being the best, when in hindsight, it's merely a work-in-progress.


And this won't be something we will ever be able to see, should he go down a different route.


If he decides to stick to this route, it means there's still bigger potential in it. And it'd be one that only Yuzuru Hanyu can bring to reality. Because bringing about end results that go beyond anybody's wildest dreams? Well, it's only something he's done a few times before. No biggie. Just another day of work for him that leaves the rest of the world struggling to pick up our jaws from the ground and him simply dusting off his hands, smile that wily smile of his (some might argue that it's sweet, and for all intents and purposes, it does appear to be as such but I know foxishness when I see it--no matter how subtle--which is also something I like about him) and move on to tackle the next big thing on his list.


I'd call it the curse of geniuses who can see further possibilities where others can only see limits but I genuinely think this guy basically lives to see the stupefied expressions on people's faces once he's proven them wrong, and gets his kicks and motivation from knowing that only he can put them there.


Because no matter how many times he's made people question his decisions in the past,  it's always been him at the end of the day who gets to say, "Toldja so."  No matter how many times these decisions inevitably lead people to question his character, he's the one whom no one can blame for saying, when all is said and done, "Good thing I had faith in myself even when no one else did" (but doesn't and would instead credit all the faith that led to his success to others--and genuinely thinks so, too).


It's a pattern I have no doubt he's very used to already but it's always nice to know that people have your back still. The lows can be soul-crushing, yes, but the highs at the end that make everything worth it? Those can only come after the lows. So stick around, okay? Because so long as the guy remains healthy, I'm sure he'll make it worth our while for it in the end.


P/s: Yes, please, a new variation of the costume would be very nice, if he's indeed doing this. Though it was also very nice seeing this one again. Wouldn't mind seeing the first iteration of it again, too.

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2 hours ago, Winnie_20 said:

Quoted for truth.

I came into figure skating fandom very, very slowly. I just sort of gradually started watching more and more, and not because of a single specific skater. But the programs themselves: the skating, the costumes, the music (the jumps not all that much, and lately I could care less).


But this sport... I dunno. First the ISU wants to make them shorter (after the Olys season, right?). That is not a good thing to me.


And There is So Much Music in this world. Repeating programs just comes across as lazy to me. Doing a program three times? Sorry Yuzu, but that doesn't earn you any brownie points from me. Unless maybe you pull out some blindingly-awesome new costume...

I assume Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and many other great composers in the past were lazy as well. Because they kept copying and pasting the musical theme and melodies from their previous works or even from other composers' works. And no one complains that these great name were lazy.


I assume that skating to a music he has been familiar to, thus he can deliver higher tech with better quality and consistency every time to the audience is lazy.

I assume all the great Olympic champions in the past who won with watered down programs and recycled themes were lazy too.


It's not just you who is a classical musician who happens to like ice skating, and of course someone has to know the history of western music too. There has been copy and paste for like thousands of years, there has been recycling for thousands of years too. The point isn't not repeating, the point is actually repeating it and perfecting it. 

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