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Posts posted by Katt

  1. 5 hours ago, Moria Polonius said:

    They couldn't just let Mao enter regionals? I guess they meant they wouldn't have been able to handle the fan and media interest? In that case I'm not so surprised  they made an exception for Yuzu and gave him a bye right from the start, with him it'd have been 10 times worse.


    But with Wakaba not doing sectionals still makes no sense to me. The process of advancing from regionals to nationals gets interrupted. Will her Skate Canada result be taken into account instead of sectionals when qualifying for nationals?

    Yes, with Mao its mosly fan and media attention. Its a logistic nightmare for JSF. With Dai, they have no choice. 


    Yes, her SC result would count instead of sectionals.


    From what i know, if you're not seed, you have to do Regionals, then western/eastern section to qualify for Nationals. But if skater is assigned to international event 2 (or 1) week before/after these national qualifying, they automatically have a bye. Marin Honda was 7th but she doesn't have to do Regional ( she did Nebelhorn Trophy) or Sectionals (Skate America). The same with Sota Yamamoto (Finlandia trophy and NHK)


    Kazuki won the Kinki regionals and he doens't need to do sectionals because of skate canada too 


    (Tbh I'm not 100% sure about this, maybe some japanese fans can explain it better OTL)


  2. 1 minute ago, Moria Polonius said:


    I mean of course it makes sense that Yuzu gets a bye and ACI makes it completely within rules, but if they were willing to just give a bye to their Olympic champion, they could have done the same for their Worlds vice-Champion. *grumble grumble* Will she have to skate in sectionals as well?

    Yeah, its weird to see a world silver compete at regional, but maybe this is only her 3rd senior season, and her results aren't really that consistent compare to Yuzuru. Wakaba won't have to skate at sectionals because its the same week as Skate canada ^^

    I remember when Mao comeback, she want to do regional but the local said that they can't arrange an event with a big star like her, so JSF had to take her JO results instead (JO is not an ISU comp). Dai is different because he comeback after 4years, he's no longer in SB/PB list or world standing. 

  3. 16 minutes ago, Moria Polonius said:


    But... Neither was Yuzu. How come Yuzu gets a bye and Waka doesn't despite a Worlds silver?

    JSF already decided to give Yuzuru a seed at the beginning of the season. Seed skaters = reigning national medalists. Wakaba was 4th last year, world medalist wont count in this case

    Even if JSF didn't give Yuzuru a bye, I guess he would have to do Tohoku-Hokkaido Regional which is the same week as ACI so either way he would get a bye. 


    Lots of skaters would get a bye at western/eastern section because they have GPs 

  4. 1 minute ago, kelly said:

    I thought those referred to the Otonal costume?

    Both, from what I saw. Some even said there's news about Otonal being Shoma's alternative Turandot design that Satomi recyle when its just a vague tweet from a fan (which she deleted later). Lots of things about Yuzuru tend to be exaggerate, that's why I hope some people would be more careful and double check before they tweet/talk.

  5. On 9/24/2018 at 8:40 PM, kaeryth said:


    I immediately think of black poto 2.0 when I saw Origin costume. That's why I'm abit :scratch2: with all Shoma comparision. It does have some similarities but its base more on Poto2.0 IMO. Maybe 2014-15 was too long ago that some people forget it ? I think designers have some fix style that they tend to overlap. Mai's LP costume and one of Akiko's EX are quite similar to Yuzuru's Requiem but i don't see people make a big fuss  bout it ( at least not multiple tweets and CC asks). I love Origin costume, one of his best, or even his best costume.  It suit perfectly with the program. His package for the LP is wonderful, the costume, the gloves and the hair. 

    As for the Otonal, its fine. I do think it can be better but its not worse either. I wish it would be abit longer and the farbic in the arm would be like Chopin's, but his costumes often has some changes as the season goes, we often see the final design around 2nd GP/GPF. Chopin 1.0 costume changed in every competition as the blue part were bigger and darkder. 

  6. On 9/20/2018 at 8:32 AM, wingman said:

    Yeah, totally agree w you on this one. He wants to be first, eg look at that story Brian revealed on 4Lo. Plus, ACI is totally ok to bomb, but not GPF or National, or World Plus I'm suspicious why he didn't demo his SP on media day. 

    Media day always focus on LP and layout, not much on SP. In 2016, there's only a few second of LGC. 

