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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. I utilize it liberally. Gives me so much peace of mind.
  2. Extremely important point. I think people are fearing that Yuzu has decided he is an island and can handle all this exclusively by himself without consulting anyone at all, since he has a history of doing just that ( and then coming to grief.) And when you know for a fact there's a dedicated team of experts dying to help him if only he would ask, it's hard to stay quiet. But it could all , 100%, just be because COVID.
  3. Well, if Yuzu's plans for his recovery work out ( and I hope they do although I really wish he would get some input from a sports medicine expert) , then we'll be here again in 3 or 4 weeks time, freaking out and panicking even more about Yuzu's plans to jump 4A at either CoR or JNats....because that's just how his life is. My nerves...I'd say they were shot from following him, but I actually think they all got up and left me in protest, at this point....
  4. I don't think we will hear anything from his team other than well wishes and maybe them asking Yuzu to come back to Toronto so that he can get proper treatment for his ankle from the same group of experts who treated him before the Olympics. As far as anyone can tell from what is available on social media and in interviews, Yuzu has simply stopped communicating with them altogether ( and for no discernible reason, it seems. He just...stopped). If we get any news about his ankle, it's going to be from Yuzu himself, is my guess.
  5. Nothing we can do now except pray that he'll have the good sense to take it slow and let his ankle heal well, and send him our good energy for healing that ankle. Bet we never thought 4A meant 4 Ankle injuries but here we are, ankle injury #4 (that we know of) ....
  6. Exactly. And, Yuzu, please make sure you get the best possible treatment from the right people, the ones who helped you recover from your injuries before.
  7. Because he keeps pushing the envelope, is why. We love him for it but there's costs associated...
  8. You've gotta be kidding me. Now of all times...praying it's nothing serious.
  9. @daisyjune, @sweetwater: so excited for you both as well! May you all see amazing things from our boy!
  10. That's so exciting!! Congratulations. Have you notified your next of kin in case Yuzu gives you a heart attack? I'm so pleased that someone from the Planet will be there!
  11. Also, it's probably a lot easier on Yuzu's mom to be at home in Japan than trying to cope with a foreign environment like Toronto. I mean, she's been with him every step of the way, living with him in Toronto all these years and looking after him, and she has surely earned a bit of ease herself. She must be enjoying being at home in Sendai, too.
  12. That's the big "if". Who knows if he has motivation for that or not. He's been hinting towards the 'not' side lately, IMO. But then, I can only read his words in translation, so I may be wrong. I would LOVE to see him with a third gold.
  13. We were lulled into a false sense of security by the quietness of the last year and a half
  14. Ack! No, Yuzu shall remain injury free on this one, regardless of success or failure. I decree it to the universe that it shall be so. (Ya hear me, universe? I've got my eye on you...)
  15. Or we could call it "Harmonious Feathers Ascending to the Heavens on a Divine Whirlwind", only using archaic kanji, for suitable effect. It's all good.
  16. For me, the issue is the colors. I realize they are the company colors, but they simply do not suit Yuzu's snowy complexion.
  17. This was my reaction too. Has everyone realized that 4A is basically an all-or-nothing proposition? If it's at the start of the program, and Yuzu lands it, then everything is probably going to be golden. If it goes the other way, that's a hell of a fall to try and bounce back from and get up and do a whole program afterwards. Chances are the rest of the program would also suffer. And if it's towards the end of the program....words fail me. That would be the work of a true madman. It would be amazing, but like watching Yoda use the Force to lift Luke's X-wing from the swamp...I wouldn't be able to believe what I am seeing. So on that note, my gut hunch is that this is Yuzu gambling everything at once. However, past history has shown us that Yuzu never gambles unless he's reasonably sure of the outcome...so I think he made this announcement because he can now land 4A to his full satisfaction. But this is not going to be good at all for my own nerves...like seriously, Yuzu, what the heck...thanks for two weeks warning so I can book my defibrillator in advance, but still what the heck...
  18. And to think some of the previous translations of his prior interviews made it sound like he was happy to be coachless, when in reality he was missing their input badly...
  19. This interview is a gem! Yuzu said it right out: 'dance like no one's watching, because it's fun' .
  20. I love that! He's really acting there. or it at least that's the way the commercial feels to me
  21. It was a poor idea to go to Raf to begin with. Glad he's returned.
  22. Me too. I think it's supposed too indicate the rank level? Which, mine is StSq4...yes, please, one level 4 StSq in every one of Yuzu's skates from now on, please, and properly scored, too.
  23. Well I think in Nam's case, he was hardly able to train at all last year because of our lockdowns and that probably made his mental health a lot worse.
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