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15 hours ago, SSS said:

So apparently Nathan is doing 4lo in practice today and there is a piece of news saying that Shoma will do 4lz in FS...


I am not ready...:10742290:

Look at how they scored the ladies at Lombardia give me no hope at all. This sport is dead. Because specialists are just tools for big federations to give easy pass for their cheated technique. 

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11 hours ago, meoima said:

Look at how they scored the ladies at Lombardia give me no hope at all. This sport is dead. Because specialists are just tools for big federations to give easy pass for their cheated technique. 

Don't say that...you are my only hope...


I am totally scared about the 7 quad bv right now....because of candies in PCS and GOE, no difference...

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2 minutes ago, SSS said:

Don't say that...you are my only hope...


I am totally scared about the 7 quad bv right now....because of candies in PCS and GOE, no difference...

Tech specialists are paid but they also don't do their job probably. Of course this is just a senior B event when they're super lenient. But again, if they're there and they can not tell which wrong is a fake and should get penalized, then what's the point for specialists to be there? Just tell the judges to give maximum in everything and it's ok. I am so done and so disgusted at what Italian fed is managing this event, sorry if I offend anyone. It's not about ther nationality but how they're judging all of these. It's a farce.

and 147 for Zagitova right at the beginning of the season. I don't know what to say.

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You could wait to see what he actually does before suggesting his 4lz is the death of the sport and the fed is covering his ass.


Anyway, I hope Shoma goes with the 4s not the 4lz seeing how the only example we've seen had glaring flaws. I have no hope for Lombardia judging to be sensible or whatever but they've certainly set a precedent of wanky judging.

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6 minutes ago, CupidsBow said:

You could wait to see what he actually does before suggesting his 4lz is the death of the sport and the fed is covering his ass.


Anyway, I hope Shoma goes with the 4s not the 4lz seeing how the only example we've seen had glaring flaws. I have no hope for Lombardia judging to be sensible or whatever but they've certainly set a precedent of wanky judging.

Huh? Did I say "his fed is covering his ass"? 

I said Italian fed is being too easy in this event and give out too much easy scores which don't look as good as the performance shown. It's across all competition from ladies to men. 

How are you explaining 143 and 147 for ladies in a senior B when just last season it's the score for top ladies at World Championships?

It is ridiculous judging, ridiculous leniency and of course, this kind of easy going is not doing good for the sport at all. 

Where did I mention Japanese fed? Are you imagining thing? 

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9 minutes ago, CupidsBow said:

You could wait to see what he actually does before suggesting his 4lz is the death of the sport and the fed is covering his ass.


Anyway, I hope Shoma goes with the 4s not the 4lz seeing how the only example we've seen had glaring flaws. I have no hope for Lombardia judging to be sensible or whatever but they've certainly set a precedent of wanky judging.

I'm giving Lombardia an exclusive pass, only bc U.S. Intl Classic judging for Ladies wasn't horrible at all and that calmed down my salt levels just enough.... for now...


Also agree on Shoma's 4S vs. 4Lz. 4Lz isn't worth the risk for him imo also his 4S is just.... better

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9 minutes ago, meoima said:

Huh? Did I say "his fed is covering his ass"? 

I said Italian fed is being too easy in this event and give out too much easy scores which don't look as good as the performance shown. It's across all competition from ladies to men. 

Where did I mention Japanese fed? Are you imagining thing? 


And, yeah, IA the judging has been a joke and I don't expect it to improve in this competition. Maybe you should be clearer with your words.

But, anyway. Shoma hasn't been seen practising a 4lz since Chicago. He has been seen practising his 4S. It's more likely he will add a 4S. Maybe wait to see what his FS layout is before getting worked up over edge calls he hasn't been let off for yet.



6 minutes ago, Anony said:

I'm giving Lombardia an exclusive pass, only bc U.S. Intl Classic judging for Ladies wasn't horrible at all and that calmed down my salt levels just enough.... for now...


Also agree on Shoma's 4S vs. 4Lz. 4Lz isn't worth the risk for him imo also his 4S is just.... better


Oh, yeah I think the 4lz would be an awful choice for him. He'd just end up fighting with it all season not to mention all the negative attention he'd get for it, look at what he already gets for just trying it. It's not worth it, especially because he can't bank on every tech panel to be as lax as Lombardia. US Classic judging seems really sensible in comparison to Lombardia. 

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7 minutes ago, CupidsBow said:


And, yeah, the judging has been a joke and I don't expect it to improve in this competition. Maybe you should be clearer with your words but Shoma hasn't been seen practising a 4lz since Chicago. He has been seen practising his 4S. It's more likely he will add a 4S. Maybe wait to see what his FS layout is before getting worked up over edge calls he hasn't been let off for yet.

