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Posts posted by Katt

  1. 22 hours ago, Henni147 said:

    When Jason's coaching change was announced last year, I got super excited, thinking of how much Yuzu had learned and adapted from Javi in 6 1/2 years. So I followed the process of Yuzu's and Jason's mutual influence very carefully during the last season.

    Retrospectively I would say that Jason as a training mate is pretty much the best that could happen to Yuzu after Javi's retirement. In an era, where programs are constructed with tech-focus and max-output, it's good to have someone beside you, who reminds you every day how important, satisfying and beautiful a total package is.

    While I don't doubt Jason and Yuzuru could learn abit from each other , do you really think Yuzuru need anyone to remind him what a total package is, when he already was and focus on that way before Jason come to TCC ? Jason's presence won't change how he think and aim for his ideal skating. Yuzuru's flexibilty, musicality, transitions are already everywhere in his program since novice days. He does deep and long IB/hydroblade in his ex for years. I don't like how some people often said Yuzuru need X or Y to replace Javi, as if he couldn't train on his own, with his own motivation. 

    And one more thing, Jason did landed some good 3A this season, but all from long/telegraph entry. He often struggle with second 3A in LP, and his success rate (fully rotated with +GOE) this season is about 50% so I couldn't say it become much better and consistent. This is not to put Jason down, but maybe don't give him or anyone too much credits in Yuzuru's skating when its clearly not. 

  2. I think its tranditional SC + NHK for Yuzuru. Its a bit hard to predict for the rest because we don't know which Nathan would choose for 2nd GP, I'm gonna go with COR


    SA : Nathan, Shoma

    SC : Yuzuru, Kolyada

    IDF : Vincent, Shoma

    COC: Vincent, Boyang

    COR : Nathan, Kolyada, 

    NHK : Yuzuru, Boyang 


  3. Zhou is not the only one who benefit from raise BV for UR. Satoko, Alina, Shoma, Junhwan... all have UR issue. The main thing is always selective UR/edge calls.


    Next season, a 4lz< with -2GOE is gonna score higher than 3lz +2GOE. Two clean jumps in SEQ have the same BV as two UR jump done seperately. Nice to see this is the way ISU reward qualities. 


  4. 48 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

    Do they usually make these changes mid-quad? I thought they usually only change things at the beginning of each quad for fairness. :think:

    Yes. In 2015, they raised BV for 3T/3S ( from 4.1/4.2 to 4.3/4.4) and 4T< (7.2->8), 4S< (7.4->8.1). Alot people said the increase BV for UR quad is gonna benefit Jason Brown- #1 US man at that time.  

    Tbh, I dont think the new SOV would affect much. Its not like they gonna call all URs anyway. 


    Edit : for reference, some SOV changes in 2015/16 season https://soyouwanttowatchfs.com/post/121595149845/2015-16-singlespairs-scale-of-values-and


  5. 2 minutes ago, hoodie axel said:

    My thoughts are actually the opposite. I like some of the character they provide to the program, although it could be better and might improve. It's the way she's performing currently that I dislike. In that *particular* case, I don't think she'll have the direction she needs with Raf.


    Rika's was just a practice skate, so I'm holding judgement there. But I agree the choreography has potential.

    Its still new program for her, she performed this after 2 weeks of getting choreo if I'm not wrong. Maybe it can be improve later, i just hope i won't end up like her last season"s LP. 

    Agree about Rika's. 

  6. Marin's LLL is ok, alot of poses but it suit her. The choreo is very Lori, very genetic. 


    I like Rika's stsq, the transition into 3lz and 3lo. The program is very new and raw, I can't wait to see how it develop as the season goes. I hope they tone down the arm movements, it look abit busy at some points ( the same problem with beautiful storm). The layout is demanding, the scoring is high if she can skate clean.


    Aside from Rika's LP, the most interesting music choices so far are Kazuki's SP and Tomoki's LP. 

  7. I think this is a better music choice for Jason than last year's LP. Its hard to know how the whole 4 minute program would be base on 15 secs video. And DWilson is not known for good take/approach for warhorse



    Ting Cui will keep her SP. She announced her LP music through IGhttps://www.instagram.com/p/BxV7zhSlqgn/

    Long program: composition of ‘Wayward Sisters’ and ‘Table for Two’ from the Nocturnal Animals Soundtrack

    Finally a non warhorse choice.



  8. If anything, he and his team won't risk the injuries just for ice show, he's one of few skaters doesn't have any financial problem. He skipped alot of competition and ice show in the past to recover too.  I'm glad he will do Faoi, I took it as a sign that he must be well enough to skate. Yuzuru love ice shows and he deserve some great time with his friend and hometown crowd before new season. 

  9. 8 hours ago, rockstaryuzu said:

    Five women and four men on the special list? Makes me wonder exactly how athletes qualify for these levels, because I would have expected an equal number of each. Also, too bad Kazuki's not on the special list at this moment. I think he's the one from the Category A group that could benefit the most from having that extra level of support. 



