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  • Member Title
    ...too in love with beauty

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    Kyodo News
  • Location
    in a champagne supernova in the sky
  • Interests
    Movies, music, art, philosophy. Inspirations: Louise Brooks, Buster Keaton, Rufus Wainwright, Iris Murdoch, Jarvis Cocker, Nathan Fielder, YUZURU!!!
  • Occupation
    state government worker bee

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  1. I'm curious how many times people have rewatched GIFT so far... I've lost count already. I think it's partly because I don't know how much time I have with it, please let there be a physical release!! It's endlessly fascinating and the healing effect is very real to me. It truly is the most precious gift from Yuzuru, and it's not even finished yet! Can't wait for the picture book.
  2. I love Yuzu's part but does anyone else think it would work better if the opening & closing numbers were switched? I wonder if that was the original idea but order was changed so Yuzuru could do that song... It really suits him and he's the only skater to match the feeling IMO. I'd like to see it as a solo!
  3. So excited!! I wonder how long the special edition will stay. I got Disney+ last year as kind of an experiment to see if annual subscription was worth it, until now all signs pointed to "No"... Plan to make the most of my subscription while it lasts
  4. Is it new that he likes Dr Pepper??
  5. I hope Yuzuru & fanyus have a wonderful time! I found this new banner heartening because it's clearly new, made just in time for a sketchy event where no one really knows what to expect, except that HE will be there & doing his best to make it worthwhile... That "do it anyway" feeling is warm & great.
  6. I had wondered how (or if) it was connected to his name, thank you!
  7. Not sure the best place to ask this but how long have fans been displaying four leaf clovers to support Sota? I wondered if it was around for a while & just recently caught fire enough so even a casual Western fan like me could see it, or if it's actually something new. Wishing him good luck in the free! 🍀🍀
  8. Crying over Rika here too! Almost didn't watch but glad I did
  9. Catching up with Boyang, happy belated birthday! Wish him the best
  10. Love the Rika interview! She is so strong & smart. I hope she heals well and is able to regain/improve her progress slowly but surely... The way she explained what she's been learning at TCC and how it is new/different was great, and I'm impressed all over again with how she handled giving up Nationals/Beijing.
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