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Let’s vote for Yuzu (favorite male figure skater of all times)!💪🏼 It’s very simple!!

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I don't think there is a deadline for withdrawing from JNats or any competition. However, Hidehito Ito of JSF confirmed on the day before yesterday that they had not received any notification from him regarding withdrawal.


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From DOI 2021. I haven't seen this before.

Sorry if already posted!




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S-park - Yuzu's part.


I know that aside from the interviews, there aren't any new footages here, but can someone summarize what they said?


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Some translations to 4A you can find in this thread : 68271262: (experts were Mura, Kohei and Professor Sakurai)





:ganba: ... and Kohei has said:



Mayor of Sendai City Cup took place at Ice Rink Sendai today to promote figure skating and to boost up the level of competitiveness of local skaters.  63 skaters consisted of local elementary and junior high school students as well as adult skaters competed there, and Rika Hongo also performed as an exhibition for the participants before the competition. 
After the competition, Hidehito Kikuchi, winner of class E (probably a class for the youngest ones,) said his role model was Hanyu senshu because he kept bouncing back from failures.



(You can hear Hidehito's comment after the 00:36 mark)








Thank you to Sendai for the continuous support of Yuzu :snonegai:

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The video with subtitles for the experts (including king Kohei) talking about 4A on S-park:



It’s interesting to know that the angle of his take-off is the same as the jump which holds the world record for the long jump. So many details and hardwork is put for 4A, so so inspiring. It amaze me every time.

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Come on fanyus, we have some work to do while waiting! I can vote once a day.




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Fuji covers JNats using FOD プレミアム (FOD Premium, their pay stream,) CSフジテレビTWO (Fuji TV TWO, one of their CS channels,) BSフジ (BS Fuji,) and フジテレビ (their terrestrial digital channel) 


Here's the broadcasting schedule


Special sites

BS Fuji

CS Fuji


Time schedule released by JSF


This thread may also be helpful



ETA: @Whoopiewoop was faster! Sorry!

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Sendai posters! :img_21:

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How beautiful :tumblr_inline_mto5i4jHv61qid2nw: Apparently, Sendai Hoso has started promoting JNats featuring Yuzu in Sendai as always. 


Here are some close-up photos shared by a fan who lives in Sendai.


Translation of the tag lines for each picture:
The first photo: "This is the runway to your dream."
The second photo: "To the height that none can imagine."
The third photo: "May there be light for the ones stepping forward."





It's wonderful how supportive of Yuzu Sendai is. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:



Nekomasamune posted a YouTube video of the digital signage





Don't know if this was shared, but can anyone translate? All arrows point to Yuzu, guess we know who the main character is lol

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This is the translation. Of course, Yuzu is the main character. :pouty:

Looks like this is getting real. I tried to not get too excited the last couple of days because Yuzu's participation wasn't sure yet. But I guess now the time has come to get excited! :studsmatta:


Yuzu updated his profile on Fujitv :



"A word to all the fans

Thank you very much for your support.

Thanks to the feelings of the people who supported me, I feel that I can skate now. I will do my best!"



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We will be so spoiled! Sekkisei is releasing new broadcast on 27th.




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Yuzu's favorite photo: with Mami Yamada & Tsuzuki :tumblr_inline_n18qr7hmfk1qid2nw:


OMG only a few more days ...I can't wait to see Yuzu skate again after such a long time.:heart:
I'm looking forward to his new SP and of course to see TenChi again.:heartpound:

Why do I suddenly feel so much excitement?:panic:

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Oly channel also wondering about Yuzu…but why are they writing „A win will automatically qualify him for Beijing. A podium finish should also be enough, but anything less and it will be left to the discretion of the JSF selection panel“ I mean it’s different from selected to go to the Olympics (JSF will announce on the 26th) but I think he’s already qualified because of Worlds…?!




