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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Undoubtedly. And now I'm trying to understand what the mechanics of the Lutz jump are, that would make it extra painful for someone with an injured right foot to land. Especially if the take off is from the left. I get why it would injure the left foot because you're trying to apply extreme leverage on the left outside edge. I'm not yet clear on what it does to the right foot during takeoff and landing though.
  2. Yes. This. And if you were a Canadian skating fan back in that era, it was painfully obvious what was going on. What comes to mind is Isabelle and Paul Duchesnay in ice dance. for the better part of a decade in the 80's-early 90's, they were the most innovative, exciting, and technically perfect dance team on the ice - and they could never, ever, ever score higher than third place in any competition. We all knew it, everyone watching them knew it - it was painful after a while. the Russians and Americans would always score ahead of them no matter what they put out on the ice. Even the uneducated eye could see it.... Matters came to a head at 2002 in Salt Lake City and after that everything changed. As Kurt Browning once said in an interview, "They changed the scoring and right away, boom, Stephane Lambiel is World Champion. A Swiss skater. Before that it was unheard of, a Swiss could never have won under the old system." IMO the only skater scored under the old system who's still around and actually deserved his wins was Plushenko.
  3. I loved that interview. Found the whole thing somewhere on YouTube and watched it...I learned SO much myself. Nomura is a natural-born teacher, and Hanyu is like the ultimate student - he's just a sponge. It was electric watching them interact, and made me jealous that I don't have learning opportunities like that in my life. I feel like Nomura is going to do Tokyo 2020 proud.
  4. Same. I know Keegan is the Canadian skater and I'm supposed to be patriotic, and it would be nice if he got it, but I'm a satellite for a reason. I really would love to see Yuzu do it first. So guys, am I missing something about 4Lz here? We're all talking about how the take-off would put too much strain on his ankle, and I can see how it would, but in the videos that have been posted, it looks like the take-off is actually from the other foot. In which case, then it really is the landing that's the problem. Has anyone ever calculated the relative angular torque on the ankles that each jump creates? I'd love to know how they rank in terms of the forces involved. @CupidsBow great pics! I absolutely love the ones of Yuzu with Soohoorang. So sweet!
  5. I see this, I think 'perfect raw material for the LGC hair. Fetch the hair gel!'
  6. Well, maybe. However, its very obvious that he really, really, really likes axel jumps and does them easily. Whereas his Lutz, even the 3Lz, never seemed like that to me, it seemed more like something he really had to work on. IMO that tips the balance in favor of sooner rather than later for 4A. But I would be shocked if we see any sign of it before December at earliest.
  7. Welp, if anyone had any doubts about why Yuzu was assigned there, they can drop them. He's definitely the main selling point. Hanyuconomy strikes again.
  8. Is this what they call a cryptid sighting?
  9. Can anyone shed light on why, every time I try to respond to posts on the last page of this thread, the forum signs me out? *NVM, it's magically fixed.
  10. It's all a bit pointless unless they go after the people responsible for letting the guy who stabbed Ten loose, when he was supposed to be in jail and/or in court. They should be held to account for their irresponsible act.
  11. I guarantee you the waggy finger was no one's idea but Yuzu's. Who else would come up with that?
  12. Based on what both Shae-Lynn and Jeffrey said at CiONTU, it seems Yuzu really collaborates with them fully. He'll come to them with an idea and they'll work at bringing him material and information that can improve his performance and make it more meaningful. Although he did say that LGC was Jeff's idea from the start.
  13. Madness? Overcooked? Maybe it's my newness to the forum but I feel like this is just getting started... So, tell me *deep hypnotic voice* how do you Yuzu? Apart from being a satellite, that is. How do you manifest the inspiration you get from him, in your life?
  14. Just for fun. Tune is 'Don't Fence Me In', an old cowboy song. Don't Cut My Jumps With apologies to Cole Porter Sweet Yuzu Hanyu, looking mighty sad, was standing by the ISU's side. and when ISU said, 'I'm changing all the rules' Yuzu threw back his head and cried: Don't Cut My Jumps! Just turn me loose, let me leap through those quad salchows Underneath the judge's eyes. With my 4A, you know I'll dazzle and I'll razzle til the scores begin to fly. I want skate to the place where no one else can do it, leap all the quads then sail on through it gokaiten toe loop, you know I just might do it! Don't Cut My Jumps!
