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Everything posted by Pammi

  1. https://x.com/_weilan8133/status/1705650728315076789?s=20 For some reason tweets aren't embedding for me at the moment - any idea why anyone? (I blame Musk for everything lol!) Anyway I thought this was an interesting thread about the changes we see in Yuzuru's skating/presentation/our experience of watching since he turned professional (there is a focus on IF)
  2. Google lens gives such an unfortunate translation to Yuzuru's last comment - I moved the camera around a bit but it kept saying the same thing!! (I see above a post with the proper translation thank goodness...) I noticed half way through the video that the questions were written in the top left hand corner! Did Yuzu seem a bit nervous in this interview to anyone, or is it just me?
  3. The only answers I caught from Capt Hanyu on live with my google lens were "competitive, selfish and greedy" and "scalp massage"....translations coming soon I hope, though we don't hear the questions!!! EDIT: oh great I didn't realise I could just rewatch slowly and use GL!! I'll be some time...
  4. https://x.com/ANA_travel_info/status/1704496496702304638?s=20
  5. |EDIT - dont think its anything to do with Yuzuru
  6. Yes of COURSE I have pre-ordered this immediately!! 2 big reasons - it's called GOAT (he deserves that title so much and at last we see it in BIG writing, on a BIG publication! Amazon japan's no 1 best seller in Japanese books already!) and secondly I understand it also has English translations - I hope ifans really support this publication because of that, we can show publishers that there is a demand....I just wish we could do something about shipping costs as I realise it is quite prohibitive for those of us on limited budgets! There is a 3rd reason too, the photographer is praised for his wonderful sports photography and photos of Yuzuru....a nice Yuzu-birthday present to give to ourselves lol! (I presume he gets some royalties too?)
  7. @Perelandra I came here looking for all the Gucci tweets!! You are slipping!! I suppose I will have to go looking for them to post then.... Our branded boy...makes me a bit sad tbh I am just nostalgic for simpler times that's all don't worry! I'll get used to him wearing these brands one day.... (I do like the suit though, he looks very dashing!)
  8. I read he meant to use it as a play on words: Re-Play (replay) for the gaming, and Re - Pray because he talks about weaving in other themes including prayers.
  9. Right, I have booked my hotel in Saitama Checked flights in Nov...£1000 plus at the moment! . Actually I prefer the Yokohama show as Yuzu will have had 2 goes at the show by then and really had chance to perfect it, and also non Japanese speakers will undoubtedly have had translations of the story, which will make watching it live even more enjoyable I imagine! Last time, I think tickets were only via lottery for Yokohama. I always love this stage of planning for a trip though, even if the trip doesn't come off! (As a Yuzu fan I have had a number of those experiences lol - off the top of my head 2018 GPF Vancouver, Montreal WC 2020, CoR 2021.....) Good luck to everyone who tries for tickets, let's hope for livestreaming too!
  10. Here is the Worlds 2019 freeskate - BBC commentary link - I will look for the other too - its Worlds 2017 free skate Eurosport Italy you want! And here's the Italian commentary to Yuzu's 2017 world record freeskate at Helsinki Worlds
  11. Arata-san showing amazement at Yuzu's ashura chan choreo - he has a YT video up analysing his latest ANA dance btw, if it's not posted on here already!
  12. We could watch it on big screen, sat in a laundry basket in front of the screen like kids do when watching a virtual roller coaster ride lol! I wouldn't fit in my laundry basket though...I'll have to see if they do extra large laundry basket sizes
  13. lol when I saw him carry the camera I also thought immediately of him wearing a helmet with a camera on so we can see his view of the world when he skates, and feel the speed, and imagine the wind in our faces.... A few of us should maybe suggest it in comments once some calm returns, to increase the chance he will see the request.
  14. Thanks for posting - I had read the first post from FanyuFanme but not the second...they are a lovely writer, and the sentiment in the second blog made me because I have definitely been one of those marbles! Their descriptions of what it's been like for many of us are so touching.
  15. I don't think I ever knew this either! I'm sure some on here will have been aware though - Yuzuru is such a clever clogs!!
  16. Another chance to see this in full now we know what he says! Get your Rin and Len Kagamine at the ready folks
  17. Ahhh it seems I am too naiive about these type of articles being part of an ongoing strategy to bring Yuzu down and promote Ohtani...I don't understand Japanese media obviously! These are 2 great athletes, very different personalities....it seems there is lots of jealousy about Yuzuru's charm and popularity in the sporting world, though the impression I get from Ohtani himself is that he admires and respects Yuzuru. This last week has been quite exhausiting for us fans, imagine what it must be like for Yuzuru
  18. Response from Aera above. Opinion from me below so under spoiler....
  19. We will never know lol!!! Well, maybe not for a few years!!
  20. What fabulous news!! Waaaaaah!!! Congrats Yuzuru and new (very lucky!!) partner
  21. It would not surprise me at all tbh!! Nearly everything Yuzu touches, both historically and presently, seems to turn to gold Many will want a piece of him - thank goodness he has the sense to be discriminating in his choices!
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