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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Truth. I think he could ask us to buy the Brooklyn Bridge and we'd move it for him stone by stone to Yokohama if he wanted.
  2. You mean the best part. . . No, wait, it's the best worst part. . . Maybe it's the worst best part? . . ....the agony and the ecstasy of following The Hanyu.
  3. That is so sad. I'd been wondering why so many Kazakhs were expressing that sentiment 'Forgive us, we couldn't save you' ...now I know the answer. One can only hope that this will be the catalyst for serious change. Too late for Denis Ten, but maybe not for Kazakhstan.
  4. Ah dang it! I was so hoping Shoma would stick his SLB program for competition. Guess it's gonna be his EX...or maybe we won't be seeing it again? I hope he keeps it; it was very high energy. Also Nathan's program looks similar - very high-energy, high-speed kind of thing. Guess this year the men are making it about fitness maybe?
  5. They actually found a decent photo of Dory. It looks great here.
  6. I read all of that, and it just makes me ill. I can't imagine what the Kazakhs must be thinking and feeling right now. So upsetting that a lifelong criminal was free when he shouldn't have been, and ended up doing this.
  7. No. I mean maybe he hasn't revealed to the world what he really thinks a 'perfect skate ' is yet. Or maybe even he isn't 100% sure what his 'perfect skate' will be until he does it and feels satisfied. Maybe he's trying to climb his own personal Everest. What I'm trying to say is that I think Yuzuru's goal is, and always has been, complete perfection, and that he doesn't think he's achieved it yet. No need to keep coming back to ask me what I mean, over and over again. What I've said - what Yuzu has said - is clear enough.
  8. I agree with you , but this is Yuzu we're talking about. He probably has other ideas.
  9. Don't you mean Worlds 2017 H&L? And he has the two Olympic golds now. Scroll back, you'll see people are talking about his motivation to continue Now, after achieving all that. I'm saying I think he has an image in his head of what 'the perfect skate' is, and he won't stop competing until he achieves that ideal.
  10. You know, he's talked an awful lot in various interviews about Plushenko's 'perfect skate' . My guess is that Yuzu is chasing the same mythical beast. Until he gets a 'perfect skate' that meets all his expectations for himself, he won't quit competing IMO.
  11. Well obviously Yuzu feels like that too or else why keep competing...
  12. I'm so excited for this now!! Glad I decided to take a chance on ACI tickets even though I can only go Thursday and Friday.....means I'll at least see his SP. Saving me the cost of a trip.to Vancouver. 😊
  13. Implementing this idea would make a fantastic memorial for him.
  14. My sentiments also...like what the heck? Why not just run the heck away if someone catches you robbing them? Why get violent? Makes me so mad.
  15. Kazakh justice moves extremely swiftly it seems. Did the suspects maybe turn themselves in? Does anyone know?
  16. So much agree with you. This was particularly senseless but it happens to so many.
  17. I just saw the news on Iron Klaus' Twitter. I'm shocked. So horrible for both him and his family and his country. The poor man. God rest him.
  18. Something I did not know. In which case, the photo posted to Brian's instagram was probably sufficient. From a purely etiquette standpoint, it still seems weirdly off to give someone an empty beer can unless they're a collector.
  19. Much for the same reason I'd like to try it...for the curiosity value and laughs. He doesn't have to drink it. Although Yuzu's well past legal drinking age and could have it if he wanted it. Giving someone an empty can seems a bit douchy, don't you think?
  20. The Muskoka Brewery website has a mapping app listing all the places you can get their products, including the drinking establishments that get the Moonlight Kettles series that "All Eyes On Yuzu" is from. I tried one of those places last night but they were sold out. "Extremely limited run" might be an understatement. So I hope Brian saved Yuzu a can....
  21. Mill Street? No way....cottage country breweries all the way! I also love Lake of Bays but Muskoka is more available. So, I had no luck at the LCBO but apparently one of my favorite pubs has it on tap for a limited time. So that's where I'm off to tonight. Hopefully they'll have a coaster or something I can snag...
  22. I am going down the LCBO as soon as they open in the morning to look for this. My favorite brewery. My favorite skater. Together in a can. *tears of joy*
  23. My favorite part of that time was just as Yuzu stepped off the ice, he gasped to Brian "I'm back! I'm back!"...and it was only then that we were able to see that even Yuzu hadn't been 100% sure... I cried.
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