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4 hours ago, Paskud said:

URed as always

How can you tell? The camera was far/low quality and the angle was not that good.


Not doubting you, I'm just asking for your experience.


I have my doubts too but I'm not so sure. I notice that in many cases, skaters make sort of a "knee-jerk" as they land URed jumps. I don't know if that's the right way to spot UR tho.

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3 hours ago, SuzyQ said:


Oh, so sorry.  Then how about these ones?

(music is gone for some seconds :sad-smiley-046:)


Shun Sato SP



Yuma Kagiyama SP




- He still has some room left in that 4T like woa 0.0 But, did he really get a perfect score (including GOE) for that 4T3T? I know that this is a local comp but like not even Yuzu's 4T3T at 4CC 2020 got it. Shun's combo is nice but it is not at that level yet. 

- His Lz is flat or slightly outside?

- I really don't like that they go for the piano ver. in the second half. IMO the orchestra version would be better. 

- Some nice choreo right there but in some parts it feels like he runs after the music. 



-  His jumps are nice

- That SP has a lot of similarities to his FP last year IMO. Even if he had chosen Take5, it would probably not have been that much different. 

- Something about his arm movements bothers me. 

- Same with Shun, IN/PE can be refined further. In some parts it kind of feels like he just does some half-hearted moves because of the music cues. 


All in all, this is still early season. They both did well :) 


PS: Maybe off-topic but both of them have nicer SS than Nate's :Poohgaveup:

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26 minutes ago, Melodie said:

How can you tell? The camera was far/low quality and the angle was not that good.


Not doubting you, I'm just asking for your experience.


I have my doubts too but I'm not so sure. I notice that in many cases, skaters make sort of a "knee-jerk" as they land URed jumps. I don't know if that's the right way to spot UR tho.

I think it's URed because she hits the ice when her shoulder (and not face) is facing camera.

I could maybe give it benefit of doubt (as you said, quality worse than usually) but it's Rika and her quad, so I don't.

After all, it's not the first time when she has good flow out of URed jump (quads including).

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1 minute ago, Paskud said:

I think it's URed because she hits the ice when her shoulder (and not face) is facing camera.

I could maybe give it benefit of doubt (us you said, quality worse than usually) but it's Rika and her quad, so I don't.

After all, it's not the first time when she has good flow out of URed jump (quads including).

I see :)  Noted about looking at which parts of the body facing the camera :) Gracias!



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junior boys

TOP 5 after SP


1. Kao Miura 71.44

3a:7562096: 3lze FCSp4 3f3t StSq2:7562096: CSSp4 CCoSp4V




2. Kosho Oshima 59.11

3a:7562096: 3lz! CSSp4 2f!+COMBO:Poohgaveup: FCSp3 StSq2:7562096: CCoSp4


3. Minato Shiga 47.34

2a-SE:7562096: 3fe2t FCSp1 3lz CSSp2 StSq2 CCoSp2


4. Inuki Onaka 44.76

3t2t:7562096: FCSpB StSq1 2a(overturn) CSSp3 3lz(fall) CCoSp3


5. Masamune Okubo 44.41

3s2t 2a:7562096: FCSp2 CSSp4 2lz StSq1 CCoSp3




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Just now, Paskud said:


senior men

TOP 2 after SP


1. Yuma Kagiyama 98.46

4s3t:7562096: 4t:7562096: CCSp4:7562096: 3a:7562096: StSq2 FSSp4 CCoSp4


2. Shun Sato 77.90

4t3t:7562096: 3lz(shaky) FCSp3 3a(fall):Poohgaveup: CSSp4 StSq2:7562096: CCoSp1(lost balance, hand down)




How Shun Sato must feel low! If he doesn't get "good" results in this competition, will there be consequences for him?

