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Everything posted by Yatagarasu

  1. Since the general thread is moving like it's on steroids (which is fabulous, do carry on please, no doping tests present here), it is easy to get all the skating talk lost, including any and all information that we might receive, that others may want to catch up on quickly. So. Skating talk only please. -Layout talk -Practices talk -Competition discussion -you get the drift and I'm lazy. Skating info only please.
  2. To be honest, I am not at all unhappy those dibs were called Can you get more war-horse-y than that?! And seriously, after last summer, especially with the knowledge he's perfectly fine and just off training, this will be a doddle.
  3. For this particular season even if he is in Canada the entire off season I won't be complaining tbh. Same. Same. I would actually be the happiest negl!
  4. We have more users online than the whole of GS. Well ok. I did not expect that to happen so quickly but viva Planet Hanyu. And we are in the off season. That's going to be interesting when news start coming in. Hmm, I wonder if he'll do even one FaOI, the way it's going.
  5. Holy moly, talk about safe choices, already used before. Like a million times. That aside, they're actually smart choices. We've talked about this before but the general audience responds well to those, and it's very safe music that does not leave the burden on the skater at all.
  6. I am guessing they're working on stuff and ahh, I do believe this will be my primary home here. Cheers!
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