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  On 11/11/2017 at 2:24 PM, PapiandPooh421 said:

Let's try one saint at a time and seek assistance from them for Yuzu

°Patron Saint of Chest and Lung problems (for his asthma) - Saint Bernardino of Siena

°Patron Saint of Knee pains - Saint Gangulphus

°Patron Saint against Fever - Saint Gertrude of Nivelles, Saint Hugh of Cluny

°Patron Saint for Patholigies of the Feet - Saint Servatius

°Patron Saint invoking Stress - Saint Walter of Pontois

°Patron Saint of Pain, Suffering and Healing - Saint Pio of Pietrelcina

°Patron Saint of people with heartache - St. John

°Patron Saint of Athletes - Saint Sebastian

°Patron Saint of Ice Skaters - Saint Lidwina

°Patron Saint of Asia (you all know why) - Saint Francis Xavier

Had searched for these saints and been calling them constantly for Yuzu.


Patron of things Forgotten/Lost- for the sake of his gloves! :biggrin: 

Oh and my favorite Saint just because (and just because I think she and Yuzuru get on like a house on fire)- Saint Rita of all things Impossible.

  On 11/11/2017 at 2:45 PM, WinForPooh said:

You're practically asking for him to be riddled by the Sphinx or something because that would be the one thing we'd miss in all our calculations.


ETA: You read Pratchett, you remember that part towards the end of Lords and Ladies Carpe Jugulum (ugh my head, it's gone) where they're screaming at Daddy Vampire because he trained them on so many religious symbols that things that would normally have had no significance to them are now things that can hurt them? That's what this would turn into, this search to counter all specific scenarios.


WE would miss it in our calculation, but it will be ALL in our Overlord calculations...according to keikaku! Of course I'm joking, and trying to busy ourselves to not let anybody lapse back into panicked/crying/depressed messes, otherwise it will get in the way to our preparations to support Yuzu and his big comeback.

I need to reread Witches stories tbh. 

  On 11/11/2017 at 4:59 PM, Sammie said:

Usually I’m good at telling what era that person is in but Yuzu boggles me. He has the same hair cut and he wears the same clothes!! His face barely change at all.... but I’m seeing pecs here .. could be this year... that when his chest start getting bigger. :tumblr_inline_mqt4gvxBXC1qz4rgp:


He had pecs even in 2011, just not so pronounced, if I may bring up to your memory the great skating dance off and Yuzuru's reaction vid...or maybe better not to...

Though I must admit that he's like Daniel Radcliffe trolling the Papparazzi with his clothes at the new movie premieres...only Yuzu does the same his whole life:darklordyuzu:



I was out on the walk today, and through my headphones a certain music started playing. I returned to the planet to see if I linked the vid this song came from and discovered with shock that I didn't and am like...how:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

Anyway, title is self explanatory and, while it's hard to watch it at moments, it's a good reminder of who and what Yuzuru 
Hanyu and his career actually are:

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Today I think I am much more positive :tumblr_inline_mto5i4jHv61qid2nw:
Of course, I am still worried and sad, but I had a little chuckle about Yuzu - King of Comebacks - gearing up for the most epic comeback of them all :war:

I truly hope he can feel all the love and support from his fans coming his way and he’ll know we believe in him :10742289:

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It's 3:30 am in japan. I hope he is sound asleep now. I hope he eats well, rests well...no crying himself to sleep...no bad dreams...he is such a sweet child I still don't understand why this happened to him. But things will reveal in time, and when that happens, I believe we would know it's for the best, his best. 

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The last couple of days were pretty terrible and it felt like I'd experienced the lowest low of my life, but I think I would've felt a thousand times worse, if it weren't for this planet. I haven't posted in the last few days, but I was here, refreshing the page every other minute in my panic and seeing other people panic as well. It was awful but there was a sense of solidarity all the same. I can't tell you how many posts here helped to lift me after it was confirmed yuzu had withdrawn, but I just wanted to say thanks anyway, and I'm glad we're getting through it, and that we are starting to recover and see the silver linings, and I'm praying that yuzu is surrounded by the same solidarity as I've gotten here. <3

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