    There's no exact number how many skaters for S level. But we often don't see equal number of each. Last year there's 4 men and 6 ladies, its depend on the fields and potentials since Jpn ladies is stronger than men atm. I also think Kazuki deserve to be in S level, maybe he will move up later


    7 hours ago, hopeandlegacy2018 said:

    Yeah why 4 men 5 women? This is very unfair. Kazuki won a GP medal this season, why is he left out? He’s more qualified than Dai in my opinion. Why can’t they include both Kazuki and Dai? JSF’s politics baffles me. Since Shoma and Dai are in Shizuka’s agency, who is a JSF official, it’s understandable if they are favored by JSF. All industries work this way. But Marin has SB 32 higher than Wakaba’s SB 37. And Marin isn’t on any of the lists really? Is JSF jealous of her beauty and popularity or something? 


    This list seems to be going strictly by nationals and junior nationals this year, which is not the case in previous years. If you look at the order of the names, Kaori and Shoma being the first since they’re national champions, Yuzu is the last, an add-on. It wasn’t the case in previous years. Why change it this year specifically? Anything special happened? Suddenly this year JSF makes nationals the most important event to consider. Might as well take Yuzu off this list since he didn’t go to Nationals, instead of putting him last like an add-on who took other’s spot. 



    Please, most of Japanese skaters are in IMG, single out Shoma and Dai is ridiculous. This list is always follow by Nationals results since 2012. Senior Nationals medalist are always on S level for next season, that's why Dai is there. Its true that Marin didn't qualify any criteria, she's 15th at Nationals and didn't have good international results either. And why the order of the name being that important ? Its doesn't effect to the funding that Yuzuru receive. If being last in order is an add on, then you could say the same for Satoko and Wakaba. I doubt Yuzuru would care so much when he see his name is in 4th. 


    A reminder again that this list will be updated after GP assginment out. Some skaters will moved up and some junior will be added by then.

  10. JSF announce Team japan and  funding list for 2019-2020  season https://twitter.com/sponichiyamato/status/1121296475479138305


    Special athletes : Yuzuru Hanyu, Shoma Uno, Daisuke Takahashi, Keiji Tanaka
    Kaori Sakamoto, Rika Kihira, Satoko Miyahara, Mai Mihara, Wakaba Higuchi

    Category A : Kazuki Tomono, Koshiro Shimada, Yuma Kagiyama, Tatsuya Tsuboi,  Shun Sato

    Mako Yamashita, Yuna Shiraiwa, Yuhana Yokoi, Ayaka Hosoda, Nana Araki, Tomoe Kawabata

    Riku Miura/Shoya Ichihashi

    Misato Komatsubara / Tim Koleto


    Category B : Sota Yamamoto, Taichiro Yamakuma, Shu Nakamura, Sena Miyake, Mitsuki Sumoto, Kao Miura

    Yuna Aoki, Moa Iwano , Akari Matsubara, Rinka Watanabe, Wakana Naganawa, Rino Matsuke


    No Marin. But it could be changed when GP assignment out



    A Waseda professor said Yuzuru's subject often take 6-8 years to finish and many gave up because its too hard. As far as I remember he often spend spring and summer as major learning time. A few years ago he said he only sleep 5-6 hours/day during ice shows and always studying right after performing. 

  12. Tbh I don't mind if Yuzuru stick with Jeff and Shae Lyn. The thing is Yuzuru trust and very open with them . And they clearly respect and welcome any input and idea from him - a thing that quite rare for top choreographers. Especially Shae, she's willing to study and does choreo for any music he bring to her. He could try new style with them as he did a couple of times before, and imo they're capable of something new and fresh as well. The main thing about new choreographer is a different range of movement/approach but I think he should try out an EX first before competitive program. He's back from injuries, has alot of thing to do with tech content, its better for him to stick with those whose he feel comfortable. 


    As for hydroblading and Ina Bauer, its all fine as long as it fit to the music. The 1st version of Origin used these moves as transitions but it got change after 4T3A come. I dont mind seeing those movement if its well done, like Satoko and Jason often did sprial in their chsq. With 30 sec less, I think we won't see any Seimei -like chsq in anytime soon. Tbh I don't think judges care about these thing. 


    I'm reading a book about anime and there's so many wonderful OSTs. I hope he would choose japanese music/composer for next season. 

  13. I enjoy reading Joseph's interview. Very insightful about his training and TCC's schedule for their skaters and Ghislain's approach in fixing technique. Love the part about Yuzuru.  According to the interviewer, the "saturday" Joseph talked is 30/3, seem like Yuzuru's doing well. I hope it means he can do Faoi (if he's healthy enough of course)


    43 minutes ago, Sombreuil said:

    No. 2 son drew this to my attention - Guardian picking up its cues from US media again.


     I kind of expect what they write so i won't give any click. No country is better than US when it comes to media play and brainwashing, praise their athletes by tearing down their rivals. If any top US skater has the same injury, NBC would make sure to remind people at least once a week for the next 4 years. I'm glad Yuzuru never give western media any exclusive interview, they don't deserve it. 

  15. 5 minutes ago, Paskud said:

    God, I don't feel okay... Does it include rehabilitation, so he will have similar timing to last year? Or...

    Its abit unclear, they said medical treatment for 2-3 months, no mention about rest or rehabilitation. So unless Yuzuru himself talk about that, there's no way we could know. I love to see Yuzuru in ice shows, but I hope he has a proper rest and treatment, not skating while taking treatment. He need to recover well for next season and he knows it. 



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