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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. Yuzu will want to land 4A in competition, should be ISU comp for ratification of landed 4A He may also wish to see what the new scoring system will mean for 'Yuzuru Hanyu' skating If Yuzu wants to compete, it's his decision. I hope that Yuzu skates the way he wants and on his terms. He can finish whenever he chooses. Yuzu may turn up to whichever competition he wants to compete in first in the upcoming season and skate a programme that please him. Even if beautiful elements will not contribute to scores, Yuzu will skate in the gorgeous way that he knows best and everyone watching will be mesmerised. If nobody else skates in that way, perhaps Yuzu's skating will be even more noticeable I hope that we won't see systematic humiliation with under valued scoring. The medals tally, the sports and civilian awards, tributes from other skaters, fans and celebrities/ artists in different fields, all serve to remind the skating world that Yuzuru Hanyu is 'the once and future king'
  2. The non gourmet lounge!!! It might be convenient way to get a snack lunch though Most important is the view and the throwing distance for Pooh rain Yuzu to Pooh is approximately my throwing distance
  3. Just want to see Yuzu skate live. Sorry to say, I will probably buy VIP ticket for events In the past, I have not been able to go abroad to see Yuzu skate, family, work etc ( and slight apprehension of travelling solo ). No events of this calibre in UK Clearly it's my decision alone, but I am willing to pay and hopefully see everything up close. Sad to say, but having watched ISU congress in entirety, I have little hope that figure skating in the form that Planetary satellites enjoy, will survive unscathed. There was no mention of any new format, for example regarding a proposed split between jump laden 'athletic' vs 'artistic' event in singles. Projecting my own feelings, but it seems that rather than introduce objective scoring systems and scrutinise judging to ensure adherence to scoring guide, ISU has made some dubious decisions, prioritising high BV jump programmes with little reward for PCS. Imho programmes will be empty run ups to jumps. After this season, very few competitors will bother with the aesthetics as people sacrifice non scoring elements in order to gain jump landing consistency. How this might affect Yuzu's decision as to his continued involvement is competitive skating remains to be seen. I don't want to squander this chance Many apologies for whinging Many thanks for the ticket info
  4. For me this performance was the pinnacle of Olympic ideals. To challenge and give one's very best
  5. There may be some online eLearning. At the conference there were a number of references to the online resources. One of the proposals which was accepted - eLearning for revalidation set to 24 months for revalidation for judges, tech specialists, tech controllers and some other officials So it is always possible that this may be a mandatory training sort of thing, new system - learning certification. It is ISU so who knows?
  6. I have a horrible suspicion that training will be minimal to non existent. Possibly because this proposal was brought from the previous congress. There may have been learning material associated with the scoring system, but this was not discussed explicitly at the congress. Although there were several mentions of online eLearning during the conference. One of the proposals was specifically about the time interval between learning courses, which are undertaken for revalidation of various event officials: judges, tech panel etc GB delegate Margaret Worsfold queried about whether any specific additional training would be required for judges prior to instituting the 3 PCS scoring. Fabio Bianchetti, Tech Committee - Singles and Pairs, said that new system would be easier for judges to evaluate PCS so training not necessary. He said all of the necessary research and groundwork to formulate the 3 PCS categories had been done for the proposal and elements for judging was self explanatory. Scoring range from Outstanding down to Poor, with numerical score assigned for this for the items in the PCS. The factor for multiplying the PCS research had also been done for the purpose of introducing the 3 PCS
  7. When the vote for the reduction of PCS took place. There was an enormous amount of confusion because this particular proposal was part of a block of proposals which seemed to have been discussed at ISU congress 2020. The 2020 congress was on line and it had been agreed that really important proposals would be worked on to be approved ( or not ) at the in person 2022 congress. The final discussion for the PCS item was to agree to keep it in the block of proposals for the vote or raise objection and remove this proposal from the block. Once it was accepted as part of the proposal block, there was a further vote to accept or reject the block. Vote Passed with majority. I think that this block of proposals is due to start in the upcoming season. Bearing in mind that these proposals had been discussed in principle at the 2020 congress If no season stipulated, then the next season is the start date. Having watched the entire congress there were instances where it seemed as if the topics had just appeared. I then realised that the council and delegates had the benefit of a printed agenda to refer to. They are party to info via the printed agenda and reading materials about the discussion items, which the council has produced and the delegates are supposed to read and make comments for the live discussions. When the items were discussed it was often to confirm wording and then vote to finalise the proposal either as Passed or Rejected Please correct the start dates for the passed proposals. It is possible that I missed the information due to lapse in concentration
