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Posts posted by Katt

  1. 4 hours ago, asiacheetah said:



    I'm worried about Yuzu-antis if the third Japanese spot was taken away from Daisuke.

    His anti will always petty even if there's no Dai at this Nationals. They already went after Yuzuru ever since COR but they're not the one who decide thing. Its JSF and Yuzuru earn his WC spot by their rules. Don't forget Dai still need to get TES min if he want to go to WC

  2. 2 hours ago, SuperMin said:

    All this Kozuka stuff is disturbing.  However, Yuzu with his stellar reputation won’t be linked to this nonsense.  So not really worried.  His fans know his heart, which is why he is so loved. 


    Sadly, his name was bolded and highlighted and got repeat more than the actual person who involved in this entire scandal. Fans know him, but those who don't follow him could misunderstand easily. You don't know how messy japanese media/gossip could be and how they manage to destroy multiple celeb's reputation. 


  3. 29 minutes ago, Anzi said:

    Hi folks,


    I do not mean to disturb you guys, but it seems JSF published a really insulting article against Yuzu...basically said what he did in CoR is to avoid JNats. And also some fanyus are speculating JSF is forcing Yuzu to go for JNats...

    I didn't read article because I don't want it ruins my mood. I am not sure whether fans' conjecture is fair, but JSF did really indecent thing.


    Its an interview from an JSF official with a tabloid magazine. Yeah, it conflict with what JSF said after COR and I saw japanese fans mad about this article. Yuzuru has some officials support him and against him in JSF, its sad but that's how it is. We'll have to wait and see. I believe Yuzuru and his team would make the best decision :grouphug:


    We got news today  https://www.sponichi.co.jp/sports/news/2018/12/06/kiji/20181206s00079000422000c.html Brian said he would discuss with Yuzuru about Nationals and future competitions next week. He was in Japan temporarily for further inspection but he's returning/is back to toronto now. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Neenah said:

    That's odd.. This statement is different from anything we've got about the injury so far. Is this a new interview? did Brain get an update from Yuzu about the injury that he is sharing now. Can anyone confirm  :confused:


    The journalist might got this from Brian last week at IDF but only allowed to share after WD announcement. I only saw this quote from one source so far. 

  5. I read that article a few hours ago and I'm so sad (and its so annoying to see the whole reselling ticket drama on twitter at the same time). At this rate I think he shouldn't do 4CC. Just because its not that bad like last year, doesn't mean its not a serious injury and no one know if 3 week of rest +1 month rehab is enough. Last year, doctor said 10 days rest and 1 month rehab and he's still in pain after 2 months.  I think one more month for him would be better, ligament injuries always need alot of time.  

  6. Now its confirmed. I hope his ankle wouldn't get worse after COR LP and the recovery would go smoothly. Hopefully he can start his rehab on ice soon. In the meantime, after 3 comps, he and his team would get enough feedback about programs and make change accordingly. Its gonna be hard for him to watch the comp at home, I pray for his metal health as well. He's Yuzuru Hanyu, so he will comback stronger. 

    Sending hugs to everyone :grouphug:

  7. I feel some fans are more impatience about 4a than Yuzuru himself, even when he said clearly he would consider/train again after Nats 


    I dont believe Dmitrive would suddenly land clean fully rotated 4a in just a few weeks. I dont understand why would he and his team put a jump that have low or even 0% success rate in competition....

  8. 8 minutes ago, Xen said:

    Hmm, I get where people are getting the "cold" and "darker" vibes. Though I thought it wasn't "dark" enough.


    I generally don't really pay attention to skaters facial expressions when skating and only concentrate on what "mood" they are trying to show with arms//feet/leg and relative to the open practice, I thought his movements in Helsinki were not strong, forceful or "dark" enough. :13877886:I was waiting for that epic struggle and uphills emotional/dramatic battle to be shown, and it kind of went softer than I thought it would-his movements were not big enough, relative to the open practice. 

