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Let's Go Crazy!

Let's Go Crazy! (6/67)

  1. I just got my Time of Evolution Blu-ray and to my disappointment, there's no LGC performance in it. I'm too lazy search the forums for the answer but is it because of licensing issues regarding Prince's song? Why is this awesomeness of a program not included, why???
  2. Yeah, that works--I saw that and was saddened that there wasn't any English subs. I couldn't remember what Yagudin was saying about Yuzu, so I wanted to rewatch it with subs thank you though!
  3. Does anyone know where I can watch the Russian commentary for Yuzu's SP at Rostelecom this season--WITH English subs? I don't know if it was also blocked or something, but I can't find it anymore.
  4. Those are being sold for more than the original price by non-Amazon JP sellers, so to get those I'd have to use a proxy which would again cost more than buying a new one from Amazon JP itself.
  5. virtual hugs to you! It's such a sad position to have GPF tickets, know that he's qualified but can't go because of an injury ;A; Your art style is so cute and fun though! I enjoyed reading it!
  6. I've always wanted to try traveling on my own to different countries but I never did UNTIL this year because I want to see him get his second OG. Went to Korea for the Olympics two days after my surgery and then went to Helsinki earlier this month as well! Very awesome adventures, and I met great people. Yuzu helped push me to live the adventures I want to have--cannot wait for more.
  7. Gah I missed out on this one! Amazon Japan no longer has it It's so pretttyyyy
  8. Seems like such a stupid question but I wanted to confirm...when you guys input your international address when ordering the shirts, does the country really not show up???? Cos at the confirmation page it shows my address but cuts it off at the state, so mine shows up as 000 Street Address City State but no country. is that alright????? Gah I just want my shirtssss
  9. I was so surprised lmaoooooo cos I know you gave me a gift already but yesss I got it (well. It's in the US lmaoo) thank youuuuu I'm sure to love it--I saw the cover and fell in love. I still wanna get a scan of the drawing though, thank you!! I'll put it in my hobonichi~
  10. My sister texted me--apparently a package from Japan came, and it's a figure skating magazine??? From someone (name starting with an S)??? Is it from the secret santa??? I'm confused lmao Whoever you are, pls message me lmaooo and thank you that was so random????
  11. Omg that's so detailed and pretty thank youuuu
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