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Everything posted by Floria

  1. He missed many competitions this season and I kind of understand why he wants to go. And surely there is still kuyashii about lvl3 spin and StSq3 . I just hope that if he goes it will mean his ankle is ok or almost, because Worlds are not worth risking his health again and he knows it.
  2. OT but I have just seen this old video on my TL and...who would have thought in 2014 that 4S was going to be one of the keys to second OGM I feel like our last season's 4S3T nightmare paid off quite nice.
  3. Actually I am always amazed how fast he ties the shoelaces of his skating boots whenever they show it in documentaries or news clips. He has got a lot of practice though .
  4. This is a very accurate summary of fanyu's life
  5. What a way to finish weak fanyus who barely survived Olympics
  6. I didn't know it was yours. The same thing happened with one of my gifs a few days ago .
  7. The most heartbreaking moment of the whole Olympics for me. At this moment I don't care about recycling really. I'll accept anything as long as he skates, healthy and happy.
  8. I wouldn't say no either. Look at this beauty:
  9. It will be difficult to justify this time. Well, LGC still has a chance.
  10. He may go to a Challenger event first and next ACI is In Toronto area. It seems that we are already assuming 7-8 months of rehabilitation, but actually we doesn't know anything at all right now. Even about Worlds.
  11. I still have to catch up on CoR fancams... There are plenty of things to occupy your mind. Fanart, video editing or learning Japanese . I started taking skating lessons after Boston and it worked well .
  12. I have just caught up only to find out that we are back to discussing his future after r***t and doubting if anyone will remember him in 10 (?) years?
  13. Entire news clip in HQ. Aerial view of 4T3T at 0:14
  14. So far he IS going. They will announce only if he WD.
  15. JSF will make the announcement and it is up to them to decide when.
  16. Yes, I also felt slightly uncomfortable reading this, but Misha cited only his own words, so it is ok. ETA And Brian already said that Yuzu was in a very gloomy mood during the first weeks after the injury so Misha didn't disclose anything private or new.
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