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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. C'est de rien, bienvenu! @mods: That reminds me, how on earth does the Planet make these auto-translations happen? It's way better than what Google does.
  2. Hopefully! Everyone should have a chance to see Yuzu live!
  3. He's referring to a judging controversy from his previous competition, ACI, when an incompetent judge scored his quad toe as under rotated. What he says here is 'I hope the rotations were enough for the toe (aka 4T)', and Brian and Ghislain are laughing because his jumps were undeniably perfect at SCI. In other words, Yuzu is chucking shade at the judging in the nicest possible way. Watching this warms my heart because a) Yuzu was amazing, and b ) I can see so many satellites from the Planet sitting in the audience (including myself!) ; it's like a group portrait of us and it was such a happy time. God willing we'll be doing that again soon!
  4. Congratulations, @Henni147! So nice that your hard work is getting noticed.
  5. I'm delighted to see that Roman got his first dose!
  6. They definitely sound like two Olympic medallists well and truly kuyashii with themselves. As I'd expect! After all, they're fiercely competitive guys who like to do well.
  7. Between one thing and another, it's starting to look like Eteri is the only option for a good-sized chunk of Team Russia and it's simply not healthy for just one coach to.have that much influence
  8. Jun starting to cultivate his idol image I guess? This looks amazing. https://twitter.com/hanyusiast/status/1394221496134819841?s=20
  9. Oh, what I wouldn't give to be able to go there and see this up close. This and Origin 2.0. They're definitely the most fascinating costumes Satomi has created for Yuzu. I'd love to study them well.
  10. Although I have my doubts about the advisability of doing SOI in Canada anytime this year, I am happy for Meagan that she'll still be able skate it, and with Dylan Moscovitch. I feel like they'd be quite fun and high energy on the ice together.
  11. Yes, and when you're on the opposite side, 30 seems impossibly young
  12. He was just being his cheeky self and teasing Kenji. He's said in interviews that he believes men reach their physical peak around 30, so as long as he's uninjured and feeling good about it, my guess is Yuzu will keep on. But he'll need new challenges
  13. The reason 'Nessie' is used is because it's a legendary creature, like a dragon or a unicorn, who hasn't been seen but that people hunt for. Using that name is more about the legend than anything. We're basically saying that Yuzu is like a knight on a quest, chasing a monster of legend. The real facts about the actual story of the Loch Ness Monster don't have much to do with it, but I understand why you'd feel superstitious if you think it's referring to something fake. The beauty of legends is that sometimes they turn out to be true. Yuzuru is definitely going to make 4A come true. And then he'll become the legend, himself. I think I can safely speak for the whole Planet when I say, we are certain of this. 4A will happen and it will be Yuzu who does it first.
  14. He doesn't just make the best of situations, he practically eats them for breakfast and uses them as fuel to succeed. I've never seen anyone who can turn things around from utter hopelessness to the shining pinnacles of victory like this, over and over again. If Yuzu truly did have an actual superpower, this would be it.
  15. Reality is that until this pandemic starts ending somehow, neither Yuzu nor anyone else has all that much control over where he'll be training. I have other thoughts, but they're all gloomy so I'll keep them to myself. I just want to point out that it's not as simple as whether Canada will let him in and which location he thinks he'd be better off training in.
  16. Reading this account of the asthma attack, I keep thinking about how things were in Boston, when Yuzu hid his injury from Brian. It seems to be a bit of a theme. Honestly, I know we're outsiders looking in, and don't know for sure what's going on, but it really does look like there's a lot of times when the JSF staff responsible for Yuzu at competitions somehow omit to tell Brian important facts and information and it's a bit mind-boggling. Like, why wouldn't you tell a coach 'hey, your skater's having trouble breathing and will be a bit late to the warm-up' ? if only to save that coach the panic of having to search for an athlete who is nowhere to be found. I really don't get it. Thanks so much for the translation, and welcome! I'm glad to see Brian say they're trying to urge the government to open up for athletes. I'm not convinced they'll be listened to by the government, but at least they're trying. The last paragraph - I think Brian is actually super proud of how his athletes are coping with the situation even though he's also anxious on their behalf too. That's the way his words sound. I do believe Brian has said as much in more than one interview. This is my feeling as well, just from watching the way Brian looks at Yuzu when he's by the boards at competitions etc. I think Brian respects Yuzu immensely and more so as times goes on.
  17. Of course he did. He was one of the top selling artists of the year. That should have counted for something and it did not, apparently, to the Grammy committee. He wasn't the only artist they screwed over...don't get me started. But the Weeknd is in good company. Rock acts and Canadian musicians have been snubbed and screwed by the Grammys for years. We all complain about the ISU here but they're amateurs to compared to some awards granting committees. Speaking of pointless and cliquey awards, I see Max Parrot got the Laureus this year.
  18. I'd love to think that, but it's probably more like, eventually the whole world passes through Toronto....
  19. I just wanna stay home and watch Yuzu videos today...but it's a workday for me....
  20. right, my bad. I don't approve of it in other sports either well I don't think the answer is to let the little kids compete alongside grown adults either. There's a world of difference in maturity between 15 and 19...or even 18.
  21. More to the point, they should be raising the age to help protect kids from possible exploitation and abuse. It makes utterly no sense to have 15-year-olds competing with grown adults when the social milieu around the sport lends itself so easily to predation. Let the 15-19 age group be in one set of competitions and the adults in another, never crossing paths. But of course the ISU would never propose an age raise for that reason - that would mean admitting there's a problem. And yes, I realize that coaches and others are also a problem, but separating the younger ones out is at least a start. This proposal from ISU makes it sound like they're trying to come up with a plan to recreate the Yuzu effect again and again. Good luck with that.
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