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junior girls

TOP 12 qualifiers to sectionals


1. Momoka Maeno 99.46   total: 156.84

3lz2t 2a:7562096: 3f!(step out) FSSp3 3f2t 2lo 3t(overturn) StSq3:7562096: 2a-eu-2s CCoSp4:7562096: LSp4:7562096:


2. Sae Shimizu 98.52   total: 153.99

3lz3t(ste pot) 3f 3lo FSSp4 1a 3lz2t-tano 2a LSp4:7562096: StSq3 SE-3s-SE CCoSp3


3. Azusa Tanaka 80.70   total: 141.65

3lz(fall) 3f!<<(2ft) FSSp3 3lo<(fall) 2a CCoSp4 StSq2:7562096: 3s<<(2ft) 3lzq+REP(2ft) 2a2t LSp3


4. Haruna Iwasaki 86.20   total: 132.80

3lz3t 3lo(fall) 3lzq(fall) FSSp4 3loq2t 2a CCoSp4 StSq2 3f!(hand down)-eu-2s 2a LSp4:7562096:


5. Ayu Terashima 85.78   total: 122.01

3lo:7562096: 3t 3f FSSp4 2a2t 3s2t LSp3 StSq1 2a-eu-2f 3s CCoSp3


6. Rie Imanaga 75.19   total: 118.43

3s2t 2a2t 3t<(fall) SSp4 3s< 2lz FCSp3 2lz 2a-eu-2s StSq2 CCoSp4


7. Miyura Ogata 72.82   total: 116.43

3lo 3f!q2t 2a2t CCoSp4V 3lz!<-eu-2s 3lo+REP(hangs on) 3t 3s< LSp3 StSq1 FSSp3


8. Yuyu Yoshioka 76.93   total: 115.50

3lz<(fall) 2lo 2a FSSp4:7562096: 2a3t<(hangs on) StSq2:7562096: 3s<(fall) LSp3 3t<2t2lo< 3s<2t CCoSp3


9. Mira Shigeta 71.94   total: 111.90

3s2t 1lz(2ft) 3lo FSSp4 CCoSp4 ina bauer-2a-eu-3s<< 2a:7562096: StSq1 3t(hangs on) 2f!2lo< FCCoSp3


10. Rio Maruichi 69.57   total: 108.10

2a< 2f!2lo2t CCoSp4 StSq2:7562096: 3s<< LSp4 2a< 2lz2t 2lz2lo 2f FSSp4


11. Kyoka Kojima 57.30   total: 107.55

3lz<<(fall) 3s<(fall) 3t(fall) StSq2 FSSp4 2a(step out) 1s FSSp3*(invalid) 2lz2t 1a1t CCoSp4


12. Noa Mizuguchi 61.01   total: 105.87

3lo<(hangs on)2t 3t(fall) 3s<<(fall) FCSp3 2a(hands down) FCCoSp2V 1lo 2f2lo StSq1 2a2t2lo< CCoSp3




15. Rei Yoshimoto 62.71   total: 102.48

3s<(fall) 2a(fall) 2lz!-rippon FSSp4 2f2t 2t 3s<REP(fall) 2a(hand down) CCoSp4 StSq2:7562096: FCCoSp3


16. Sara Honda 65.42 total: 102.45

3lz<(fall) 2a 3lo< LSp4 StSq1 3f!<(hangs on) FSSp3 2lz2t 3f!2t 1s<(fall) CCoSp3












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senior ladies

TOP 10 after SP

1. Kaori Sakamoto 74.88

2a:7562096: 3f3t:7562096: CCoSp4:7562096: 3lo:7562096: FCSp3:7562096: StSq4:7562096: LSp4:7562096:


2. Riko Takino 60.46

3s3t< 3lo LSp4:7562096: 2a:7562096: StSq4:7562096: FSSp2 CCoSp4:7562096:


3. Mai Mihara 59.69

3lz2t 2a:7562096: FSSp4:7562096: 3loq CCoSp4:7562096: StSq2:7562096: LSp4:7562096:


4. Mana Kawabe 57.92

3a<<(2ft) 3lzq(hand down) FCSp2:7562096: 3lo3t(hangs on) LSp3:7562096: StSq3:7562096: CCoSp4


5. Yuna Shiraiwa 57.20

SSp3:7562096: 3lz!3t(fall) FCSp2:7562096: 2a:7562096: 3lo:7562096: StSq2:7562096: CCoSp3:7562096:


6. Ayumi Kagotani 55.93

3lzq2lo 2a CCoSp4:7562096: StSq2 3f:7562096: FSSp4:7562096: LSp2


7. Ayaka Hosoda 55.52

3aq 3s(hangs on) SSp3:7562096: 3f2t StSq2 FCSp3 CCoSp4:7562096:


8. Hiyori Tokura 47.28

3t2t 2s*(invalid) FSSp4:7562096: CCoSp3:7562096: 2a LSp4 StSq4:7562096:


