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    On clouds of cotton...
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    Yuzuru! :P
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  1. Oh I haven't had the chance yet to check her FS this season but I'll definitely do it soon. She might be a little rough on the edges but she does have charisma on the ice and that sensitiveness that you have mentioned in your comment. Both her programs this season also show a good contrast and The Mission (I still call it Nella Fantasia) is one of my favorite music pieces ever! Also, her costumes and image is always spot on
  2. I'll remember to do this when mine starts... haha! More to the list: (maybe she doesn't like thrown twists? ) Source: both are from Dailymail
  3. Yes, that's Roni. Effie has dark fur (they call it a calico cat).
  4. There's nothing more entertaining and de-stressing for a break between classes than 'aesthetic' jumping faces LOL
  5. This thread is pure gold (my brother suddenly came in worried that I was feeling sick or something because I was laughing so much )
  6. Ohh interesting performance! I didn't know there were such competitions... and Dick Button should do more commenting jobs (I still remember him praising Yuzu in Sochi)
  7. And in my opinion, it's quite difficult to pull off a white costume on the ice but hers was simply gorgeous ^^
  8. This thread is funnier than I thought with all these masterpieces Another one: Source: Fskate
  9. I woke up to 20+ pages and I started to get too anxious... but no FS yet... tonight there's no sleep
  10. Is he trying to get back to competition?
  11. Does he ever do something not from movies or not interpreting a character? I has a 'Mission Impossible' too and the 'I'm too sexy' brainwashing song He was the one I rooting for in 2007 and that time on TV they named him, Lambiel, Plushenko and Weir the Ice Kings. That James Bond program, besides lovely costume, had a very dramatic music cut that suited his style quite well. And this has made me nostalgic since I watched that Worlds SP 2007 live on TV.
  12. Ah Joubert, I kind of miss him on the ice (and yeah, when it comes to him, I remember James Bond or Matrix immediately ). They do have this showmanship that is pretty entertaining to watch ^^ And the more you watch, the more you dig. Another 'movie' performance: The ball is funny though
  13. This Candeloro is too much... haha! (I just wish the commentators would shut up... a skirt... ) Another one - Saturday Night Fever 'People just can't keep their clothes on here tonight'
  14. I just want to say that this is such an informative thread, especially for someone like me who started following skating after the Olympics in 2006 in Torino. It's great to see the evolution of programs and changes of standards throughout the years. Now let me off to watch that Bolero's performance.
  15. The tree looks huge from this pic... haha!
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