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Posts posted by Katt

  1. 1 hour ago, hoodie axel said:

    No, you're right. The hydroblading was nonsensical, the footwork was a bunch of turns and tricks with no character, the split jump before the Lutz was useless. It's basic CoP "look at everything I can cram in!" choreo set to some jazz music with some decent movement ability.

    Its not just only Keegan. Yesterday i watched Conrad orzel's SP and at first I thought the audio was out of sync and it was background music :facepalm: Turn out its really his music. Why they choose that kind of song for a competitive program is a bigger question :facepalm:

  2. I don't hate Carmen but I can't stand the vocal in Gaby's program. I could never watch this SP without muting the audio. I guess I would do the same this season :drama: 


    Keegan's SP is almost everything I don't like :laughing: Michael Bubble, the costume, the style, genetic choreo. I know his skating has some nice qualities but I just don't like it. 


    ( Idk why but I found a lot of program that choreo has nothing to do with the music from some recent local Canada comps. Not sure if its the audio or the choreo itself)


  3. 1 hour ago, Xen said:

    I'm trying to remember who asked, but it seems from the initial news from Brian (I think...), Orser was initially approached by Shen, not directly by Boyang's coaches. Now, since Boyang is part of the national team, any such decision, even if he was the one who suggested it, will go via Shen and Zhao. So whether this was Shen and Zhao acting on their own, a request from Boyang, a request from Boyang's current coaches, we don't know. 


    As for what backlash there will be, I don't think anything super severe. China right now doesn't have another man in the senior ranks. And if it is a political turf war between conservative factions and more liberal factions, they can't rely on Zhang He either (Zhang He is training under the same coaches as Boyang, so if that team is part of the conservative faction). But he has to deliver, otherwise I think the media could get a bit nasty. He's not Sui/Han, yet he rebuffed the head coaches for the national team and arguably one of the best training teams (TCC) in a way that even Sui/Han won't dare to imagine. If he doesn't bring back results, it is possible that the media will bite him (though there is also some news that CSA has been trying to protect him by limiting news reporting to media that won't hurt athletes). 

    Brian said it was Shen/Zhao asked him during WC18. I think at least till early June, everything's still fine between Brian and CSA. We don't know about Boyang and his coaches as they didn't release any statement. Whatever, this put all parties in an awkward situation. And I agree, Boyang would face alot of pressure from now on. Back then, if he had bad skate or some weaknesses (program, SS and so on), people could blame his coaches and understand that CSA won't let their skater train aboard. If he move to TCC, the blame game would be more on Brian and his team or at least people would be more patient. But now, if he doesn't deliever, they will just put all the faults on him. 


    Some people said that the Brian and Tracy training camp this time is just for one day. They're back to toronto today.  

  4. Its interesting if you remember the reaction when JSF announced Yuzuru switch to TCC. Alot of doom and gloom and "there's nothing Brian could help/offer him". And now people are quite the same when Boyang didn't go. I would say Brian and his team's reputation change alot during the past few years (and rightfully so, they got some amazing results)
    Though I would not say the TCC door is close for Boyang, its gonna be extremely hard had he ever want to change his mind. The deal was done and then cancelled, everybody would be more cautious, and they're are the high profile coaches. If anything, TCC doesn't lack of student in the next 4 years, they are even too crowded atm. Idk if they want to leave an open spot for Boyang or any skater in the future 
    I think what surprise me is that he didn't even want to have a try out in TCC aka a summer camp. But what's done is done. I hope the best for Boyang. There would be alot of pressure for him to deliver this season.

  5. 5 minutes ago, robin said:


    Oh, yeah i see what you mean. I worded that a bit weird! I am not saying at all that Yuzu didn’t want Boyang there or anything. That‘s definitely a stretch! I am also not saying that that’s the sole reason Boyang doesn’t want to go to TCC! Just maybe a single factor among many? I am sure the politics around it and Boyang‘s reluctance to adjust to a new country and language play a (bigger) role. 

    Yes.I see what you mean now. I admit I'm abit sensitive too. We are all in guessing game and no one really know the real reason. I'm glad we can talk and explain thing in a calm way. After all I think we all hope the best for Boyang :grouphug:

  6. 1 minute ago, robin said:


    ... I‘m sorry? It‘s not that I am blaming Yuzu or anything. Just stating that not all skaters are like Yuzu and thrive off of training with direct/ their biggest competitors. 