9. Harue Inoue 46.56

3f<(hangs on) 3tq2t FCSp4 LSp3 StSq2 2a CCoSp4:7562096:


10. Moa Iwano 46.08

3fe<<(fall) 2a(step out) FSSp3 3s<2t CCoSp3:7562096: StSq3:7562096: LSp4:7562096:





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junior boys

TOP17 qualifiers to sectionals


1. Takeru Kataise 131.39   total: 202.95

3a2t 3a:7562096: 3lz CCoSp4 3loq 3lz3t 3f! CSSp3 StSq2 1s FCCoSp4:7562096:    great skate


2. Sena Miyake 115.72   total: 179.63

4s<(step out) 1a 3a<-eu-2s FSSp4:7562096: 3lz! FCSp2 3lz+REP(step out) 3a<(fall) 3f StSq4:7562096: CCoSp3


3. Shuntaro Asaga 116.25   total: 177.33

3lz3tq 3lo<(hangs on) 3f CSSp4 SE-2a3t StSq2:7562096: steps-3lz!(step out) 2a 3s-eu-2s FCSp4 CCoSp2


4. Nozomu Yoshioka 107.29   total: 176.26

3t:7562096: 2a 3lz FSSp4 2lz2t 2a3t 3f! CSSp2 StSq2 2s CCoSp4


5. Ryoga Morimoto 104.88   total: 165.79

3lz 3lo(hangs on) 2a(hangs on) CSSp3 3f StSq2 3s 3f<2t FCSp2 2a-eu-2s< CCoSp4:7562096:


6. Haru Kakiuchi 108.92   total: 164.96

3lz3t 2a2tq 3fe CSSp3 FCSp2 2a 3lo< 3a2t2lo 3lz CCoSp3V StSq2


7. Shunsuke Nakamura 101.75   total: 161.46

1a 3lz(step out) 3aq FCSpB 3f!2t CSSp4 lunge-3lo spiral-3s 2a2t StSq2 CCoSp3V


8. Yuto Kishina 101.36   total: 156.76

3aq(overturn)2t 3f! 1a CSSp3 StSq2 FCSp3 2lz 3lo2t 3s2t* SE-1lo CCoSp3


9. Haruya Sasaki 78.54   total: 131.90

2a:7562096: 3lz<(step out, fall) 1lo CCSp2(problems?) 3lz2t FCCoSp3 1a2t 3lo(hand down) 1f! StSq2 CCoSp4


10. Shun Kobayashi 79.78   total: 117.36

3lz!2t 2a 3f!<(hangs on) FCSp2 3s<(hangs on) 3lo CSSp3 StSq2 3lz<(overturn) 2f!<<1t* CCoSp4


11. Shoei Sadayama 74.87   total: 111.14

3t<(hangs on) 3s<-eu-2f 2lo FCSp2 3t<2t(hangs on) 3s 2f2t(hangs on) CSSp2 StSq2 1a CCoSp2


12. Takuto Takahama 69.89   total: 107.61

3t<(hangs on) 2a 3s<<(2ft) CSSp3 2f2lo(hangs on) 2a<(hangs on) FCSp1 StSq1 2f-eu-1s 2lz CCoSp2


13. Seiju Kawaguchi 60.08   total: 97.79

3s2t 2lz FCSpB 3s<(fall) 2a CCoSp(invalid) StSqB 2a<(fall) 2lo-eu-1s 2f!2tq(hangs on) CSSpB


14. Tsumugu Koyama 59.77   total: 94.58

2f!-eu-2f FCSp1 2lz CSSp2 3s(hangs on) 1lz 2a(hangs on) 1s StSqB 2a CCoSp2


15. Haruya Shimizu 49.75   total: 86.47

2f! 2t<<(2ft) FCCoSp2 3s(hangs on) 2a2lo2lo<< 3s<+REP(fall) StSq1 2f2t 2a(hand down) CCoSp(invalid)


16. Shioh Kojima 50.59   total: 88.35

3lo<(fall) 1lz(slipped, fall) 3s(fall) CSSp3 2f<<(2ft) 3f<(fall) 3lz<(fall) 2a-eu-1s FCSp1 StSq1 CCoSp4