  8. What an athlete!!! Yuzu clearly channeling super strength from living on Planet Hanyu If Earth has g = 9.8m/s/s, what is the guesstimate for Planet Hanyu? Maybe gravity on Planet H = g x 1.3, so Yuzu as the only inhabitant, has increased strength to overcome g on the Planet, therefore, by comparison the lower g on Earth, allows His Imperial Majesty to perform massive triple rotation jumps from standing
  9. Appeal for IJS experts 58th ISU congress took place last week. Conference footage is available on Youtube and material pertaining to ISU council decisions has been posted on social media Summaries of each day - proposals, resolutions and important decisions have been posted on the ISU congress thread, in knick knack sections Hopefully the summaries will save people time and effort from sifting through the hours of conference footage. (I also recognise that some people do not want to give ISU more youtube views, for many understandable reasons) It would be really useful if satellites familiar with scoring systems would be kind enough to share their expertise about the new scoring systems etc and what the implications might be for our Ice Emperor Like many satellites, nobody wants to be overly optimistic nor pessimistic about how Yuzu might be scored under the new system. Mostly though, the majority of people would be really upset to see Yuzu having to cover his disappointment, when he is all too aware that his efforts have, once again, not been rewarded Please, any insights and discussion would be valuable and very much appreciated. Perhaps have the discussions on ISU thread because this chat should be for Yuzu and some satellites may not wish to involve themselves in scoring discussion A thousand thanks in advance
  10. At the end of the day, quad jumps have a high base value. Some skaters feel that it's better to rack up points using jumps. This can translate to spending time on jump practice and not spending time training on skating skills like complex steps and transitions, only jumps and other compulsory movements. In the past some skaters have not seen score deficits with programmes containing few or poorly executed skills and have disjointed programmes, jumps and few linking elements. When time is limited for training, poor quality judging / scoring disincentivises efforts to train skating skills Yuzu carefully crafts his programmes to combine the athletic elements with beautiful aesthetics. His performances really stand out for complexity and his investment in them. That is why fans adore Yuzu and his signature skating. What is strange, saddening and frustrating is that the judges don't reward the efforts put in by Yuzu People worry about any scoring system, because the PCS is based on the judges view point and potentially subject to bias. If the bias is negative, which has often been the case concerning Yuzu's performances, people are concerned that Yuzu will once again be underscored. He will see his efforts unrewarded once again.
  11. Yuzu has a wealth of knowledge regarding the mechanics of movement and his inquiring mind has most likely led him to research about the performing arts. For instance meeting with Mansai Nomura, in order to gain insight into the character Abe no Seimei. It can be clearly seen how Yuzu enriches each of his own performance, exploring and challenging. Truly the mark of a master artist.
  12. Regarding the congress: I completely forgot to include an important message from ISU Director General Fredi Schmidt Some of the congress members had returned positive COVID tests following day 2 routine testing and delegates and council were asked to make sure to perform tests before leaving. Bit of an Oops moment considering the Twitter footage of their party
  13. Hahaha, yes, most probably I'll use my time to find out the best way to get tickets for competitions. Any sage advice would be welcome. June 20th might be first hint about whether Yuzu is going to compete and which comps. I'm pleased to be able to contribute to the Planet I've not had time to join a fan group before so the Planet has been a huge resource, for which I'm grateful. After Beijing Games, I could not find any helpful info about Yuzu which wasn't full of worry ( understandably ) or filled with schadenfreude. I'd encountered the Planet as a guest in the past and had read a few pages, but lurking and reading Then I went to the very beginning from page 1 of General Yuzu thread, yes I actually went to the source ( A bit like Vicotrian explorers searching for the source of the Nile ) Definitely worthwhile exercise because It was like reading the history of everything, without risk of coming across unpleasant reading. Many satellites take a great deal of care to find things out, share the latest news, knowledge and their expert views and knowledge. This is my way showing thanks and hopefully of paying back the efforts of others. Hopefully the summaries will be of help for those who want to find out what went on at the congress and put some of the Twitter and other screen shots and posts into context, without having to sit through the recordings. In addition some people may not have the time nor will to sit through the congress and some people may not want to give ISU views on Youtube. For some people a transcript summary is easiest to digest and it will be in the thread for reference I'm used to attending conferences/ lecture series, in person and on line, taking notes and writing them up. Plus I've had decades of practice digesting journal articles, textbooks etc Happy times eh
  14. The judging panel split will be tested first. PCS reduction to 3 groupings is approved The factor multiplication applied to PCS will be introduced to account for the PCS reducing to 3
  15. Finally, ISU Congress is finished. Summaries of Days 1 to 5 all posted Please, If there are any misinterpretations/ misunderstandings, feel free to correct or update Lots of issues were discussed, rules amended and proposals made. What this means for the future of Figure Skating remains to be seen. Let the analysis begin.