    Yeah, i hope his upper body movement would be sharper, stronger. His movements in Helsinki are abit all over place, since he focus alot on jump, which is understandable. His expression is fine IMO. Hopefully it would be better by COR, although there's only 1 week gap.

  9. On 11/7/2018 at 8:19 PM, OonsieHui said:

    So, I know it's off topic, but I have a thought that may not go over well...


    I've felt really uncomfortable during Helsinki, and since, whenever people (commentators, journalists, other skaters) are like "that was the best of Hanyu" or "that was perfection" or "that was flawless", especially regarding his FS. Because, actually, no. That performance, while beautiful and amazing for a first competition for Yuzuru, was not his best, was not perfect, he still has stuff to work on, something that he very clearly knows and accepts. I wondered why I felt such a knee jerk negative response to said comments, and I realise it's because it feels like it cheapens his truly great outstanding performances, and makes it feel like people are saying that not because it's true but because he's Yuzuru Hanyu. 



    None of people I know said his Helsinki perfomance were perfect or flawless. Maybe some, and one or two commentator, but its minority. His SP was great, his LP was good, and I think most people agree there's a lot of room to improve. The praise over his LP maybe due to delay broadcast- people already knew he won the comp with big margin and the 4T3A got alot of attention. And commentator might be abit hype because a 2 times OGM still compete. He's Yuzuru Hanyu but he doesn't get praise everytime, if you remember all those comment about him "vulnerable", "inconsistency" during 2016-17. For sure, once he underperform, those comments would be back faster than lightening. In fact, there's already some articles in Japan and Russia about how overscore he was. I'm pretty sure none of us want to hear that either. 


    As for the Origin, I understand that's the music Yuzuru love and want to skate for a long time, partly tribute to Plushenko but he want to make it his own as well. Shaelyn said its base on Kojiki but what's he think or how he express-its his choice. I remember with H&L, at first Yuzuru said that the theme is about nature. Shaelyn shared she create program base on his skating life and at the end of season, its both. The program is about his skating life and he express that through the motion like the water, the wind. Maybe with Origin, Yuzuru still on the stage to find and discover the right expression/interpretation. Its different from Seimei or POTO because its doesn't have character. I always find its unfair to compare his new program to Seimei or H&L-because most of the time people mention these 2 programs, they only recall the best perfomances. I hope some people would remember how messy H&L at ACI or SC16, how Semei was all over place during summer 2015 and give him time to develop the new program. He will get there, maybe not as fast as some hope it would be but I think Yuzuru won't pick the music if he can't bring something new to it.   



  10. I think the article is ok, Plushenko just said what he hope for, not its a must. I don't think it would affect Yuzuru much, he named the program "Origin" which means its not related  much to Nijinsky. He and ShaeLyn has their own vision about this program and IMO they would stick to that.  

  11. Tbh in the article they said Dmitriev haven't land it cleanly yet, not to metion about the rotation (tbh if he rotated it I think it would be all over internet)


    With the field in Helsinki, 4A  is too risky and would affect his chance to GPF. The current layout is hard enough. COR is just 2 weeks after Helsinki. I dont think he

    would try in GP. He never do jump just for the sake of doing it. Krasnozhon tried 4lo way before him. Dmitriev tried 4a in comp. I doubt Yuzuru would care about what's other doing


    (SometimeI feel some fans exaggerate things when its come to Yuzuru and 4A.... )

  12. @makebelieveup -All GPs comp, ISU championship have 9 judges so the final GOE/PCS is avarage by 7 with highest and lowest score were taken out. The Senior B comp usually have 7 judges and they take average by 5. Alot of local comp only has 5 judges. 

