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Everything posted by Floria

  1. Wouldn't it be too risky to include 4Lz in both SP and LP? It gives you more chances to practice the jump in competition but if it doesn't go well it affect consistency and SP mistakes are costly as we all already know. I remembrer reading an interview with a Russian coach (iirc Evgeni Rukavicin) and he said that there is a mental issue with doing different types of quads in the same program. 4Lo has different setup then 4S and it is difficult to switch mentally from one type of quad to another in a few seconds. And 4Lo and 4S3T indeed had difficulties coexisting in the same program. I wonder what happens with 4Lz and how it can affect other jumps.
  2. Floria


    I have just sent my donation, but I'm not sure I put my username. The transaction ID is 9C896109B1360760X.
  3. LOL your avatar helps in the shade throwing xD Akiko and Kozuka are like: "Hanyu is blah, Shoma is great" Shizuka: "Hold my beer!" Btw someone was looking for photos of Yuzuru doing archery in the old thread. I have just found this, Is it real (or photoshopped?) When was it taken?
  4. Floria

    Music talk

    Sometimes the problerm is not the music itself, wrong music cuts can ruin the program. Since R&J1 many skaters used the same music, but not the same cuts and it never impressed me that much. I would like ar least one classical music program, even if it is a warhorse (with no recent legendary perfomances :smile: ). Chopin, Rachmaninoff, any piano or violin music. It suits his style of skating so well. Actually something like Etude & R&J1 combo could be perfect for Olympics. ETA he mentioned recently that PW and Notte Stellata showcased his skating abilities best of all, so probably we should expect something similar next season. As a longtime opera fan I would like him to skate to Turandot, by it is so overused now and with Shoma repeating his LP it is absolutely impossible.
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