  16. ISU Congress Day 5 - Plenary Session Items pertaining to Speed Skating alone have not been included Summary: D 21 Amendments to Regulations, Speed and Figure` PASSED Proposal 16 re: Trademarks. To Increase advertising space and size of adverts. ( This is really needed due to fiscal challenges especially related to Speed Skating ) Figure Skating - 31 ( Rule 121, para 3 )PASSED Acceptance of proposals which were accepted by Figure Branch - 38 = proposal 161 Qualifying Round for World Champ. PASSED Resolutions -154 : Set up Working Group to Examine Feasibility of Split Judging Panel. ACCEPTED + budget allocation 100000CHF Split panel of judges, one group allocated to Technical Elements and another group to focus on Programme Components. 5 judges each group. This would require testing at events - 163 (Rule 400) : Working Group to Examine Feasibility to Have Several Olympic Qualifying Events Instead of Existing Single Event. ACCEPTED Current constraints, quota of athletes who may qualify and timeline for qualification to Olympics is already set by IOC - 9K 2d 20 ? Election of Auditing Company to serve until next congress. BDO Swiss company currently. BDO elected for another term - 22 Ratification of Actions and Decisions since 2018. CONFIRMED Council, Director General, Directors and Technical Committees - 23 Election of ISU President Outcome: New President - Mr Jae Youl KIM ( Korea - background Speed Skater, involved with Pyeongchang Games ) 4 candidates, each gave 5 min presentation. Vote conducted as anonymous vote, supervised by external auditors - -D 24 Election Vice President Speed Skating Branch Only 1 candidate. Won by default - Mr Tron Espeli ?sp? -D 25 Election Vice President Figure Skating Branch Outcome: Mr Benoit LAVOIE ( Canada ) 3 candidates (A Lakernik unable to run due to age cap, which was reviewed and voted at this congress) -26 Confirmation of Vice President, Speed Skating -27 Election Council Members Speed Skating 5 new council members appointed - 28 Election Council Members Figure Skating 5 new council members Patricia St Peter, Tatsuro Matsumura, Susanna Rakhamo, Gyorgy Elek, Maria Teresa Samaranch - 29 Election of Athlete Representative Outcome: Eric Radford, won congress delegate vote. Rep has vote on council vote and has rights on council Athlete commission expressed preference for Eric Radford. Athlete Rep must be from different branch from ISU president, hence this cycle must be Figure Skater - 30 Election Chair of Disciplinary Committee Elected by default, only 1 candidate : Ms. Susan Petricovic ? sp ? - 31 Election of Members to Disciplinary Council 4 total, 2 from Speed, 2 from Figure - Election for Figure Skating Technical Committee 4 Disciplines: Ice Dance - Chair Shaun Restadt ?sp? members - Hilary Selby, David Molina, Ingrid Charlotte Wolter Synchro - Chair Phillipe Maitrot, members - Petra Tyrbo, Lois Long, Nina Bischoff Singles and Pairs - Chair Fabio Bianchetti, members - Leena Laaksonnen, Yukiko Okabe, Emilie Billow, Susan Lynch - 33 Status Report 2018 to 2022 No Comments - 34 Approval of 4 year plan Approved - 35 Election of Honorary Members to Council Honorary President - Jan Dijkema Honorary Vice President - Aleksander Lakernik Honorary Members - Marie Lundmark, Roland Maier, Volker Waldek, Beatrice Trister -36 ISU Congress 2024 to be held in Las Vegas - 37 Closing of Congress Budget D 19 Budget Expenditure 5,005416 CHF ( 2022 season ) plus 1,905000 CHF ( 2023 ) Property sale worth 1.3M CHF to be placed in emergency contingency fund Decision ACCEPTED Please note: Speed Skating Section not written up Speed Skating branch items are available to view on Youtube End of Congress See you in 2 years "Bye Bye"
  17. All round skater Hanyuconomy Hanyu - inspiration Hanyu - education
  18. @Sun_Rise Glad you are fine, clearly a soul made of bravery and strength. Brava Yuzu skating is always sublime. When Yuzu skates to slower musical pieces he flows with the music and his expression is beauty personified. It is no wonder that Yuzu's skating has inspired dance recitals and that musicians want to collaborate with him. I don't remember if the ice show tour with the intended live performance of Notte Stellata and Il Volo ever took place. That would have been magnificent. The Music with Wings concert was wonderful as well ( maybe I'll try to learn Rondo, I can't play the violin now, because post COVID has drastically affected my joints, including small joints of hands ) btw: would love to try to go to comp in Europe, if Yuzu participates
  19. You are welcome. I consider it a small mark of service to the planet. Raising the age limit is an important topic, not just because of the issues of quad jumps. There was discussion around athlete development which included pressures related to senior competition and the mental, emotional and psychological issues for a teenager. The was something mentioned about medical recommendations, so it is possible that there may be a presentation from the medical delegates. The Athlete group were most keen to see changes with regards to lower age limits. Last instalment of ISU congress tomorrow, not quite the blockbuster mini series we hoped for ( probably one star review )
