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1 minute ago, robin said:

There's nothing much interesting said here, just the usual... The only thing that's interesting imo is that Brain called himself the bad cop and Tracy the good cop :rofl:


Witt asked Brian who is fave student is and Brian was diplomatic and said that he likes them like parents like their children. He did hint that in hindsight, looking back, he does have faves but he needs to stay neutral LOL

Ah, thanks!



Well, Brian, it's kinda obvious who your fave was, and it's ok that we don't have that in common:P


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guys the shitty parade photos are well compiled in this weibo post: https://www.weibo.com/2549228714/Gdzd6fMlE?refer_flag=1001030106_&type=comment#_rnd1524574579490 

it's so funny XDDD they put it in different categories, there's like blurry ones, blocked by crazy fans in front ones, focusing on wrong things, blocked by plants etc XDD my favourites are the one that focused on the guy far far away in the commercial building but not yuzu XDD, and the one with semi bald head blocking XDDD in addition, there's other photos not of the parade 


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58 minutes ago, VyVy99 said:


 I think you are talking about a different taking off jacket, it's during an interview with Akiko here:


Whereas Sparkle was talking about this well known killer bite-zipp-strip:



Either way :10742290:

YES!! i knew of the one using the teeth, but couldn't find the LGC one thank you!!!!

that tone in his voice when he says "I changed it~" hahaha, what a troll

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4 hours ago, cinemacoconut said:


May I ask is it official and where is the source for maximum of 4 quads in one program?

My understanding of the new rules (which have yet to be officially promulgated) is that there are only 4 jumping passes allowed which means just 4 quads unless, as I noted, someone does a quad/quad combination.  Add in the shortening of the FS program to just 4 minutes and for most skaters that means there will be only 4 quads at the very maximum with 3 quads the practical maximum since most skaters have to have time to prepare to jump.  Yuzu's setup time is disguised by the various steps he's doing but for other skaters time is precious and if they want to fit in the spin sequences, step sequence and choreographic sequence they will likely sacrifice a quad in order to fulfill the non-jumping requirements.  The new rules seem tailor-made to Yuzu's program style but I think jumping machines like Nathan Chen are going to be strongly challenged.  Boyang used to be a jumping machine (remember Kurt Browning's calling him 'Boyng-Boyng) but he's been working on his PCS elements and his possible move to work with Brian is evidence that he's really becoming serious about 'complete' skating.  In any case if the new rules do limit a program to 4 jumping passes the era of five and six quads in the FS is over.

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2 minutes ago, micaelis said:

My understanding of the new rules (which have yet to be officially promulgated) is that there are only 4 jumping passes allowed which means just 4 quads unless, as I noted, someone does a quad/quad combination.  Add in the shortening of the FS program to just 4 minutes and for most skaters that means there will be only 4 quads at the very maximum with 3 quads the practical maximum since most skaters have to have time to prepare to jump.  Yuzu's setup time is disguised by the various steps he's doing but for other skaters time is precious and if they want to fit in the spin sequences, step sequence and choreographic sequence they will likely sacrifice a quad in order to fulfill the non-jumping requirements.  The new rules seem tailor-made to Yuzu's program style but I think jumping machines like Nathan Chen are going to be strongly challenged.  Boyang used to be a jumping machine (remember Kurt Browning's calling him 'Boyng-Boyng) but he's been working on his PCS elements and his possible move to work with Brian is evidence that he's really becoming serious about 'complete' skating.  In any case if the new rules do limit a program to 4 jumping passes the era of five and six quads in the FS is over.

Wait what? Where is the link?

I thought the rules were that we had 7 jumping passes in the reduced 4 minutes program with -/+5 GOE range?

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To be honest, I wouldn't be upset if one of the youngsters somehow manages to surpass Yuzu by mastering both quads and skating skills/transitions etc. I would, however, be bitter af if someone goes ahead of Yuzu by doing as many quads as possible (maybe some even half botched) and zero (0) attention to anything else, winning by points only and not because he is truly the best skater. :waffle:

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16 минут назад, micaelis сказал:

My understanding of the new rules (which have yet to be officially promulgated) is that there are only 4 jumping passes allowed which means just 4 quads unless, as I noted, someone does a quad/quad combination.  Add in the shortening of the FS program to just 4 minutes and for most skaters that means there will be only 4 quads at the very maximum with 3 quads the practical maximum since most skaters have to have time to prepare to jump.  Yuzu's setup time is disguised by the various steps he's doing but for other skaters time is precious and if they want to fit in the spin sequences, step sequence and choreographic sequence they will likely sacrifice a quad in order to fulfill the non-jumping requirements.  The new rules seem tailor-made to Yuzu's program style but I think jumping machines like Nathan Chen are going to be strongly challenged.  Boyang used to be a jumping machine (remember Kurt Browning's calling him 'Boyng-Boyng) but he's been working on his PCS elements and his possible move to work with Brian is evidence that he's really becoming serious about 'complete' skating.  In any case if the new rules do limit a program to 4 jumping passes the era of five and six quads in the FS is over.

Are you sure? I read everywhere abt -1 jump i. e. 8-1=7, +-5 GOE and 4 min free. Also mb minus 10% bonus in second half and a decrease of jumps BV.

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