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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. My reaction to the DOI news: 1. Has anyone checked on ToshI? Is he okay after Yuzu resurrected Masquerade? 2. Yuzu not coming back to Canada is what I expected given the circumstances, but I'm really anyway. It's the end of an era in a way. Yuzu is moving on to a new way of being.
  2. If you look around, you'll see that the Planet has a few of these hobby-specific forums, where satellites who have other interests in common, as well as liking Yuzu, can have their own conversations without cluttering up the main Yuzu threads. It's more of a courtesy to other satellites honestly.
  3. Exactly. Normalize screaming for Yuzu the way rugby fans scream during the Six Nations. LOL
  4. I scream for the videos too, just not as loud because my neighbors would panic LOL
  5. The accident that's seared into.my brain is the one from the Jr. Pairs practice( or warm up) at Canadian Nationals last year. The guy tosses his partner up for a twist and then trips and falls flat on his face. She finishes her twist and he's not there to catch her - he's still scrambling to his feet - and this tiny, fragile little four-foot-nothing 13 year old girl goes pancaking flat onto the ice, dropping like a stone from six feet up onto the ice, barely managing to break her fall. In my lifeguarding days, that would have been a showstopper: clear the pool, everyone out, all hands on deck, 3 lifeguards to get her immobilized onto the spine board, call an ambulance, send her off to the ER, the whole nine yards. Instead, her partner picks her up, sets her back on her feet, they go over and get examined by their coaches and whatever so-called medical staff happened to be on that day, and she goes back out to skate their SP...with a broken kneecap and wrist but somehow miraculously not concussion. And then Ted B praised her bravery. Instead of using the opportunity to call for better injury protocols. It's got to be one of the few high risk sports where there's so little regard for safety. And where being downright foolhardy is considered a good thing.
  6. Thanks for this, although now that I've read it, I have even more sympathy for Brian. He must have been absolutely beside himself trying to get the medical staff to move at first, and trying to get the appropriate care for Yuzu once he was off the ice. And I totally understand his surprise at how they tried to get Yuzu up. Every first aid course I've ever taken tells you that the very first thing you do in a situation like that is tell the injured person "Don't Move", then examine them for concussion and possible spinal injury. THEN, and only then, do you attempt to either put them on a spinal board (if they need to be immobilized) or get them onto a suitable conveyance to bring them to safety so that you can examine them further. I wish 'Team Brian' was available in English, and in Canada (it's not). All this happened and I had no idea because it's never been published here.
  7. As regards CoC 2014, I might be wrong but I do believe Brian has indicated in at least one interview that the decision whether Yuzu should skate or not was in the hands of the Japanese team officials and Yuzu, I.e. it wasn't Brian's choice to make. Also, I doubt anyone realized the extent of Yuzu's injuries at the time, so it wasn't as clear-cut a situation as it looks to us now.
  8. So many satellites were in that audience! We made our presence felt.
  9. I think Yuzu has made it abundantly clear that he likes it when we scream, so no need to feel embarrassed. And also Awesome story!
  10. She (Ice-chan)'s a cruel mistress but she bestows her favor and her rewards upon the deserving. Among those gifts, eternal youth. Although tbf I think it's just Yuzu's Sendai constitution. Shizuka Arukawa doesn't look a day over 30, either.
  11. I'm actually not so keen on the darker blue, but I cast my vote for more and brighter sparrows and flowers.
  12. Good work! Also, ever since Yuzu started training so focused on 4A, all his other jumps got way better and he executes them with ease. It really stuck out to me this year. Maybe Yuzu has discovered the true secret to jump supremacy: overkill. Shoot for 4A and everything else becomes a piece of cake.
  13. So, for all intents and purposes, they'll either be limiting events to Chinese athletes only, or else conducting them in a super tight bubble, at least for now. I keep having this feeling that Beijing ain't gonna happen, and all this travel restrictions stuff does nor improve my confidence
  14. Oh wow, I didn't even realize! Thanks!
  15. ....the thing is, it's not readily available outside China at the moment. I think this is in truth a way of saying they don't want anyone coming in, without actually saying they're closed for the time being. But whether they'll apply that to international athletes is another question
  16. I read that China is only allĺowing entry to travellers who have been vaxxed with Sinopharm.
  17. I think it's a match up, though - the top two skaters get to state their preference and will get it if the fed agrees, every one else gets assigned
  18. Why does Nathan always pick two early ones? It just means he's got six weeks of cooling his jets before GPF. Hard to stay competition ready that long, really. Edited: Nevermind, I see I got the order of the competitions wrong 😅.
  19. Is he likely to be assigned to SCI though? Don't forget he was world bronze medalist this year. Idk know if that makes a difference but it does mean he's assigned after Nathan and Yuma get their choices, right? So it might end up being IdF, no? I mean, that's assuming Nathan does what we all expect from him and picks SkAm. Then it's just a question of where Yuma thinks he'd be better off. I don't think he's done many competitions in North America but he's used to Europe. Also, he might choose based on where he thinks he'd be more likely to win. IdF usually has a weak field and that might be a strategically wise choice for Yuma right now. But if he doesn't go for that, then Yuzu will be left with IdF, I believe. Then it's CoR, CoC and NHK. Both Yuzu and Yuma would benefit from NHK. Nathan gets first pick though. IMO Nathan will go for CoR, but you never know. Assuming Yuma takes NHK, Yuzu gets CoC. If Nathan decides to pick NHK, then all bets are off. Yuzu would probably love to get CoR, but I think Yuma would be more likely to choose it. So, assuming travel restrictions are no longer an issue, the most likely assignments for Yuzu, in my estimation, are IdF and CoC/CoR. If everything remains pandemic borked though, nobody's going nowhere.
  20. Where's Cup of China this year? If it's being held at the Olympic rink for Beijing, then I can't see Yuzu not wanting to go there. Just to get a feel for it.
  21. Well, at the moment there's plans to loosen travel restrictions for fully vaccinated Canadians returning to the country, and that will probably happen at the end of July, but no more news beyond that. It's very much a play it by ear situation...if case counts go down and stay down, maybe things will move.
  22. Nope. So much depends on COVID travel restrictions
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