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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. It would; but at the same time I'm wondering how much different it would actually be from watching Yuzu during a practice, for example. I suppose he'd have to do it from the artistic perspective of expressing every aspect of silence....which leads to the question: is a 3A or 4A silent? Can it be? I don't mean in the sense of 'does the athlete make a sound while doing it' but as an element of a program, do Axel jumps "speak", and if so, what do they say? In my opinion, 3A is an exclamation, so even visually, it is not 'silent' .
  2. They survived. Can't say I blame him for being freaked out, though. The weather was pretty unsettled there for about a week.
  3. Although these two are not overtly related issues, they both stem from the same place: a lack of will to correct the underlying problem
  4. Forgot to post this yesterday. Welcome, @Lindt! Enjoy your stay.
  5. 0h right, it was SP we were talking about. Oh, definitely. No one should ever cut the brilliant 4'33" to a 2 minute length, like my God, everything important about the composition would disappear as if it were silence.
  6. But he'd have to cut it to 4 minutes to fit the current rules for the free skate, and how would he ever be able to do that without wrecking the piece? I mean, John Cage wrote a masterpiece there, and every single part counts. Yuzu wouldn't want to leave out any crucial bars of the music... Your other two suggestions seem a bit like warhorses to me, even though they're not... I humbly submit for Yuzu's consideration: 5. Not Today, by BTS because any song that starts with the verse All the underdogs in the world A day may come when we lose But it is not today Today we fight! might as well have been custom written for Yuzu.
  7. I think it's because it's only been performed 3 times, total. And people were not thinking about figure skating for the past year. It will be interesting to see how things go for H&E this coming year.
  8. I gave most of my reactions to this controversy over in the Team USA thread, but since you asked:
  9. Welcome back, @KatjaThera! You've been very missed! Glad to have your thoughtful perspectives back. Also, welcome to the Planet, @YuzuSkating_IsTheTruth! I hope you enjoy your stay. Sorry, I wanted to do this all as one big post, but the way the quote post function works on my phone is demented and won't let me lead a quote post with other text first, so see below for further discussion.
  10. His own judging system that automatically disqualifies people from competing on the basis of depth of their edges and accuracy of their axel technique
  11. I would give my eyeteeth to have the strength and flexibility to do a hydroblade...I can barely even get into the position on land
  12. So....who here is excited by what Yuzu said about how he wants to reach even greater heights in skating 'after 4A'? In other words, maybe he's not planning to r***** any time soon.
  13. I know this is OT, but that's an extremely fascinating topic in itself. I agree with loud(ish) voicing as long as it is geared towards gaining a positive result and isn't simply about tearing someone down in order to vent one's ire. The end goal should be to make things better for everyone, not to make one individual feel like a heel.
  14. Well said! I'd add to that, that the more loudly someone points out things that are against this or that gender stereotype, the more they're actually reinforcing that stereotype. So may be it's better to just let people have their unique gender expression without making any comment of any kind.
  15. An extremely good point, and one I have long thought to be true in regards to Yuzu. Cultural differences matter in this aspect.
  16. And that's always going to hold true for any skater who makes the mistake of thinking that a program doesn't have to be a total package of artistry and technique together.
  17. I think we are all agreed on the fact that the underlying, general, idea here - the erroneous belief that figure skating somehow needs to be rescued from the prejudices of a judgmental society by means of making it more 'athletic' and 'manly' through the considered neglect of elements such as complex, technically challenging step sequences, beautiful edges, etc and the addition of modern vocal music, to the detriment of the performance as a whole, is repugnant and comes from a place of misogyny and homophobia. On the other hand, what I see is that there's a mix of opinions on Nathan's words on the matter, and whether they were intentional or not. No one actually agrees with what he said; some want to pillory him, while others aren't so sure it's warranted. Either way, his words and actions are dubious, but I personally don't see what's to be gained from giving him the gears on social media. If the goal is to enlighten him and get him to evolve and change his mind, then harsh attacks aren't going to accomplish that. Reasoned debate might work though. Asking him if he really believes what he said in that interview, finding out why he believes it, and then using that to get him to reconsider his point of view would bring about more lasting change, IMO. I know this is hard to do, especially when it's a subject that hits emotionally close to home for people, but in the end its the best way to change hearts and minds. My 2c, fwiw.
  18. Boy, AoP seem to be going downhill just as fast as they rose up this time last summer.
  19. Same here, ACI has it's white-haired contingent too. But they are already fans, so not a new audience. ISU might want keep them but isn't going to attract new fans among that group no matter what they do.
  20. I don't know if this holds true for Japan, but amongst Canadian Olympians, being the opening-cereminy flag bearer is considered bad luck - a lot of the opening flag-bearers for Team Canada have gone on to have a crappy Olympics.
  21. ??? Still doesn't make sense. Look at the turn out (or lack thereof) for the US version of Stars on Ice, and they tour the entire country. I think conservative bible-belt types, both men and women, watch football.
  22. Well, if his agent wrote the apology as everyone seems to be assuming (and it is an assumption; we do not have proof that Nathan did not write it, no matter what way it sounds), they probably thought they had to reference the source material...
  23. Donovan is definitely more mature than NC, in wisdom if not years. Also, clearly much less insecure.
  24. That's actually an interesting point, because to my knowledge this debate just doesn't arise in countries where figure skating is a bigger draw.
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