  20. There are a number of problems in ISU, without transparency and fair treatment of all competitors. In the information and technology age everything can be seen and recorded and scrutinised. Nothing is hidden, viewers see everything and can make their own judgements and information is readily available for people to make their own judgements and conclusions. Organisations can be judged. Figure skating fans have become disenfranchised with the system. There has not been the popularity of any other skater on the same scale as Yuzu. There is something phenomenally special about him and if that quality was something that appeared on a regular basis, then there would have been skating stars who generated similar interest like his, but I have not encountered this is last 4 decades, nor heard of it for skaters before that. Yes there will one day be other skaters in the future, but whether they will have that ultra special spark, that cannot be predicted Let's await the gripping debates that are certain to arise from ISU Congress tomorrow. I rather think it's Last Chance Saloon for them.
  21. IIrc, on one occasion, during Yuzu's performance of Chopin Ballade, one of the comments made about Yuzu was that he seemed to be creating the music or that the music was emanating from him. Such was the power of his performance, Yuzu was able to connect utterly with the performance and spectators. Truly amazing. Son of Apollo for sure ( ref. Percy Jackson novels and the half blood demi gods )
  22. Summary of ISU congress Day 4 = figure skating branch posted on ISU thread ( in Knick Knacks ) Posts for day 1,2,3 summaries in separate posts, also in ISU thread
  23. As before, in case of any misunderstanding / misinterpreting of any of the agenda items, please highlight any items which require correction
  24. ISU Congress Day 4 - Figure Skating Branch Summary Please note some of the proposals were discussed in General Meeting Workshop and agreed, to be voted in this session. Please refer back to this post Proposals: - 3 ( Urgent ) Judges age limit to be amended. PASSED Age currently min 24 yo to 50 yo. Difficult for small feds for judges to pass exams and gain accreditation by age 50 - for first appointment. By increasing max age to 60 this will allow more judges to be available for international comps, from smaller feds. Important to promote diversity and fairness in judging panels - 174 Simplifying appointment process for ISU judges PASSED -184 Adding On line webinar learning programmes to facilitate re appointment/ revalidation process for officials. PASSED ( Technical Committees ) - 185 To allow online certification process PASSED ( Technical Committees ) - 187, 188 Parity in recognition of Technical Specialists. Get rid of term assistant PASSED - 189 International Events. PASSED Where there are not enough judges to use marks given by referee for competition score. Minimum number of judges is 5, for international comp. Referee marks should only be considered in exceptional circumstances, in order to ensure that requirement for minimum of 5 judges for ISU events. (less than 5 judges present, but 4 still present). - 190, 191 Lowering minimum age of officials and increasing max age. Difficult for smaller feds to recruit enough officials. PASSED - 196 Novice B, Referee and Technical report not to be mandatory. This will reduce workload for officials. Report only required if needed. PASSED - 197 ( relates to 11 from Gen Assembly) Separate Olympic Qualification Competition PASSED - 198 Improvements to Judging the Programme Components. PASSED PASSED PASSED Speaker Jeroen Prinz(?sp), Netherlands. This delegate had a number of proposals resolutions during conference with sound logic behind each one Currently judged as a cluster of components. Judges felt pressures placed on them and disempowered from expressing true opinion. Currently have averaged scores for components, and feedback for individual components not present. Give judges the ability to have genuine judging opinion and restore judging fairness. Remove 'corridor' of marking and remove fear of judging outside of corridor and risk of facing reprimand, when scores deviate from 'corridor'. Problem, even if judges give scores component by component, OAC gives back average score. (Official Assessment Committee ) (Delegate opinion-System can be changed, but application of any process is most important, no matter which system is being used. Personal opinion, carries same concern as that of this delegate, will changes be put into practice?) First step : have judging of 3 component groups, from current 5. Evaluate this new marking Step 2 : then have individually judged items NB: Corridor refers to mark range for scores. Marks outside this range are highlighted as having deviated from score ranges, which is already been set ( mean, median, mode score and what range is applied - this was not clear, neither was it clear when a deviation is highlighted, e.g above or below inter quartile range, 1 standard deviation, 2, 3 SD's ???) - Technical Rules - 500 block of General Tech Rules, applies all disciplines. PASSED ( 199- 207 ) - 201 - Singles and Pairs Technical Committee Technical Rule Change to amend Programme Component Score, applies to short/rhythm dance and free skate/dance Performance evaluation based on 3 programme components - Composition, Presentation, Skating Skills ( must have equal demonstration of criteria by all skaters in pairs, ice dance and synchro ) Composition: Intentional, developed and/or original arrangement of repertoire of all types of movements into meaningful whole. Points to consider: unity, connection of elements, ice coverage/ pattern, movements using space, choreography reflects music ( there is more detail ) Presentation: demonstrable engagement, commitment, involvement - understanding of movement and composition. Evaluation of expressiveness and projection, variety and contrast of energy/movements, musical sensitivity and timing, unison - oneness and awareness of space pertains to pairs, ice dance, synchro Skating Skills: ability to execute repertoire of steps, turns, movement with control of body and blade. Evaluation of variety of edges, turns, movements and body control, Balance and glide, flow, power and speed ( this replace 5 components ) The merit of this proposal was already discussed and agreed at General Assembly workshop meeting. Further debate at branch session. Objection raised by Finland Figure about lack of testing new judging system, spokesperson for JSF raised valid questions about definitions and removal of specific points, like transitions. Quality assurance is required, testing of new system - 158 Proposal for Factor adjustment for PCS Related to agreement regarding proposal 201 : PCS component change to 3 from 5. PCS scores will now require recalculation to reach an equivalent score (based on the 5 PCS component) PCS scores as equivalent as possible to TES SP. FS Men's 1.67. 3.33 Women's. 1.33. 2.67 Pairs. 1.33. 2.67 Ice Dance. 1.33. 2.00 Pattern dance 1.17 Scores rounded to 2 decimal places 208-249 PASSED en bloc. All were formalities, just agreeing on amended wording. No objections raised by delegates - 208-214 Singles and Pairs Singles - Choreographic sequences definition of movements which contribute to score. Steps and turns may be used to link elements, not counted towards choreo seq Pairs - Definition, as above and includes small lift as well - 215-221 Ice Dance Pertained to change of foot by at least one skater, when performing a Dance Spin - 226-249 Synchronised Skating Special Regulations Synchronised Skating - 222 Inclusion of new category into rule book. PASSED New category has been tested, development proposal for team categories for novice, junior for up to 12 - 16 skater teams, helps smaller feds in particular - 223 drafted to include some rules and remove some others. PASSED - 224 drafting matters, harmonises some rules. PASSED - 225 online courses for officials. PASSED Urgent Proposal 4 ( rule 910 ) PASSED To give more activities to officials. Only 2 ISU activities per year currently. 1 referee, 1 controller, 2 specialists per challenger event. Same officials at most events, reduces potential for development in this sector. Cost implications to have more officials per event - 163 ( rule 400 ) Review Entries to Winter Olympic Games. Proposal postponed from 2020, due to pandemic. Resolution Passed Resolution, to form working group for amendments to qualifications for Oly Principles - 1 Qualification comps to take place in the Olympic season, not before 2 All qualification comp to have same requirements ( sometimes Olys requirements are different to other ISU event requirements ) 3 Increased number of qualifying events to increase opportunity for skaters of member countries to qualify for Oly Serves to harmonise qualification events across ISU sports Can a working group be set up to evaluate feasibility and analyse qualification requirements Concern: Olys spots currently decided from World Championships, from preceding season. Member slots filled by each country's criteria Logistic implications for organising separate events and disregarding Worlds results - 192 Referee, to have assistant ref to help senior referee and would also be able to learn from senior colleague. REJECTED - 176 Improve/Augment numbers of Technical Controllers. Postponed - working group / feasibility study Specialist training programme required + experience Pending resolutions: Split TES and PCS panel, for discussion tomorrow at the Full Congress Meeting Due to poor quality and disorganised chairing, this session moved along at slower pace than some of the continental plates
  25. Regarding the congress summaries Please if anyone needs to correct something that I have misinterpreted go right ahead. It was quite difficult to maintain concentration all the time
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