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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Well, I'm glad you said it, because if I did, I'd just sound wayyyy too thirsty. In all fairness to Edea, though, it's also the best possible view of his skates in action.
  2. I love how he can take any moment and lighten it up...
  3. Thanks for the further information. The whole thing seems very weird and entirely unnecessary, tbh.
  4. I don't get it. Anti fans doing this I could see, but big companies? Why would they? It makes no sense. Most big companies have better things to do with their time. Clicked through to the original article and if Google Translate is correct, what it actually says is the jobs recruiting people to write such things on social media have been posted multiple times on a crowdsourcing job site ( sounds like a Japanese version of TaskRabbit) but that the recruiting company could not be identified. It also says that there are jobs looking for people to write any kind of fan opinion about all kinds of celebrities posted by 'publishing' companies. So not as bad as first appeared but disturbing all the same
  5. Even if he uses the same music, it'll be completely different layout, I agree.
  6. Man, every time I think I'm done feeling sorry for Kolyada...poor guy.
  7. Cripes. We actually do have good bands and good singers, you know. They just never seem to get popular outside of Canada. Anyway, on a more serious note, Diana Krall would probably fit the bill. Jazz piano, everyone's favorite. Google her "Cry Me A River" and you'll see.
  8. I'm thinking Kose probably gave him a pre-determined list of topics to talk about and told him to keep it brief, so he did. But they should have checked to make sure they had a different topic for each day.
  9. Who knows? They asked a pretty leading question when they asked people what their favorite part of Worlds was so maybe they were actually interested in the answers. I took that opportunity to put a plug in for positive change on their scoring of Axel sequences like 4T3A anyway. You never know, it might spark something. But I had a hard time keeping myself from saying something sarcastic about the return of the 'skating while Russian' bonus in Ice Dance.
  10. It was a bad costume, but he didn't look bad in it.
  11. that's only because the image is Photoshopped. In real life, he'd wear it like a king and still look awesome. Blue and Red are his colours after all.
  12. Yuzu would make it look like the only thing a man should ever wear. I don't think there's anything he looks bad in.
  13. Maybe the red is reserved for his Ghana chocolate sponsorship right now? I find it strange that he hasn't worn red except in those CMs since he started with them.
  14. Well, I don't agree with any of these opinions but I absolutely love your reviewing style. Well done!
  15. @Ashley2162018 Thank you so much for sharing that story...if it wasn't for Yuzu, none of us here would know that story because you wouldn't have gone to Sendai or shared it with us here. Sometimes it seems like Yuzu's influence is a bit like a stone dropped into a still pond, creating ripples that spread out further and further until they reach the far shores.
  16. ...and even that's not really fat, more like it's just the way his skin is underneath his jawline. So was there a new Kose blog today? I checked this morning and didn't see anything. . . . Talk about your daily habits. I'm sure quite a few of the replies on that one said "First thing I do is check the Internet for news about Hanyu-san" ...
  17. I understand what you're saying but on the other hand, it would be logical for him to monitor his weight carefully, because even a couple of pounds probably makes a difference to his jumps and the pressure on his ankle when he lands.
  18. I can't help but feel that where Yuzu is concerned, saying something like this is simply tempting fate. He'd do it in a second if he thought he could make it work
  19. Is anyone else having troubles with the emoji? I keep getting an error message saying only 75 emoji are allowed when I try to use the ShampooNeko Yuzu ones.
  20. That's how celebrity endorsement is supposed to work!
  21. yeah so, for Canadian satellites: https://beauty.shoppersdrugmart.ca/Luxury/brand/sekkisei Now I have to run to my local Shoppers and see if Zu's face will be smiling back at me.
  22. ?? What's he going to be doing? Live? Where?
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