  15. Who even sees the costume when he's posed like this? 😍😍😍😍
  16. My Japanese is not great, but does that go: Ice up and be right, 4A is in town, Eh, something-something go gold medal something-something win Yeah I could Google, but this is more fun and we got time to kill anyway looks like I was half there: Beyond the ice, to 4 A town Hey, come along. Pleasant gold medal dream.
  17. Even he can't predict what'll happen, so we just have to take the journey with him and see where it goes... Take us to 4A land, sweet Yuzu, take us there with you.
  18. Not sure we want him getting those particular Ideas....
  19. I wonder who wrote that. It's kind of brilliant in its way, and very funny. Especially the bit about the costumes for the medley program. . . . Just realized that figure skating might be the only sport that doesn't have a medley event...🤔
  20. Firstly, I just want to say that I don't really understand these 'figure skating is losing popularity' complaints, since I don't know what kind of data they're based on. I've been a figure skating fan, one way or another from way back in the Toller Cranston era, til now. Sometimes I drift away from it for a bit, but something always piques my interest a brings me back. And I have to say that competitions are infinitely more interesting to watch since the bad old ordinal placing, 6.0 scoring system, and the ferociously biased reputation-based judging that went with it, got turfed. Now when I watch a competition, I don't actually know, before it starts, who will win, and that is awesome. I love it, and I personally think the ISU should move even more strongly in this direction and take steps to make their judging as objective as possible. Then viewers can get caught up in how hard their favorite skaters are working to get that perfect performance in, instead of thinking it's a foregone conclusion. I honestly don't think Yuzu would be as exciting a skater for people to follow if we were back in those bad old days. For starters, he would have had to move the sun, moon, and stars, and so would the JSF, behind the scenes, to break past the old prejudices and corruptions that used to dictate who could win and who couldn't. And ALL of his European and North American rivals would have to have simultaneous splatfests as well. That is how bad the old system was. There wouldn't have been any room for him to succeed no matter how great he was. So let me be clear: the new/ current scoring system is what made it possible for Yuzu to even get his victories. People complain about Chanflation etc, but it's nowhere near as bad as what used to happen. So that being said, as long as the ISU sticks to a scoring system that keeps competition open and unpredictable, I'll keep watching. Ice shows are another matter. I think whether they sell out or not has a lot to do with the economy and how many kids people are having and so forth. If people have money and children to entertain, they'll buy ice show tickets. If not, they might not. Now, to answer your questions: 1. If Yuzu had retired this early, I'd have been disappointed, but excited. Disappointed because he still has tons of potential, excited because if he's not competing, presumably he'd do more shows, maybe even ones I could get to see! I want to see him skate live, no question about that. 2. I think skating without Yuzu will still move forward. Look at the kids around him, the younger ones like Shoma and Nathan. Look at Evgenia. Look what Brian Orser is building at TCC. All those people are creative, innovative, ambitious, and more like then will come along. The future of FS is bright, IMO. Yuzu has pointed the way with his devotion to excellence, other skaters will follow. Honestly though, if the ISU is worried about FS that much, maybe they should go to work removing some of the barriers to entry to the sport. Make it affordable for people to participate. Find a way to put shows in smaller markets to tap into audiences that can't go to the big city shows. Use the Internet more effectively to draw in new fans from new parts of the world. And so forth. Skating is a beautiful sport. It'll never die, I think.
  21. graphic proof that he's in his own orbit high above us all...:)
  22. This is the most important Hanyu skill of all.
  23. One of those quotes is not like the others...
  24. Another one of those 'harder than it looks' simple moves...when I watch him skate I always get this urge to go get my skates and practice. Not that I have a hope in heck of doing any of it.
  25. Truth. I think he could ask us to buy the Brooklyn Bridge and we'd move it for him stone by stone to Yokohama if he wanted.
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