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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. I want the knitting pattern for that scarf.
  2. Yes! He doesn't seem to follow the same way of doing things as other athletes at all.
  3. I love that quote. If I understand correctly, what that means is that he enjoys noodling around on the ice and gets new ideas that way...sort of like the way a musician will idly play notes until a melody emerges that they can use to write a song.
  4. If you read interviews with his competitors, this is the Yuzu they know on the ice...so I love love love the programs that show this side of him. To me, Origin is the distilled essence of everything he is as a skater and an athlete. I think it's the program that most completely expresses his personality. But I also see this side of him even when he does something like Hope& Legacy or Haru Yo Koi. His sensitivity and art in those programs are just another aspect of the total mastery he has over his skating. I think you can't have one without the other. Whether the program is giving a 'badass' image, or a 'sensitive' image - those are both all him, and to try and separate them would be wrong. I feel that in order to understand Yuzu as an artist (and he IS an artist, make no mistake), it's important to embrace all his sides. After all, no one gets to be two-time OGM without having a little bit of fire, iron, and steel in their veins.
  5. Truly, although Otonal is great, I'd be happy if Yuzu left it and went with a new SP next year. Because I think he's already perfected Otonal. But in my opinion, Origin is the vehicle Yuzu was intending to use to chase after his ultimate goal of the 'perfect skate' , so I'm very willing to see him skate it for as long as he thinks he needs to in order to perfect it. I don't see the Plushy tribute in that program any more either. I see the Kojiki - the ancient creation myth of Japanese legend. I see something really epic. And I want to see it in its full glory. Once it reaches that point, I would have no regrets if Yuzu puts it away and moves on to something new. But if he lets it go while it still has untapped potential, it'll always feel like unfinished business. My opinion is also that the gong at the start was meant for the 4A. But goodness only knows if we'll get it.
  6. I understand what you're saying, but Origin is so good! I really think it's gone way beyond being a tribute and is more Yuzu's own thing now.
  7. Oh man. Rewatching that has got me excited for Origin all over again. I can't wait to see it at Worlds. I feel like we haven't seen these programs enough at all. I really hope Yuzu will stick with them for another year.
  8. They're from Lord of the Rings. Tolkien invented the languages first as part of his studies at Oxford, then wrote the stories to give the languages some history. pretty darn cool when you think about it.
  9. I tried , but it was a limited edition from the brewery that makes it, so nearly impossible to get except by luck.
  10. I can't get this to back-translate...what does it say? Not fluent in Quenya, myself Also, when I put it into Google, a bunch of scientific papers about ankle joints come up...from Finland and Poland...
  11. In the case of Zu, it's more like 'One program to rule them all' - that being Seimei of course.
  12. Imagine if it was Dwarvish singing instead, all the songs are like this: Gold gold gold gold goldgold goldgold goldgold gold gold gold gold go-oh-oh-llllddd Gold! I somehow feel Yuzu would enjoy that.
  13. It would be fun, but he wouldn't be able to read any of it
  14. I could see the Klingons revering Yuzu as one of the ultimate warriors...while steadily and determinedly learning to 'battle on the ice, while wearing blades on their feet' just so they could do glorious battle with him. He'd raise their fighting spirit in no time. Aaaannnnddd.... we're getting silly. Really silly. Hurry up Worlds.
  15. I'm not sure, but I think in Sindarin you'd have to do it phonetically instead of by meaning... I sent my friend a text to see if he can help me out
  16. Come to think of it, I have a friend who learned Sindarin just for kicks....
  17. Is..is there even a hieroglyph for 'ice skating'?
  18. How about Cree or Inuktitut? Not that I know those languages but...
  19. I really love that being a fanyu leads us to challenge ourselves with things like this. Even if you've forgotten most of it, the fact remains that you tried. Yuzu is such a leader, without even trying. He just has to be himself and people want to emulate him and achieve great things.
  20. Well, when you put it like that, they're a bargain...@ $6000 CDN...not even a year's tuition at university...no kidneys necessary. Yet.
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