17. Ryota Kitamura 48.89   total: 83.00

2f! 2lz CSSp3 1s 2lo<<(2ft) 1a CCoSp2 StSq1 1lz(step out, fall) 1f! FCSp1







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senior men

TOP 5 after SP

1. Kazuki Tomono 86.47

4t2t 4sq CSSp2 CCoSp2:7562096: 3a:7562096: StSq3:7562096: FCSp4


2. Kazuki Kushida 73.77

3a 3lo:7562096: CCoSp4 3lz3t FSSp4 StSq3:7562096: CCSp3


3. Mitsuki Sumoto 68.64

3a(fall) 3f!3t 3lz CSSp3 StSq2:7562096: FCSp2 CCoSp4


4. Taichi Honda 66.34

3a(step out) 3f3t FCSp2 3lz! CSSp4 StSq2:7562096: CCoSp3


5. Shoya Ichihashi 48.51

3lz(fall) 3t2t CCoSp2V 2a CSSp4 StSq2 FCSp2




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I was surprised when it was decided suddenly, but I'm glad I managed to put it together and have fun acting with everyone.

At the beginning of the Chubu Championship, which was scheduled for a double axel (two and a half jumps), she challenged the quadruple salchow. It was a decision to compete in the world. On this day, I avoided saying, "I couldn't adjust it, and I didn't put it in this time because it wasn't in shape yet," but I also summarized the jumps along with the others.

I haven't got off clean yet, but I'm still willing to continue practicing. "When I practiced after coming here, it was pretty good for me, but I still don't have enough rotation. I'm researching how to rotate it".







[about 3a:] I overturned and couldn't make a quick decision, but I was able to get off with one leg without running out of rotation. Next time, I want to practice so that I can get a plus so that I can land firmly.

Last season's goal was to incorporate the three and a half revolutions that were introduced at the end of the season from the first race. I had fallen at the ice show "Dream on Ice" last month, but this day I went around on the investigation of the free "Poeta" which is the second season. "When it comes to the match, there are only 0 or 100. Today I got 0 points. However, if I just looked at the axel from practice, I could give 70 points. I want to bring it to the match with 100 points firmly".

I was nervous because I slipped in the tournament after a long time, but I put the axel. It leads to self-confidence, and it leads to the next.


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Even at the age of 25, Hosoda was in full swing. Three and a half rotations to incorporate from SP. He never makes excuses, but he says that the pain in his lower back, which can be said to be one of the reasons why he missed the All Japan Championship last season, is chronic. Even so, I have repeatedly said that the reason why I continue to be active is "I like skating too much. If I don't skate, I feel like I'm not." Commitment to three and a half revolutions, which was the first success at the age of 22. It doesn't change even if I "return" under coaches Utako Nagamitsu and Takeshi Honda, who were instructed up to 3rd grade about a month ago.







I was really happy, and I was so nervous that my internal organs popped out, and I couldn't stop feeling excited since I was at the hotel, but it was the first time in 10 months that I was excited, so I was nervous. I think I enjoyed it.

[about SP choreo:] I think the highlight is the steps. It's a really big movement, and I think the image of this song is "the image of taking a deep breath in the forest." It's a really relaxed choreography. I've practiced a lot because it's a step, but I think there are still challenges. I'd like to continue to say, "The highlight is the step!"





Shoya Ichihashi


I will play singles this season, but I have a strong desire to play in the pairs. I'm feeling that. I'm improving my physical fitness and English skills so that I can return to a pair player by next season. I hope I can return as a pair next season.







I got off to a good start in the first competition of the season, I've always been in the first race, I've been stalling at the beginning, and I've been unable to perform well. I want to show something different and "I want to grow." Therefore, I was able to perform a good performance that will lead to the next one. I want to concentrate and do my best tomorrow without feeling tired.






Coach Sonoko Nakano pushed her back to the rink, saying, "I can definitely do it. Smile firmly until the end."

I felt like I was back in the game when my name was called before I slipped. I was happy and happy. I was happy to ride the ice in the game after a long time. I am grateful to Coach Nakano, the people around me, and the people involved in holding this tournament. "The condition is different from what it was two years ago, but I'm fine and I want to improve it.

[about NHK:] I didn't know what to do because I was surprised and happy because there was a name in the NHK Cup player column. I want to perform well as a representative of Japan. I want to be able to get to the best condition there.



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