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Everything posted by Pammi

  1. Thanks for posting - I had read the first post from FanyuFanme but not the second...they are a lovely writer, and the sentiment in the second blog made me because I have definitely been one of those marbles! Their descriptions of what it's been like for many of us are so touching.
  2. I don't think I ever knew this either! I'm sure some on here will have been aware though - Yuzuru is such a clever clogs!!
  3. Another chance to see this in full now we know what he says! Get your Rin and Len Kagamine at the ready folks
  4. Ahhh it seems I am too naiive about these type of articles being part of an ongoing strategy to bring Yuzu down and promote Ohtani...I don't understand Japanese media obviously! These are 2 great athletes, very different personalities....it seems there is lots of jealousy about Yuzuru's charm and popularity in the sporting world, though the impression I get from Ohtani himself is that he admires and respects Yuzuru. This last week has been quite exhausiting for us fans, imagine what it must be like for Yuzuru
  5. Response from Aera above. Opinion from me below so under spoiler....
  6. We will never know lol!!! Well, maybe not for a few years!!
  7. What fabulous news!! Waaaaaah!!! Congrats Yuzuru and new (very lucky!!) partner
  8. It would not surprise me at all tbh!! Nearly everything Yuzu touches, both historically and presently, seems to turn to gold Many will want a piece of him - thank goodness he has the sense to be discriminating in his choices!
  9. New Olympics video dropped on YT! All sports at Beijing 2022, Yuzu has a good part with HYK at 6:53. Very interesting who is included (or not) in the FS section... This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  10. I am crying right now, watching GIFT - I never shed a tear at the live show, I was euphoric!.....now I can't watch it without crying all the way through!! Even Ashura-chan makes me cry, seeing how hard he works, so much effort, innovation, thought, feeling, risk-taking....I am also a big cry baby I think, though never thought I was before Y barged into my life with PW on YT in 2016......this probably sounds a bit inappropriate as it's about a war song, but it's true so I am going to tell you - I keep singing a line from the song "Willie MacBride" : "when he joined the great fallen of 1916" but for me it's "when I joined the great fallen of 2016" - falling for Yuzuru!!! (I can't help thinking it, my mind often provides relevant words/lines from songs to me in everyday life - it annoys the hell out of my nearest and dearest, but it's just how my mind works!!! It was Yuzu who made me think of this song lyric at Continues ~with wings~ when he asked the audience when we "fell" for him!! Blame Yuzu!!)
  11. It's a great tribute and analysis Martina, I hope many people read it!!
  12. Just read this on rottentomatoes.com reviews of GIFT Kyogen performer Mansai Nomura said of the Tokyo Dome performance of GIFT, "It is a modern-day Hamlet that is moving forward with words, body, and action," I didn't know Mansai-san had commented on GIFT, did I miss it on here?
  13. Oh was it just one artist? I was given to understand that there were a number of artists involved in the animation. EDIT: ahhh just looked up Shishi Yamazaki - described as an animation director so she probably had artists working on particular bits of the animation as directed by Yamazaki-san??
  14. Many ppl find it painful, yes, me included My suggestion is really for those of us who are interested in the numbers of views on different programmes/channels...not everyone is
  15. Olympic Channel TenChi has 969,000 views (NC's RM has 1.1M views just for comparative reasons of course.....) here's the link for ease!
  16. After reading this I was imagining all the (mostly) women in Tokyo/Sendai tripping up on purpose when out and about, just in the hope Yuzu might be lurking (it's something that occurred to me, so why not others??!! )
  17. One of my fave bits of GIFT - Yuzuru skating as himself with joy and abandon....
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