    For example, look at Evgenia first 2A in her LP. The GOE are : 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 2 2
    A +3 and +1 are out then we have 3 +3 and 4 +2 . (3x0.99 + 4x0.66)/7= 0.8
    - As for the UR and edge calls and levels, judges don't call it, its technical panel. There's Technical Controller, Technical Specialist, Assistant Technical Specialist. As far as I know, tech specialist has the most power. There's tough and easy tech panel. People at COC 2016 said Shin Amano took note alot, more than most tech specialist they've seen. 
    All the UR and edge calls were reviewed after the performance, then the judges would change GOE accordingly. That's why you would see TES drop when they announce the score. For example Evgenia's lutzes in her LP got +1,43 and +1.38 GOE in realtime, but since tech panel call (!) and (e), it drop to 0.67 and -0.57. 

  13. 5 hours ago, ajnats said:

    This isn't an insider report, it's just a fun little story meant to entertain and told by people who love Yuzuru and who were clear about it being a joke from Yuzu's side. It's not like someone spreading an unconfirmed rumor about an injury. It's not a big deal if it turns out not to be true because it's not a serious thing. People who use it as something to hate on Yuzuru are beyond help and will use even his most positive statements and actions as negative so I don't really know why people care about them. 

    Its still a private conversation and I doubt M&A were there to witness in person. This is more likely a second, or even third/fourth hand of account no one know its true or not. I stand by my point, I don't like commentators talk about private/behind the scene thing like this. I read another translation and its sound like some kind of gossip.  I think most people who love Yuzuru know the reason why he's being that private.  I don't care about what antis's doing, but its always better to not give them new material. 

  14. 14 minutes ago, Yoa said:

    His antis twist even his charity work :shrug: 

    This is a report from someone who isn't working in TCC, didn't personally heard that conversation. It's also in Italian. And that Italian was translated into English again. And they said that Yuzuru was joking. Antis will only prove that they are stupid if they try to twist it. 

    They're already at it :laughing: 

    And correctly its might be from Yuzuru's English to Italian to English :laughing:. Twist it or not, I don't like commentators spread unconfirm/insider report. B esp uncle said Shoma had leg injury a couple of time last season and people worried until a fan asked his manager confirmed he's healthy =.=

  15. Idk if this info is true or not or how they get it from but I hope they would keep those behind the scene things private. Maybe I'm not a fan of all insider sources or stuff

    like that. 

    His antis are gonna get new material now. They pick up and twist these thing at LTE speed. 

  16. 8 hours ago, xeyra said:

    I know the conversation moved on from Otoñal to the 4A but I wanted to bring attention to something regarding the long spread eagle in front of the judges and the hope of more arm movement there. I'm not sure if people have noticed, but the SE is during a silent moment in the music and he only moves his arm right as there's a note after the silence. It's so well timed it gives me chills (also more noticeable on fancams from certain angles). So while I think he needs to tighten his body and shoulders more not to seem so nonchalant during that SE, I'm now not sure if I want the effectiveness of that movement right on the note to be diminished if he's moving his arms more often during the SE.


    I wouldn't mind if he went with the suggestion I've seen to change his first spin and his combo order. It might fit the music just as well as the layout he currently has. 

    The SE in Otonal is one of my favourite detail. The music went silent so I think it make sense that he didn't have any arm movement ?? Maybe a deeper hip turnout could highlight his SE better. 

    I think there's couple of timing in 2nd half that he could put his combo and its till match the music. The layout like 4S 3A sit spin 4T3T spin stsq spin could work well, or even move the combo after 2 spins. 


  17. I agreed its too soon to judge both programs. Unlike some top skaters, he didn't have chance to skate to it in ice show, ACI is his first outing and it wasn't perfect but its far from bad . Tbh, nobody can skate a program perfectly in his/her first comp. If we rule out ACI17's Chopin, Otonal is his best SP debut, both technically and  perfomance wise,  even with the spin mistake. IMO I found the SP layout is fine, I like his idea for all jumps in quite part, you can hear the sound of his blade when he land the jumps. Tbh, this layout is not any less risky compare to his old one. He did combo as last jumping past, all the jumps are quite close so if he make mistake, its hard to recover. With this music cut, he can move his combo in 2nd half if he want. I think we will see some changes in both programs at Helsinki.  

