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  1. I've been laughing over this for 10 minutes oh my god
  2. Popping in to add Believe to the mix! I feel like it's so underrated, I cried throughout this entire performance the first time I saw it The passion in it is incredible.
  3. (Does he even exist at this point?? Does anything exist anymore?)
  4. Some fluff to lighten up the thread! He hugged the kid
  5. (the lighting in most of my pictures are terrible so I tried to clean them up to a questionable degree of success)
  6. Can confirm, he did the crossrolls right in front of where I was sitting for Seimei and I was blasted with the full force of the Murder Glare up close. Full body chills tbh. I don't even want to think about what I would do if I were as close as the judges were during that moment. It's leveled right at them
  7. Yuzu's usual music/headbang session before day 3 practice :~) Aaaaand a better angle of the same thing. (not my video)
  8. Going through the pictures I took and figured this one was too good not to post immediately The maple leaf reflected onto his face makes it all the more sinister. Abe no Seimei vs. the Canadian curse?
  9. ((i still have a headache from crying so hard. I can't believe i got to witness that with my own two eyes))
  10. Here's a gifset w/ translations, looks like the video they used was deleted? Hopefully someone else will be able to find another one :~)
  11. Thanks for the translation! Lmao how kuyashii is he going to be over that lv 3 step sequence?? But of course by then we'll have the 2.0 step sequence to make up for it
  12. It's from this video! (He looks really good in red )
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