    IMO if he's gonna do 4A this season, the earliest might be in 2nd half, maybe WTT. For now, seem like he's still need to adjust the condition for 4mins LP. And a big no for 4A in SP. 

  7. At least no more weird music cut like planet so I'll take it. I can see some of Kurt influence, for this music he need to work alot on upper body and shaper movement. Look like he and his team really focus to not jump too close to the board. I'm not sure about this program atm, the music is abit unmemorable so better wait till GP. Again, a few transisions would be nice :13877886:

  8. 17 minutes ago, hoodie axel said:

    She changed it. The Spiderman went 4Lz+3T -> Flying Camel -> 3A -> 4T -> sit spin -> combo spin -> footwork.


    She actually kept that for CTHD but changed it to what it currently is even here after he got injured. She should look into what you said with the footwork -> spin, but the footwork apart from the gimmicks interprets the music well (well, the gimmicks do, too, but why not something else there?), so it would be fine if she just looked into putting the flying camel after the 4Lz+3T and removed at least a couple of the gimmicks, IMO.

    Sorry my bad. I just remember he often does 2 jump in the first half and the whole 2 spin + stsq. His spin is so so but at least they should try to match it with the music for better GOE. I would wait until GPs to see. There's alot of room for development and I hope he and Lori would work for it. 

  9. Lori keep the same element order for his SP since Spiderman, and I agree that the placements of spins are not good. Its not fit to the music and the first and third spin are almost in the same part. I listen to the song and the guitar part is long enough for a stsq and an ending with a spin. For now apart from stsq, this program is so empty.  

  10. 5 minutes ago, sallycinnamon said:


    It was a really huge 3A. It's a lot higher than it was before...

    Yeah, its really big and faster than usual :drama:. If media show 4A they gonna give us 9898343 camera angel and slow mo

  11. 34 minutes ago, Yuazz said:

    Me too.. :13877886: 

    Why I'm more less nervous if he does back counter 3A... :13877886: 

    Its more like I'm not ready for that beauty in competition :drama:. His 3A in SP is the most reliable jump. Until now he only mess up his 3A SP once for the entire senior career


    As for his pinky, its a bit serious since its still swollen after 1,5 month. Pray for a speedy recovery !!!!!

  12. Tbh, all of his costumes after Sochi are gorgeous and fit to the program. Maybe except LGC, I have mix feeling about this one, but for sure its the most interesting :laughing: I think this year costumes would be great, as long as its not come from Johnny :laughing:

  13. @holina Its gonna be fun and stress at the same time. I hope you can enjoy it ^^


    8 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:


    Ah goodness when I remember the discussions over that one.

    It's amazing! But I can't see anything. It's amazing! But we can't see anything! Back and forth, back and forth .... until PPOS happened. 


    Oh dear my jaw dropped after he take off his *white* jacket. And later there's a tweet " First 4lo in history landed by a ghost".  Such an experience  :laughing:. Yuzuru's costume reveal is one of my favourite moment in FS for sure :rock:

  14. 10 minutes ago, Paskud said:

    I think that Yuzuru would be really happy if he know that we can't find his ChSq. It's what he always wanted - everything combined in one program without gaps.

    Haha. I often say I want Yuzuru do a chsq with some new movements but now he made it hard for us to find the actual one. And I do think there's high chance that judges wouldn't know where to call his chsq if he doesn't send his plan elements :laughing: 


    I think chsq is after 3A2T. There's sprial, SE and IB, very "standard" :laughing:

  15. 18 minutes ago, Xen said:

    I think the Chsq was the section before the 3A2T, it looks similar to the one from Seimei. 

    At this point, I am semi afraid that Ina bauer and hydroblade have been downgraded to "just transitions" level. >_>

    Now, I think the chsq might be the part after 3A2t until the IB. Tbh, the whole section after 4T combo till 3A is like a semi stsq with 2 3A in between. The transitions are amazing and there's alot of new movements too. And in H&L his 3F is near the 2nd half, so yeah, I think his 3lo this time is the same or it might be right at the beginning of 2nd half. He doesn't give a d*mn about that new bonus rule. 

  16. 6 minutes ago, LadyLou said:

    but isn't he doing 2 spins at the end? where does ChSq fits? (unless it's attached to the stsq?) in 2 minutes he does all combo + 2 spins+ all the transitions...that's a lot of stuff...

    I'm still trying to find where's it might fit OTL. I'm having a major flashback when judges/panel listed Wakaba's spiral as chsq instead of her actual chsq in skyfall :smiley-scared001:

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