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Posts posted by Katt

  1. 43 minutes ago, quadaxelwin said:



    Maybe the fact that Yuzu's takeoffs into Jumps are much more clean (virtually no prerotations on toe jumps) allow him to maintain his boot quality longer?


    I've never heard Yuzu complaining about boot problems, and I often wondered is it because he is so light and slim that his boots don't receive much shock or pressure during landings?

    I don't know. Whatever Yuzu is doing, his boots are magical or something. 

    I haven't seen any expert/skater talk about jump technique affect to boot, or whatsoever.  Also, lots of skaters didn't have boot problems for their whole career, good technique or not so I dont think Yuzuru's physical is the reason. Alots of fans who saw Yuzuru's boots in exhibition said the toe pick are the most damage part in blade. 

    Of course, we would never know thing behind the scene, I think skaters all might have some minor problem with boots when they have growth spurt or breaking into new boots. But if it won't affect too much to their traning (like Karen,  Kevin R ) or happen during competition, I doubt skaters would talk about that. 

    Whatever, as long as he's doing fine, I won't try to find or guess the reason. 

  2. I'm sure there's some people who do sharpen blade in toronto, and even near TCC. The document about him going to Nanami-san's husband was too old, like, 3,4 years ago and things might change atm. But I'm not really mind about this because till now Yuzuru manage his equipments very well, at least we didn't hear about him having boot/blade problem like Nathan or Shoma last season. So whatever he does, it works. 

    As for the boots, I'm pretty sure he has at least one back up pairs. Its too risky to have just one pair the whole season. I remember an article during 2014 off season that he ordered 3 pairs but only one is fit. Tbh, boots problem could be very tricky (Karen :cry:)  and I'm glad Yuzuru doesn't have many problem with it.  

  3. Its not like top skaters talk about skaters in other discipline that much. Do you see Javi, Shoma, Nathan talk about ladies skaters ? Barely. The whole "who's your fave skater" and "I like XYZ" is mostly for junior or early senior. And in Yuzuru case, he might not even have enough time to anwser all the questions about him, let alone talk about others. 

    Again, I don't care what's he watching and he doesn't need to share and talk about it. 

  4. 9 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

    do you guys think just like last year where the 4Lz footage was hidden deep until CoR, they also have 4A hidden now

    Well, Yuzuru often announce his real layout in media day, except last year and I think olympic season play a big part. I don't think he and his team would play that card again and again. People probably reading into it too much.

  5. If I remember right, back in 2016, they focused on H&L and its layout (mostly 4lo) more than LGC. The showed part of stsq and chsq from H&L, abit from LGC and zusa and all. So its probably the same this time. And this might be we haven't seen the best parts yet :rock:


    As for fuji tv, in 2016 they announce special interview in media day but in D-day we realize they cut it into 2 parts and have to wait one more week.  

  6. 7 minutes ago, Sombreuil said:

    The music is too important to him for a clumsy cut.  Even when the music wasn’t something I liked (NDP, PotO) the way it was put together was good- best Phantom I’ve ever heard.


    5 minutes ago, robin said:


    Sounds like Yuzu was very involved in the editing again so I doubt it will be bad

    Yes I know. Its just me in a worried mode. I trust Jeff and Yuzu though :"D

  7. 6 minutes ago, Xen said:

    Um, Hydroblade into a stag leap into spin? 

    The speed of that footwork...methinks @Murieleirum cut might have gotten the correct ending parts. 

    The hydroblade would be part of stsq and in between though. Its too short to know anything. But I agree they might use the later dramatic part for stsq. 


    4 minutes ago, Yuzu_legend said:

    Wait...what do you mean by saying you “saw him”?!!!:huh:

    I mean, I watched the video Xen post above and I saw him did the twizzle out of 3A landing. Maybe my english is not that clear ?

  8. That stsq looked fabulous already. I love alots of details from the LP. And yay the SE back-counter 3A2T is back. I love this entry when he does it in R&J2 and always want to see it again. I can't wait to see the full program. 

    Now, media, give us abit from his SP too :smiley-happy085:

  9. As for the his layout, for now, I think its wise to do 4s 3a 4t3t for the SP. Putting 4lo there is so risky with only 0.8+ on BV. Plus, Yuzuru went clean with this layout multiple times so it would let him focus more on his LP 

    I;m abit worried about the LP's layout.< 4lo 4t 3lo 4s3t // 4tlo3s 3a2t 3a>  The chance for zayak is abit higher. If he pop 4lo to 3lo, either he must do 4lo in place of 3lo or 3F/3Lz. If he pop 4s to 3s he must change the combo to 4tlo2s or 3F/3lz. That's why I hope he would be able to jump 3F again, for the backup if he feel comfortable enough. But his foot/ankel come first though. 


    From the news clip i just saw on twitter, seem like its gonna be a fast stsq :dbana:

  10. 6 minutes ago, katonice said:



    And someone remind me, media day was 2 days I believe last year? I think the 2nd day was for the magazine and newspaper media people? Or is there a possibility there will be new footage taken tomorrow? 

    I read somewhere that the media would stay in toronto until 2 or 3/9 so its very likely there's more footage. We haven't have any preview of his SP yet. 

  11. After listening to Otonal, I think the SP will be great. The music fit him so well. Gentle but also enough high and low and dramatic. The biggest challenge would be the music cut. IMO Johnny's cut is not very good, Maria Butyrskaya's is better though. But this is Jeff choreo so I trust him 

    As for the LP, I just repeat what I said earlier, its gonna be amazing and its abit new for him artistically.  I know some of you don't like Plushenko, but if you just ignore the Plushenko tribute thing, the music itself is gorgerous. He said the choreo would be very different though. I feel like some people (on twitter) don't like it just because they don't like Johnny and Plushenko. If he just announce it by simple way Otonal for SP and Nijinski for LP, people would be like "X and Y already skated to this before" aka the normal reaction. Tbh, both of his music choice is not that overuse. I think its great that he can skate to the music he love and for himself now. Let's be real, very few skaters have that privilage, especially the top skaters. 

    So yeah, go Yuzuru, do it, do whatever you want. I'm so ready to cheer for you, and my voice would be louder with each criticismc and bashing I see :rock:

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