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Everything posted by Floria

  1. Yuzu is back on FujiTV ETA it's over. What did he say about Boyang?
  2. He knows how it is to compete against his training mate more than anyone
  3. Shoma's time now. I will try to download it from fujitv once it finishes, more than two hours to go still.
  4. Yuzu is on FujiTV now, wearing his OGM Talking about 4A (it's the only thing I understand in Japanese)
  5. It seems to be something about Yuzu and his road to OGM. Some kind of documentary, I guess?
  6. So we may get another awesome gala practice on Saturday
  7. Now I wish for the entire Winter StSq, Yuzu version.
  8. There is Summer Olympics still . At these Olys there were athletes who went to Rio 2016 as well.
  9. So for now we have got how many options for 2022 OGM? 1. Speed skating 2. Short track 3. Ice Dance 4. Pairs 5. Curling
  10. Anyone still have doubts about Swan?
  11. And CS have cheaper tickets. There are many in Europe.
  12. Am I the only one that feel like these days we are getting our reward after 3 months of draught and worries? We are getting now all the fluff we missed because Yuzu didn't go to competitons. Everything since he landed in PC was so intense, I almost forgot what is normal life . And the avalanche of photos, videos and news today is overwhelming.
  13. I remember that SC already announced the place for ACI, it was somewhere near Toronto, so the possibility of him going is quite high.
  14. Also there is ACI and other Challenger series. The year after Sochi he did TOI, so maybe this time he'll do something similar? And invites all of his idols
  15. And there is still the gala and that "surprise TV appearance" for ladies FS highlights on Fridays .
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