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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. @Pammi @LiaRy More superb detective work about the sleeves and thank you for researching and educating us about the meaning. Really illuminating and helpful Maybe hints were missed, because not all of the information was available for us to pour over and make deductions. For my part there was a complete reliance on translations and the nuances of intonation, cadence and idioms can be occasionally be lost, if the message is very subtle. Many misinterpreted what Yuzu was perhaps trying to prepare us for, because it is in our nature to be eagerly awaiting new competition programmes. There has been no previous indications from Yuzu going in to the Off Season thinking about professional skating and as someone mentioned, professional skating has equated with the current format of shows, rather than the novel projects that Yuzu has been contemplating. ( Is it possible that Yuzu himself was at the time of FaOI, still yet to finalise his career plans, he too has made a huge leap into the unknown after all and perhaps needed to confirm some details / get feedback about his ideas with his closest friends and mentors, sponsors etc ? ) Hindsight always gives the clearest view and there are definitely exciting projects to look forward to
  2. Great detective collaboration, always fun times
  3. Hmm, maybe someone will recognise the venue, the costume looks like Otonal 1.0, from the crystal work on the cuff?, so that narrows down the season More detective work as a challenge
  4. Yuzu at JGPF and the first incarnation of the trousers known as trash bag pants. Yuzu already demonstrates his technical ability with his axis for jumps There has in the past been some nonsensical comments about Yuzu copying other skaters by using popular 'Western' music. I'm not sure about this logic behind these comments, perhaps a blockbuster movie soundtrack is not considered popular enough, but the music for this performance is from 'Mission Impossible'.
  5. Super kawaii scene depicted by super talented artist Please if anyone is able to translate, it would be very much appreciated, many thanks I recall a very cute scene from the Gala rehearsal in PyeongChang, Yuzu was also waving and calling for Boyang Jin to join him. Yuzu is the friendship whisperer - Boyang almost instantaneously 'apparated' to by Yuzu's side
  6. @Pammi @Sun_Rise As I mentioned, I truly believe that fans will flock to see Yuzu's new endeavours. Yuzu will be able to demonstrate exactly what the essence of figure skating should aspire to be. Yuzu is the pearl before the swine. He will flourish away from the constraints and burden of competitions. Fans will also demonstrate their commitment to seeing Yuzu perform and it will become very apparent what sort of FS they want to spend their money on to see I was not at all surprised to see the enthusiasm of fans attending the exhibition and the bags of merchandise that they were buying, quite astounding People in power both love and need money in order to cement their status. ISU will see the money diverted from their interests to elsewhere. They will rue the day they chased Yuzu away A huge amount if money will pour into Yuzu projects. The sponsors and backers will recoup any investment or start up finance and their will be no shortage of ticket sales, broadcasting / advertising space.
  7. Free Skate from same competition Yuzu already performs with his signature flowing lines and musicality. Nanami sensei as his coach and choreographer helped Yuzu to develop and eventually perfect these wonderful qualities in his skating
  8. Yuzu performs to Moulin Rouge Bolero Yuzu's mother made his costumes, she is a talented seamstress and the outfits are creative designs
  9. Sometimes it seems that Yuzu has had more prophetic commentaries made about him, than "The Boy Who Lived" When people say that Yuzu's life story is something many would consider farfetched, it is easy to understand that opinion.
  10. Pretty Firebird Yuzu the Phoenix will return reborn, stronger and more magnificent than ever
  11. A performance of Rondo in an ice show has been a recurring request for the challenge for Yuzu
  12. Cute face compilation. Finishing with Neko Zuzu Someone who met Yuzu, once described his face to be small and cute as an onigiri rice ball. It is possible to see why somebody might think that.
  13. These are amazing works of art. The donut spin is btilliant
  14. That is a really lovely collection of miniature Yuzus. The details are really intricate. I can imagine a little Japanese style Doll's house populated by these sculptures. I hope that there will be a mini Winnie for company
  15. Leap frogging 1y to Junior Nationals 2006 ( Novice A comp was the footage released few days ago from Hong Kong 2005 )
  16. I saw these on twitter earlier, the artist is very talented to realise such beautiful artwork. Yuzu has an ethereal, other wordly beauty. Both of his Origin costumes and Otonal would be well suited to clothe Oberon King of the Fairies, Midsummer Night's Dream. Yuzu has rather elf like ears or indeed cat like, because it is known that he is able to wiggle his ears
  17. I hope that we will hear news about Yuzu's new projects soon. I am really excited about the prospect of what Yuzu will show us and especially because we might witness the 4A. We all know that when Yuzu performs the 4A, it will be the ideal version if the jump that Yuzu envisages. Nessie, when she is finally ready to reveal herself will show us how she is perfection in motion. Nessie will be sinuous and sleek, with iridescent light golden skin and a gorgeous transparent fin all along her length. She will rear up on the ice and her call will make the entire world stop to listen to her. The audience will gasp and then as the entire arena erupts with applause, Nessie will leap skywards and fall back to the ice rink as a million twinkling ice crystals. Yuzu will be standing in the centre of the rink his costume now covered by the glittering crystals and some will form into a delicate crown of ice diamonds. This is my wish for Yuzu and for us
  18. So many things to hold, where to put everything safely, when the photoshoot starts? It's OK Yuzu, you can do it
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