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Everything posted by Floria

  1. I can see Seimei star on the iPod case, but what is the bird? Does it have any special meaning?
  2. OT Confirmed, Javi doesn't go to Worlds. So it is Yuzu's turn to decide. I sincerely hope he will not wait until the first day of practice.
  3. Does anybody remember how it was with 4Lo? Krasnozhon landed it one week before Yuzu, but with negative goe. We didn't knew if it was going to be ratified until next week. And then Yuzu landed a clean one and it was ratified immediately. I think there is still a long road to positive GOE 4A for everyone who attempts it.
  4. It is going to be a scary movie, but with the happy ending nevertheless
  5. Actually Dmitriev isn't young, I think he is older than Yuzu. Someone did this artwork after WC2017. Sorry, don't know the source
  6. He is Russian skater with quite a good 3A. And he is one of whose who actually tried to jump 4A more than once. But please calm down. It wasn't an international competition, he fell and the jump was downgraded to 3A.
  7. From one of recent articles (source) I guess that apart from motivation Javi also played very well his role in the TCC brilliant plan.
  8. I guess I missed it, anyone has link to the original video? thanks!
  9. "People write many different things about me. But the history that I made will never be changed." source https://gamp.ameblo.jp/ecovail/entry-12353842507.html?__twitter_impression=true
  10. Of course, so do I, but certain media keeps saying that now he needs 3xOGM to be considered GOAT *sigh*. But ok, those are the same people as always, I don't care actually.
  11. I am starting to feel like all the 3xOGM talk is diminishing his actual achievement. 2XOGM would have been extremely difficult even with Yuzu being at 100%, with stable Lo and Lz. Anyone remember that in an off- season interview he said: "I want to work hard, putting my entire life and existence at stake"? And this is what he actually did.
  12. Unless I understood it wrong this tweet and him willing to compete in his late 20s kind of match. 23+3=26.
  13. Do my eyes deceive me? Three years...
  14. Please, can somebody translate the last paragraph of this article? It is the one that says that Yuzu will attend Gala. http://www.hochi.co.jp/sports/winter/20180220-OHT1T50035.html Thanks!
  15. I think he is just overwhelmed with happiness to think and talk about the new scoring system. And nobody asked him about it in the interviews, probably because this season hasn't ended yet. But I am sure he will try to make the most of the new rules, exactly like he did with the old ones .
  16. Brian once mentioned casually about him practicing 4F(around TCC media day iirc), so we can be sure that he at least tried it. After that scary and incredible 3Lz save I am not sure that right now he is so eager to conquer 4Lz. He said that he was about to fall on that 3Lz the same way as at NHK practice... Although I am not a professional skater but I remember the moment I broke my wrist each time I do a forward left inside 3-turn.
  17. Do you think he will ditch the 4Lz forever, now that his ultimate goal is 4A? I feel like he mentioned Lz in one of the post-FS interviews, but I am not sure. He did Lz only 2 or 3 times in all PC practices.
  18. It was such a pleasure to watch all the PC practices footage! I feel like their coach-pupil relationship has got on a new level. I am not referring to trolling or mind games, just their interaction is much more open and relaxed now and they talk a lot.
  19. He went back to Spain on Sunday to celebrate and he will return for Gala.
  20. Thank you, I still have a lot to catch up.
  21. It wasn't streamed, but in the news clips they showed some single jumps he did in that practice. There should be links in the fluff thread. Also there were links in yuzu_pino twitter.
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