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From Shingo's profile 
His favorite photo :tumblr_inline_mto5i3wxFW1qid2nw:






Could a Japanese fan please translate what Shingo mentioned about this picture. Thanks in advance:smiley-angelic001:

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Thank you for the thread.:happy:


Here the youtube link for the live opening ceremony and draw 


May everyone stay safe and healthy during the competition:smiley-angelic001:
I'm sorry to hear about Rika.:sad4:
I wish her all the best and a fully recovery.:smiley-angelic001:
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Yuzu's bio on the Fuji website has been updated. It says his SP is "Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso," choreographed by Jeffrey Buttle and Shae-Lynn Bourne, and his FP is "Ten to Chi to," choreographed by Shae-Lynn Bourne.





ETA: @lajoitko beat me to it! :biggrin:



Yes ...:happy0065: I'm so excited to see this program. I'm sure it will be wonderful :heart: And of course I'm also curious about Yuzu's costume unveiling:girlsigh:



Yuzu in today's newspaper




Sports photographer Koichi Nakamura recollects past JNats focusing on Yuzu and Shoma. The first half features Yuzu. 
Nakamura's comment (Sorry for not attaching a translation this time)


The collection of his photo of Yuzu at JNats from 2004 until 2019. 

*Unfortunately, Nakamura could not film JNats last year because only a limited number of photographers could enter the venue to prevent the spread of CV.



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:yes2:Tomorrow Yuzu will finally be introduced :panic:



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OMG :OI realized today that the first practice will take place tomorrow. Maybe there will be a few little snippets from Yuzu's new SP.:girlsigh: I wish him a first good practice. The most important thing is of course, that he feels no more pain while skating.:smiley-angelic001:

Here is an overview also from the practices





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JNats schedule has been revised, so I updated my earlier post. Please check on the updated schedule and don't miss any event you are interested in!






Here the translation 




Yes Yuzu, we will always support you





Here a video:

Shingo gretting Yuzu:tumblr_inline_n18qr7hmfk1qid2nw:



The most important news for me. Really hoping he's pain free now🤞



This is going to be an incredible season, unlike any we have experienced so far. Time to start chanting the Lotus Sutra. :grouphug:





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2021 Japanese Nationals


On 12/22/2021 at 7:39 AM, Yuzu_legend said:



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On 12/22/2021 at 8:45 AM, Mary_kyo said:

This made me cry. omg Yuzu




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On 12/22/2021 at 9:43 AM, Mary_kyo said:

It's hard to believe this is the same person who casually just dropped the bomb of 4A news on us. 





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On 12/22/2021 at 11:47 AM, Yuzurella said:



I have no doubt that Yuzu is the best skater he has ever been. He has been consistently getting better and better since the beginning of his career. I look forward to seeing how far he can go yet. I just hope that he stays healthy and happy and achieves his goals. :smiley-angelic001:


And that madman really implied that he might attempt a 4A during his FP? :smiley-shocked032:

And there I was thinking he would be going for a "gentle" comeback after his injury and do slimmed down programs. :rofl2:





On 12/22/2021 at 12:21 PM, Anni said:

He practiced yesterday still hard 4A

Oh Yuzu : 13877886:


Here the interview with English subtitles





On 12/22/2021 at 4:07 PM, Melodie said:




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On 12/22/2021 at 4:09 PM, Melodie said:

More interview. 



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On 12/23/2021 at 2:56 AM, Anni said:

So glad that the Planet working again.Thank you for your hard work.:smiley-angelic001:

New post from Ajinomoto




On 12/23/2021 at 3:07 AM, Quad.Axel said:


On 12/23/2021 at 3:58 AM, turquoiseblue said:


On 12/23/2021 at 4:21 AM, turquoiseblue said:


On 12/23/2021 at 4:34 AM, turquoiseblue said:


On 12/23/2021 at 4:44 AM, Anni said:

Interview with Yuzu:67638860:


I hope there will be translation soon 




On 12/23/2021 at 4:58 AM, turquoiseblue said:

The height! 



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On 12/23/2021 at 5:15 AM, turquoiseblue said:


On 12/23/2021 at 5:21 AM, Anni said:

@turquoiseblue Thank you for sharing the translation.



