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  • Interests
    Crying over skaters
    Getting excited about code-switching
    Drinking soy milk
    Taking pictures
    Getting nostalgic
    Hiding from social situations

  • Occupation
    Swedish language enthusiast

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Poohpalooza (17/67)

  1. Well... That did not go too well But I guess at least the anti-jinxing technic worked and Yuzu got his gold, yay yay yay guess we all jinxed Kaori
  2. That spreadsheet is perfect for identifying the most superstitious satellites
  3. I may or may not have skipped Yuzu entirely following my anti-jinxing technic (why did I have to predict Zhenya for gold last week )
  4. *posts blind predictions for pairs and ice dance (more or less)* * checks season bests*
  5. Uhuhu, rip my predictions, but I'm pretty happy with the actual results
  6. I swore I would not do it this season because NHK traumatized me last year, yet here I am haha I decided to apply the yolo-random picking technic this time But I bet skating gods will find a way to make the Random part even wilder
  7. And those black mesh gloves I'm
  8. Aww, I'm glad some of you enjoyed Ohhh, yes, it was so good! But then I can't believe it took me so long to warm up to the blue one? It is gorgeous as well? Where were my eyes?
  9. This thread is bad for my health
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