With the way they're judging Lombardia, when everyone get new personal best right at the beginning of the season, the tech call is super easy for ladies, how do I expect suddenly they're more serious for the men? 

I will be more than happy if they're serious for once. But after the ladies, I have no hope at all.

And yes 4S is more of a reasonable choice but I will not be shocked to see a 4flz without any e call at all. And to think Lombardia tickets this season are more expensive than usual. Roll eyes. Of course I don't like what the organizers are doing. 

US classic judges might be feeling so regret right now that they're not inflating scores to the moon (just kidding).

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The reason why I mentioned 4lz now because Shoma's team just released a news article about his updated personal best and the article said Shoma was going to do 4 types of quads including 4lz in FS...I really don't like his news team... 

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1 minute ago, meoima said:

With the way they're judging Lombardia, when everyone get new personal best right at the beginning of the season, the tech call is super easy for ladies, how do I expect suddenly they're more serious for the men? 

I will be more than happy if they're serious for once. But after the ladies, I have no hope at all.

And yes 4S is more of a reasonable choice but I will not be shocked to see a 4flz without any e call at all. And to think Lombardia tickets this season are more expensive than usual. Roll eyes. Of course I don't like what the organizers are doing. 

US classic judges might be feeling so regret right now that they're not inflating scores to the moon (just kidding).


Oh, I'm not giving the judges the benefit of the doubt at all. Shoma's score, along with pm everyone else competing, is going to be ridiculous and riddled with questionable decisions. I mean. Look at what they handed to Alina.


I'm going to continue to mostly ignore you when it comes to Shoma's jumps but he's not even skated yet. Maybe cool it until he has.

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We still don't know if Shoma gonna do 4lz, do we ? The last thing I read from J media was his 1st jump is 4lo. Even if he indeed go for 4lz and don't get an edge call at Lombardia, we couldn't be so sure that they never call it. And he's not the only one who benefit from it. Wakaba, Matsuda all got generous call from tech panel. Better watch and see  how it goes. IMO 1-2 comps don't say anything, especially so early in season. The judging at Lombardia is wild, but seeing things are quite chill at US CS, maybe its just happen at 1 event ( and yes I'm bitter because my other faves didnt benefit from inflated score here). 

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11 minutes ago, SSS said:

The reason why I mentioned 4lz now because Shoma's team just released a news article about his updated personal best and the article said Shoma was going to do 4 types of quads including 4lz in FS...I really don't like his news team... 


Fine. But remember the rules, yeah? Criticism is fine so long as it's constructive, and even criticism attempting to fit what is outlined as acceptable becomes too much when it's excessively repetitive. Right now complaining about an over-scored 4lz e is excessive since it's just speculation. He's not skated the FS yet. Maybe he'll try it here and lose it elsewhere. I personally don't think he will add the 4lz because that's not the jump he's been showing in practices.

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1 minute ago, Katt said:

We still don't know if Shoma gonna do 4lz, do we ? The last thing I read from J media was his 1st jump is 4lo. Even if he indeed go for 4lz and don't get an edge call at Lombardia, we couldn't be so sure that they never call it. And he's not the only one who benefit from it. Wakaba, Matsuda all got generous call from tech panel. Better watch and see  how it goes. IMO 1-2 comps don't say anything, especially so early in season. The judging at Lombardia is wild, but seeing things are quite chill at US CS, maybe its just happen at 1 event ( and yes I'm bitter because my other faves didnt benefit from inflated score here). 

I think pretty much everyone has given up Lombardia. Like when I saw Zagitova getting 147 it's done. The point is are we sure if judges or tech specialists will be sensible as the season goes? I remember the whole last 4 years when people complained about how wild the judging was during Gp series every year, and people all say: "Well it's just GP, it's not serious, let's wait for Europe, for WC". 

My memories of those years is that: the sensible moment from the judging never came. 

One good thing, maybe Yuzuru will hit 350 or even 360 total if the judges keep going this way. 

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5 minutes ago, Katt said:

We still don't know if Shoma gonna do 4lz, do we ? The last thing I read from J media was his 1st jump is 4lo. Even if he indeed go for 4lz and don't get an edge call at Lombardia, we couldn't be so sure that they never call it. And he's not the only one who benefit from it. Wakaba, Matsuda all got generous call from tech panel. Better watch and see  how it goes. IMO 1-2 comps don't say anything, especially so early in season. The judging at Lombardia is wild, but seeing things are quite chill at US CS, maybe its just happen at 1 event ( and yes I'm bitter because my other faves didnt benefit from inflated score here). 

It says he will do 5 quads with 4lz... http://www.sanspo.com/sports/news/20170916/fgr17091605040002-n3.html

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