....  I'm really very curious :67638860:


Tomorrow we finally see Yuzu's new SP.  I'm already looking forward to it and of course his new costume.:loveshower:

Good luck Yuzu.:agree:


Some pictures from today's practice :heartpound:









Credit: @







On 12/23/2021 at 5:22 AM, turquoiseblue said:


On 12/23/2021 at 6:30 AM, sweetwater said:

Plu san :tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw: ing for Yuzu seeing his 4A attempt today!





On 12/23/2021 at 7:35 AM, Yuzurella said:



LOL! :rofl:This is so funny! :rofl2:


Thank you for being so considerate of us, Yuzu. :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:

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On 12/23/2021 at 7:38 AM, Fay said:

Behold the 3A3Lo 



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On 12/23/2021 at 8:03 AM, sweetwater said:

Kiyozuka san on Ron-Cap


"I wonder if I ever had a musical piece that I finished while thinking this intensely.
Tomorrow is a special day."




On 12/23/2021 at 10:25 AM, monchan said:


Yesterday, he decided to seriously aim for the Beijing Olympics w/ utmost effort.

Well, talk about priority here :xD:


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On 12/23/2021 at 12:28 PM, Yuzurella said:



Yuzu doesn't just put all of himself into his work and art, he also inspires other people to invest all of themselves. What an inspiration he is! :ganba:

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On 12/23/2021 at 12:45 PM, Quad.Axel said:

New phone, who dis? 




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On 12/23/2021 at 1:29 PM, sallycinnamon said:


On 12/23/2021 at 1:29 PM, turquoiseblue said:

Takahito Mura's comment on 4A:




On 12/23/2021 at 3:38 PM, Yuzurella said:



Wow! Yuzu's progress is even clearer in this photo comparison than the side-by-side videos. :knc_yuzu1:

His axis was so perfect on the JNats attempt. This is absolutely amazing! :clapping-smiley:

And look how big the jump was compared to the WTT attempt. The distance he covered with one single jump! The height was also incredible. I would really love to have some ice scope analysis and numbers on this one.

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On 12/23/2021 at 4:03 PM, Melodie said:



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On 12/23/2021 at 4:05 PM, Melodie said:


His 3A3Lo looks even better from this angle, like woah....


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On 12/23/2021 at 4:08 PM, Yuzu_legend said:



Also in English!

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On 12/23/2021 at 4:08 PM, Melodie said:


3A3Lo on land :)


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On 12/23/2021 at 4:28 PM, Paskud said:

practice notes from December 23 according to sponichi

3lo, 1lz-eu-3s



nods, 2s


RT - 3a 4s 3a2t 3lo 4t3t

drinks and thinks


4s, checks choreo, 4t3t (fall?)

nods, drinks and checks stuff

3lo, 3lo




3a3lo 2ft


axel pop, checks axis

checks axel take off

3a fall

checks axel take off

4a 2ft

4a 2ft

axel pop


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On 12/23/2021 at 4:30 PM, Anni said:

Wow .. I love this 3A-3Lo combo.:heart: 



TenChi from the practice yesterday (unfortunately without sound ):67638860:















Welcome to the Planet @Pianistliz:wave:


On 12/23/2021 at 4:32 PM, Melodie said:



Comparison of his 3 attempts from yesterday. It seems to me the 3rd one has the most airtime. Ganba, Yuzu!!!

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On 12/23/2021 at 4:43 PM, Melodie said:




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On 12/23/2021 at 5:00 PM, sweetwater said:

Good morning! He is on the ice now!



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On 12/23/2021 at 5:01 PM, Anni said:
He is arrived 
Have a good practice Yuzu :smiley-angelic001:
Edit:  @sweetwater was faster:grin:
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On 12/23/2021 at 5:03 PM, sweetwater said:


He did his Stsq with intensity before doing RT and 3lo-something -something. 



Landed 4T-1Eu-3S

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On 12/23/2021 at 5:08 PM, sweetwater said:


Landed 4S, 4T, etc.

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On 12/23/2021 at 5:08 PM, Anni said:
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On 12/23/2021 at 5:11 PM, sweetwater said:


RT started

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On 12/23/2021 at 5:12 PM, IceWings said:



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On 12/23/2021 at 5:14 PM, sweetwater said:


Apparently, these are some of the jumps he did before RT

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On 12/23/2021 at 5:16 PM, sweetwater said:

The original says 3Loからの (Starts from 3Lo) so I think it is 3jump combo starts from 3Lo.

