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7 minutes ago, Mineeal said:

Can someone that bought the SENDAI Parade tshirt help me? I found the site i put the tshirt in the Cart, but now dont know how to pay....:1:


do i need to register? Or not? Or how do i do it??? 


Can you post the link for me? You won't have to register but I can't remember how to do it.

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4 hours ago, Toni said:

Yes, it's quite difficult, but "lazy rhythm" doesn't mean "lazy" in this case, it means that he's in complete control, basically weaving to the rhythm. It looks very relaxed and easy. Yes, he can do a 3a from a standstill, but it's not nearly as spectacular as when he sets it up this way. He gets all his power and best positioning from his crazy set-up. I notice he uses rhythm to center himself too. I bet that's how he meditates. 



I was dying a little inside reading this, so just to let you know....


Backcounter 3A is not "quite difficult", it is the most difficult entry you can do into a 3A. Yuzu is the only one currently who does it. At all. 


And doing a 3A from a standstill not being "nearly as spectacular" had me :facepalm: because in my humble opinion, it is one of the most spectacular things ever. In some ways more spectacular that his regular already perfect 3A. Because like... who does that??? 


I'm sorry... I promise I'm not trying to be condescending or mean... I'm still learning myself! But I just couldn't help bringing these points up because Yuzu really is that amazing :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:



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