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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Yeah. The only thing missing from that sentence is the 'for once'. He's basically called all the other judges out with this.
  2. He did say that in response to the question "after winning, how will you be feeling? ", so I would interpret that as the appropriate time to sing for him is once he wins. Which he will. Speaking it into existence.
  3. WHAT AN IDEA! I love it! I can totally see it. But maybe a cooler, more visceral vampire than Dracula...Lestat? Or is Lestat too debauched for Yuzuru to portray? @Veveco Europe is such an inconvenient timezone from here *whine*. Yuzu's SP is at 3:10 PM on Thursday, right smack in the middle of my workday. I suppose I shall have to mysteriously 'disappear' from my desk for a bit so I can watch it in peace.
  4. I have to agree about Otonal 2.0. That costume does not do it for me. It's the bulkiness of the fabric right at the front under his chin, that hides his beautiful neck, that is the problem.
  5. I love Origin 2.0, but I'm not convinced yet that it captures the music as well as Origin 1.0. Also, Yuzu looked majestic and otherworldly in Origin 1.0, like a god descended to earth to reshape humanity a bit. Origin 2.0 just looks beautiful, with out the otherworldly part. It's a more human look.
  6. Fanyu life: people are scouting out deals on Poohs in Torino shopping malls: Also, I voted on the ISU Awards but I'm scratching my head over how they chose the nominees. It seems like it's just an alphabetized list of everyone who won something in the GP series this season (well, except for "Best Costume", which is just, like, random? ) . It doesn't look like there were any selection criteria applied, nor any thought given to having the awards become a meaningful celebration of excellence or anything. I feel even more like this is whole awards thing is just some whimsical ego trip for the originator of the idea, and the ISU is going along with it because somebody told them they need more 'audience engagement', and they're not quite sure what that is, but they know it means polls, lots of clicky-clicky polls. Also, don't shoot me, but while I voted for Yuzu as Most Valuable Skater (because he is), and Origin 2.0 as best costume (because Dead Black Swan on Short Bearded Man aka Baker & Hawayek's Ex was not an option), I simply had to vote for Piper & Paul with "Both Sides Now" for best program , because figure skating needs a whole lot more of what they do, and a whole lot less of what about 80% of the other nominees do. It hurt me more than I care to admit to not vote for Gabby & Guillaume, though.
  7. Same! Looks like it's only on the voting page. I can access other pages.
  8. Thank you!!! Compare this to other On Ice Perspectives videos, and you can see that Yuzu skates so effortlessly. It's incredible. Off to vote if I can
  9. Why does it say 'video provided : TV Asahi'? Why isn't Jordan getting credited? Also, it's geoblocked for me.
  10. Is that a chip tray in his hand? Like he was eating when someone told him to pose. Edit: nvm, I read the caption later. "Before I saw the pie plate I thought he was calling Yuzu his chicken pot pie and I didn't question it. " - LOL!! I have to admit, I totally forgot about Challenge 2020...
  11. Lucky you! I get a mini frosted cupcake, peanuts, and coconut flakes!! Is this a cocoa or a birthday cake?
  12. We know they're going to ruin the Worlds gala exhibition with these stupid awards by putting a stage, chairs, and red carpet on the ice.
  13. Could you imagine the Twitstorm if that happened now?
  14. Every time I read a comment from someone complaining about the existence of fanyus, I sit and wonder what the effing HECK went on in the stands during figure skating competitions before we came along, b/c so many of these complaints boil down to 'fanyus are too rowdy'. Like seriously, what world are these whiners living in? I distinctly remember a time when the sound of cowbell featured prominently in the cheering for athletes like Kurt Browning! Did the entire audience of figure skating, except for us Hanyu fans, forget that you're supposed to be vocal in your support for your favorites? And that of course you're going to disagree with someone who has a different opinion from you about a skater's performance? Like WTH, man. It's like the 80's, 90's, and 00's never happened. Somehow we jumped straight from the uptight 70's right back into the prim and proper Edwardian era. So I'll be over in the ladies' seats, sipping tea with my pinky out, watching the nice young men skate ever-so-refinedly, under my parasol until my chaperone decides I've had enough excitement for one day and takes me home...
  15. Look at Paul go, living his best life! I have to admit he's something of a question mark for me as to why he still competes (he's in uncle territory for sure and his skating is kind of meh), but then he goes and does this and I just feel happy for him for giving it a try. Skating is all about those moments.
  16. She must mean 'fanyus' in the derogatory, 'crazy groupie' sense of the word, and not just as 'fans of Hanyu' ...I couldn't imagine anyone saying all of Hanyu's fans are 'not true FS fans'. There's plenty of us that loved figure skating long before Yuzu was even so much as a twinkle in his father's eye.
  17. how about record for most fanyus knocked dead in a single day - to Masquerade of course.
  18. Try to imagine Yuzu channeling some fiery Spanish man energy in order to flamenco effectively...
  19. ROI is in the middle of competition season. Yuzu's busy already. But it would be so awesome.
  20. You know, the reason I started the conversation about JNats and particularly about the non-Yuzu skaters is because I didn't want to jinx GPF.... Now I'm getting all about it Therefore: I foresee a happy GPF where all goes according to Zu's plan. In fact, I decree it!
  21. Yeah he won't be getting lifetime achievement any time soon. I think who ever said Dick Button has the right idea. It'll be someone like that.
  22. Which brings me to: it would make more sense if the award was for best costume designer, not best costume. It would have more gravitas if you're celebrating someone's whole body of work rather than just one design.
  23. I think lifetime is going to be somebody really old, who's been around skating for decades in many capacities. It probably won't be someone famous.
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