  18. 1 hour ago, Paskud said:

    Is it? Ok, it's bad idea. Hmm... so maybe the same scheme, but with gpf or jpn nats gala and then 4cc? 

    I haven't seen quad battle for a long time and tbh it should stay like that. I don't think he should try 4a in gala. There's no warm up, under gala lightening, its too dangerous. Yuzuru stop doing quad at gala comp since 2016 ( He sometimes did lots of quad at gala practice though) Don't forget Nathan broke his hip because he tried 4S in EX. 


    1 hour ago, rockstaryuzu said:

    I don't think that's the one I thinking of, but I can't find video of what I am thinking of. The one I'm thinking of, I distinctly recall he did it while he was wearing the LGC costume....maybe I imagined it? I remember watching it and being super impressed. 


    I'm pretty sure he never try 4lz in LGC costume or else there would be multiple video/gif. Maybe you mistake it with another quad ? This video include all of his 4lz attempt until COR : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJHTryl-smI

  19. 41 minutes ago, rockstaryuzu said:

    This discussion is reminding me of the 4lz he laid down during the 6minute warmup for (I think it was) WTT 2017 SP. He hadn't included it in his program yet but he jumped a massive beauty of a jump and it felt like he was dropping the gauntlet in challenge to the other competitors. It was basically saying 'Bring it next year, boys, 'cuz I'll be ready for ya' . 

    He did 4lz at WTT gala practice, after the comp. The jump is good, not the landing though. 

  20. ^ the gala in Helsinki is about 2-3 hours after men's LP, so for his own sake, he shouldn't do any quad. 


    I would like to see Yuzuru focus more on his current LP layout, especially the 2nd half than 4A, there's enough things he has to work on that LP in GPs series. From all the interviews, that 4A is not ready yet, UR or not or how's the landing we never know. Landing jump in practice is one thing, landing it in program in a competition is a whole different beast.  I keep my old prediction, the soonest is the 2nd half of this season. And what's wrong with WTT ? Its an ISU comp and all records and jumps are ratified. The problem is not where he land it first, its how he gonna do after that to prove is not a fluke. Boyang is not the first one who land 4lz, but people always remember him first in every 4lz talk because of his quality and consistency  


  21. 12 hours ago, KatjaThera said:

    I also think it's fairly low... I think he'll be far more focused on Worlds. He went in 2017 probably just because it was in Pyeongchang. And before that I think he went pretty much where he was told. From my understanding, 4CC was usually where federations sent their B teams. It's rather rare that the top of the top go there. Being so close to Worlds, there's not much point unless they really need the mileage. The traveling isn't really worth it. And even though it's technically not that far this time, I'm not sure a trip to California in the midst of preparations for Worlds in Toronto makes much sense (I'm not sure, but I think it'd also be a bit of a temperature change and that's always risky, as it can lead to colds and/or fevers and with Yuzu aiming for Nessie, I'd really rather he never sets foot on ice while sick again...). That said, it is the only title he has left and he might want to fight it out with Nathan again - assuming Nathan is going - one more time before Worlds. So who knows... but I wouldn't hold my breath. (I wouldn't be surprised if, in the circumstances of a good result at Nationals, Daisuke might go to 4CC, though...)

    I actually think there's high chance Yuzuru will go. He said he want to compete as many comp as possible this season. And tbh, Yuzuru often doesn't do well after a long break (PC is the exception). Japan often send their top team to 4CC unless its Oly season, and yet last season they send the Olys team minus Yuzuru to 4CC. I think it would depend on his condition, if he's healthy enough, he would go 

    As for Dai, even if he get good result at Nats, to compete at 4CC/WC, he need to get TES min at a senior B first. 

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