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On 12/23/2021 at 5:17 PM, sweetwater said:



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On 12/23/2021 at 5:19 PM, Anni said:





Credit: @ jiji_shashinbu on twitter



Sorry, the photos are a bit big.


On 12/23/2021 at 5:28 PM, yuzuangel said:


On 12/23/2021 at 5:29 PM, Anni said:


On 12/23/2021 at 5:32 PM, sweetwater said:

So apparently he did 4S, 2T(Attempted 4T something?) and 3A from counter turn with iffy landing and Stsq in ANA jacket in his RT



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On 12/23/2021 at 5:32 PM, Yuzurella said:



This description already sounds beautiful. I can't wait! :heartpound:




On 12/23/2021 at 5:33 PM, Anni said:


On 12/23/2021 at 5:37 PM, DancingFeather said:




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On 12/23/2021 at 5:38 PM, Anni said:


On 12/23/2021 at 5:44 PM, Anni said:


On 12/23/2021 at 5:47 PM, LadyLou said:


On 12/23/2021 at 5:47 PM, Yuzurella said:



Aaawww... such cute Yuzu and Shoma interactions! :heartpound:

The way Shoma just slides across the ice is so funny! :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:




On 12/23/2021 at 6:00 PM, Paskud said:

practice notes from December 24 according to sponichi

trains steps and spins

drinks, 3lo, 3lo


4t-eu-3s, nods



4s step out, looks frustrated^^"

checks something, drinks

checks salchow, 4s

axel pop

3a, drinks, nods

3a, points to the ice, checks axis, nods

RT - 4s 2t 3a(hangs on) stsq

thinks, drinks

checks SP choreo

4s, 4t3t

3a, thinks

drinks, checks steps

4s, 4t3t

3a, skates slowly

checks choreo

4s, 4t3t, counts rotations [spin?]

3a, nods, skates slowly


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On 12/23/2021 at 6:30 PM, Anni said:



For me it is now 3:30 a.m., but I will also still wait a little bit :grin:













On 12/23/2021 at 6:49 PM, sweetwater said:


On 12/23/2021 at 6:50 PM, DancingFeather said:


On 12/23/2021 at 6:52 PM, Anni said:


On 12/23/2021 at 7:23 PM, toesocks said:


oh my god it's going to be beautiful!! currently internally screaming :yahoo:

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On 12/23/2021 at 7:29 PM, Anni said:




Wow :heart: .. It will definitely be wonderful  : softYuzu:


 Good night everyone. Hopefully I can sleep well, I'm so excited before the SP.  :wave:














On 12/23/2021 at 8:10 PM, toesocks said:

Ron-Cap spoiler:

We're only given the first 30 seconds but oh my is this the most gorgeous short program I've ever seen


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On 12/23/2021 at 10:00 PM, CiONTUw4A said:


On 12/24/2021 at 1:30 AM, sallycinnamon said:


Here is the starting order. Yuzu will skate in around 1 hour and 13 mintues. 






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On 12/24/2021 at 1:34 AM, Anni said:



This is from ANA weibo account :67638860:








I send my best wishes to Yuzu and keep my fingers crossed for him today. Good luck!!!!!: gamba:


On 12/24/2021 at 2:10 AM, Yuzupu said:


Yuzu is doing Yuzu things as always. 


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On 12/24/2021 at 2:21 AM, Tee said:


Missed him :cri:

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On 12/24/2021 at 2:22 AM, amylance1215 said:



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On 12/24/2021 at 2:24 AM, amylance1215 said:



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On 12/24/2021 at 2:25 AM, amylance1215 said:




 I need to go soon damn it!!

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On 12/24/2021 at 2:25 AM, Tee said:



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On 12/24/2021 at 2:27 AM, amylance1215 said:



I dont know about the bottom feathers but I quite like the neckline (not sure about the choker)

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On 12/24/2021 at 2:28 AM, Tee said:



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On 12/24/2021 at 2:33 AM, Yuzupu said:



The run-through. Now my nerves are setting in. 