    Ok. Maybe I don't like the way you worded in that post or I don't like it when people pretend to know what's Boyang thinking. I might be abit sensitive since just a few weeks ago, some people state that Boyang wouldn't come to TCC because Yuzuru feel threat from him and disapproved his move :facepalm: 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Xen said:

    Depends on what happens afterwards. I'm not sure if it's fully true, but there were some saying that the issue with Boyang wasn't even his fed or his local fed, but the coaching team politics. There were also others saying that the reason why pairs and ice dance can do things faster (and get the dance teams overseas) is because CSA has a more direct mandate over the skaters, so local factors can't go rogue. 

    Whatever it is, I'm glad chinese fed consider his opinion instead of forcing him. And yeah, I see alot of chinese fans also said that since the fund for Boyang training oversea already approved way before so this collab happened 


    4 minutes ago, robin said:

    I think part of this decisions might have been that it would have been too burdensome for Boyang to train with Yuzu. (We keep on getting a utopian image of how Yuzu and Javi trained together but truth is even they were tense leading up to the Olys season.) Boyang might just prefer a more relaxed environment... it is not everyone‘s cup of tea to train in the presence of the 2xOGM. 


    I find its better if we don't drag Yuzuru into this. Its has nothing to do with him. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Xen said:

    Pretty much. They funding for Boyang came down, they have to explain to the sport fed what they do with it, and either use it or lose it (and make it harder to ask for funding later). Then there's the issue that TCC got smacked in the face by a single skater (and maybe if politics is involved, one rogue provence fed or one rogue coaching team). So better use that money and make it smoother for both the fed and for TCC. 


    Now though, I am curious if they're going to do something similar to what they did with Gadbois- have TCC coaches come to China, but maybe later on, allow TCC to select a couple skaters whom they could see fit into the training at TCC, then have the CSA fund that skater's training overseas. 

    Tbh, I'm not sure Brian want to involve more with chinese fed/skater after the deal with Boyang didn't work out. What if its happen again ? TCC is one of the most crowded coaching team right now, its the skaters come to them, not the other way around. 

  9. @Xen : Thank you for your input. I ask a chinese friend and she just said "its very complicate". I know there's a lot of politics thing running behind chinese fed (the same with all big feds) but I guess we will never know the full story. Yeah I'm abit disappointed because I think Boyang would benefit alot from TCC's coaching system. He might be right, he might be wrong. I think he has his own goal amdI respect his decision.


    17 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:

    Anyway, tbh, the rest of this announcement sounds more like saving face, for both the Chinese fed and Brian, considering we had the big deal over Boyang there and then suddenly everything went belly up. So they're covering it by talking about cooperation etc, when in reality it is probably a few training camps. But big words will smooth out the situation and nobody is left looking awkward. 


    I thought the same. It might be just some training camps in summer. I see some people act like Brian had 20+ students and I'm like " do you know Jeff and Lambiel coach the whole Japan team for years ?" 

  10. 5 minutes ago, rockstaryuzu said:

    Of course they'd say that. Whether or not it's true is anyone's guess though. And it's weird that they're going from 'Jin will work with Orser ' to ' the whole team except Jin will work with Orser'. Like, this is Communist China we're talking about, nothing happens there for just no reason at all.


    Its Boyang won't move to Canada to train with Brian and Team Orser will provide training program for the whole chinese team. Whether Chinese team here involve Boyang or not, we don't know. They didn't say the whole team expect Jin.

    As for Brian and his team, its more like Lori's role in Chinese team. They will give some short training camp, some advice and Dwilson may do choreo. Chinese skaters may come to TCC for summer training and that's it. Their main coaches are still Chinese. 

  11. Chinese fed really want to collaborate with TCC. I guess Brian and Tracy would occassionally come to China for training camp or chinese skaters may come to TCC for summer camp. May be D.Wilson would do choreo for some. 