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On 12/24/2021 at 2:35 AM, Tee said:



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On 12/24/2021 at 2:37 AM, Yuzupu said:




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On 12/24/2021 at 2:50 AM, amylance1215 said:

His 3A!!!



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On 12/24/2021 at 2:54 AM, Tee said:



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On 12/24/2021 at 2:56 AM, Tee said:



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On 12/24/2021 at 3:01 AM, sallycinnamon said:



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On 12/24/2021 at 3:07 AM, Anni said:

Interview with Yuzu afer the SP :heart:





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On 12/24/2021 at 3:10 AM, Anni said:

Enjoys it :love:

Sorry if already posted, the thread moves so fast







On 12/24/2021 at 3:15 AM, Yuzurella said:



These numbers are just insane. :knc_yuzu1:

His 3A did look like he had to hold himself back. :grin:




On 12/24/2021 at 3:15 AM, Yuzupu said:



I think the timing for the jumps is a bit tricky with Rondo. Hope he has enough time to get familiar and comfortable with it.

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On 12/24/2021 at 3:17 AM, Yuzurella said:


On 12/24/2021 at 3:32 AM, Yuzupu said:


On 12/24/2021 at 3:45 AM, cereus said:



machine translation:


For the first time after watching something I cried purely like I did when I was a kid. Thank you and respect from the bottom of my heart.


Reply to Shinya:

Hanyu-kun's acting composition point song interpretation 10.00 perfect score Did you see it?


Shinya's response:




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On 12/24/2021 at 3:48 AM, Anni said:


Of course Yuzu, you have all our support : snonegai:






On 12/24/2021 at 3:56 AM, Tee said:



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On 12/24/2021 at 3:58 AM, yuzupon said:



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On 12/24/2021 at 4:01 AM, sallycinnamon said:


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On 12/24/2021 at 4:05 AM, Tee said:



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On 12/24/2021 at 4:11 AM, wildstrawberry said:



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On 12/24/2021 at 4:22 AM, Yuzupu said:



The first photo :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

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On 12/24/2021 at 4:33 AM, Anni said:


On 12/24/2021 at 4:34 AM, turquoiseblue said:


On 12/24/2021 at 4:39 AM, Yuzupu said:




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On 12/24/2021 at 4:46 AM, Pammi said:




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On 12/24/2021 at 4:47 AM, turquoiseblue said:


On 12/24/2021 at 5:04 AM, CiONTUw4A said:



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On 12/24/2021 at 5:07 AM, Anni said:

Yuzu said "Gambatte" to Keiji : gamba:




<div class=




On 12/24/2021 at 5:16 AM, CiONTUw4A said:



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On 12/24/2021 at 6:04 AM, Melodie said:


10 for IN!!!! 


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On 12/24/2021 at 6:17 AM, CiONTUw4A said:



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On 12/24/2021 at 6:47 AM, Anni said:

Interview with Yuzu after his SP








On 12/24/2021 at 6:51 AM, Tee said:

The sun has finally come out :SunFace: I missed his bright scrunchy smile :embSwan:







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On 12/24/2021 at 8:32 AM, turquoiseblue said:


On 12/24/2021 at 8:42 AM, Melodie said:




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On 12/24/2021 at 10:25 AM, Veveco said:

Probably could be in the rus nat thread, but since it's about the 4A :D




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On 12/24/2021 at 10:34 AM, turquoiseblue said:

Nekomasamune's new post :10815002:



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On 12/24/2021 at 10:37 AM, Anni said:



  ...and Kolyada and Mozalev about 4A:coolio:








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On 12/24/2021 at 12:43 PM, turquoiseblue said:




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On 12/24/2021 at 12:54 PM, turquoiseblue said:


On 12/24/2021 at 2:06 PM, Melodie said:

And he himself literally pointed it out lol






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On 12/24/2021 at 8:09 PM, CiONTUw4A said:




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On 12/24/2021 at 9:08 PM, Umebachi said:



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On 12/24/2021 at 9:16 PM, Umebachi said:



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On 12/24/2021 at 9:18 PM, Umebachi said:



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On 12/24/2021 at 9:19 PM, Paskud said:

I mean...