    As for Boyang, now its official. I think I read somewhere he prefer training in Harbin-his hometown. He moved to Beijing last season because of Olys. Its not easy to change all your habits, and move to another country to train with new people, new system and all. Some people can, some people can't. If Boyang doesn't want to go and the fed still force him, it would make his life in canada so hard and it won't be good for all parties. He gain some big archivement under the current coaches and he will continue to improve.This is his own decision and fortunately the fed respect him. I wish the best for him

  12. 8 minutes ago, katonice said:

    Wow the biggest trolling of all lol

    What i mean is media day may happen in the next next week that's why he won't back to Japan for 24h like usual :laughing: But anything is possible too :laughing:


    Seem like he has a deep connection with swan symbol. His first skate after the earthquake was white legend. He skated to it after long rehab in 2016 too 


  13. Its doesn't matter if its local or Japanese paparazzi or who's taking those photos. The thing is those pics were published on Japanese tabloid mag, the one that spread nasty rumor about him a couple of time. This is the first time, and there would be 2nd time, 3rd time. Tabloid mag and paparazzi don't know the boundtries. They can ruin people's privacy just for some pictures and shocking headline. 

    I'm so mad because they can't leave him alone even when he's in canada :facepalm:


  14. 13 minutes ago, quadaxelwin said:

    I know, it's just that we are all getting quite impatient because all other skaters have announced their new program music! I just wanted to see an article with the names of the music no more or less. 

    Yes I get why some getting impatient. But I think Yuzuru will reveal when he's ready to share it. I don't want he feel the pressure of having to announce thing because of fans or media's demand. Just wait a bit more. We can do it :grouphug:

  15. I don't think this is "so late" compare to his usual standard. The media day didn't happen in this particular week like the past few years, but till now, it just a few days late. People seems to forget he's coming back from injury, so far he and his team taking thing slowly and carefully. And with new programs and rule changes, he might need a bit more time before skating in front of media.  

  16. 31 minutes ago, kiches said:

    Maybe it’s possible they’ll do a quick pit stop in Japan after if Yuzu is doing a media day at Ice Rink Sendai? Although I’m assuming he’s still in Canada right now. 

     I doubt it but given how this off season goes, I won't rule out that possibility either :laughing:

  17. ^ I was about to post but don't know where to put those pic. I guess media day would be next week (14 or 16) since jgp will begin from 22/8. Or else its gonna be first week of Sept.  Brian tag quicktrip so it might be a training camp or some Beijing 2022 meeting (?)  

  18. 10 hours ago, KatjaThera said:

    And on the other topic, while I am admittedly a fan of Yuzu and Javi's friendship, so I might not be very objective, I am starting to get annoyed by all the 'Javi's replacement' stuff, both serious discussions and jokes (like those 'replacing Javi with Javi' memes or all the Boyang memes when it was first announced he would go there). Why is it so hard for people to understand that even if the whole FS field moved to TCC, there would be no 'replacing' Javi?

    This. I find its abit disrespecful to call anyone as "Javi's replacement". Skater come to TCC or any other coaching team is for their career and development. They don't expect themself to be anyone's replacement, and I doubt Brian and his team will treat them that way. Its not like Yuzuru will cry and leave the training session when he doesn't see Javi on the ice lol. He always focus on his own training and no one can change that. This is his 7th year at TCC, he's familiar with everything, and he will get used to train with new skaters. Even if he doesn't like anyone (which I doubt) he can avoid interact with them. Its not like they're in one place 24/7.


    As for the media day, I remember last year some journalists noted that Yuzuru/his team didn't charge the interview fee. So, its media need him and his content, not the other way.   

    Although this year he's in much better condition compare to 2016, don't forget his rehab was over during Faoi and he only resume full training in early July.  He's about a few weeks late in term of full training compare to 2015/2017.I see some people lost patience (mostly new fans) when most skaters announce their programs already, but its better not to get panick and speculate thing . In July, Yuzuru and his team confirmed ACI which means he's ready to compete by Sept and likely decided the media day by that time already. He will announce his programs when he's feel ready. I don't mind waiting since he already gave us so many off season contents :smiley-happy085:


  19. Trusova's jumps are bigger compare to last season but that program and music cut are a mess :noshake:


    And Kostonaia's LP has voiceovers and looks like a Evgenia's program :dbana: I know her programs last season were too good so they have to mess up this year :drama:

  20. 2 hours ago, Neenah said:

    That is unfortunately an ice show thing that doesn't really transfer to competition. Watching him in ice shows and galas annoys the hell out of me because I can clearly see what he is capable of but never does when competing.

    Yeah I know. This program depend on how much joy he has while performing. Maybe this time its abit different ? I dont know. I'm worried about his LP more because I can foresee it end up like Nemesis and MLD :dbana:

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