He is too funny.

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On 12/24/2021 at 9:21 PM, yumeaki said:

I love how Sponichi say "14:17 4A Attack start"




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On 12/24/2021 at 9:27 PM, Melodie said:




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On 12/24/2021 at 9:32 PM, Umebachi said:

I am praying that he stays safe!  He's on his third 4A attempt after the run through...






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On 12/24/2021 at 9:35 PM, sweetwater said:



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On 12/24/2021 at 9:36 PM, sweetwater said:

Popped another 4A


Another pop



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On 12/24/2021 at 9:39 PM, sweetwater said:

Looks like he is checking his air position or how he should close their body to rotate (shu of shu-pa) while attempting 4As



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On 12/24/2021 at 9:41 PM, sweetwater said:

Kao is also staring at Yuzu attempting 4As :biggrin:



This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].


On 12/24/2021 at 9:41 PM, DancingFeather said:



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On 12/24/2021 at 9:41 PM, yuzuangel said:


On 12/24/2021 at 9:43 PM, sweetwater said:


On 12/24/2021 at 9:44 PM, sweetwater said:


Picking up something, from another angle



On 12/24/2021 at 9:53 PM, sweetwater said:


Super rough translation:

"After RT:
4A fall
(It looked like he closed his body with bigger force to rotate than he did 2days ago)
4A fall
1A (Looked up at the ceiling, applauds from the audience)

Threw his glove
Deep vow
End of the practice"


ETA: So, he threw a removed glove to hold it with another hand but could not catch it.






On 12/24/2021 at 9:57 PM, Paskud said:

disney princess saving bugs among insanity


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On 12/24/2021 at 10:02 PM, IceWings said:



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On 12/24/2021 at 10:09 PM, sweetwater said:

A fan report:


Rough translation
Today, he seemed to have been struggling to go into Axels in general. But the falls looked a lot less scary than they looked in the last 4A practice I saw. Last time, he fell as if he had been thrown out, so they looked scary. But this time, the falls on 4As looked like his falls on 4S during the days when it wasn't consistent. (This is my personal opinion)"

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On 12/24/2021 at 10:14 PM, yuzuangel said:


On 12/24/2021 at 10:32 PM, sweetwater said:


"It was whole another level.
I have never gotten this nervous in an official practice Lol"



ETA: @Paskud was faster!

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On 12/24/2021 at 11:30 PM, turquoiseblue said:


On 12/25/2021 at 12:19 AM, turquoiseblue said:


On 12/25/2021 at 1:02 AM, turquoiseblue said:

4A attempts during today's practice





On 12/25/2021 at 1:02 AM, sweetwater said:

Re: Ending pose of Roncapu:
I haven't checked most of his interviews after SP or their translations yet, but in the short interview in Fuji's broadcast yesterday, when asked about the program he had just debuted, he said, "Of course, there are a lot of stories in it, but I performed the end of it imagining grasping something while fighting unrelentingly. I suppose that at the moment, everyone is also experiencing a return of darkness or experiencing difficulties in their lives, so I hoped my performance to become a source of their energy, even if it was small." (As the situation surrounding CV is again getting worse here, I guess he referred to it as "darkness" in this comment)

I think it may change in each performance, or according to the timing of his performance. It is Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso, after all.

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On 12/25/2021 at 1:31 AM, Anni said:

Nobu watched Yuzu's SP and his reaction: 




Rough translation
"It is so beautiful that I can cry" :cry:




Yuzu in the newspapers








On 12/25/2021 at 2:08 AM, turquoiseblue said:

Some more beautiful photos from SP :tumblr_meh7vxvIUd1qdlkyg:





On 12/25/2021 at 2:19 AM, turquoiseblue said:


On 12/25/2021 at 2:27 AM, turquoiseblue said:


On 12/25/2021 at 3:20 AM, turquoiseblue said:



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On 12/25/2021 at 5:02 AM, turquoiseblue said:


On 12/25/2021 at 5:23 AM, Melodie said:



Isn't that his favorite anime? 😂


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On 12/25/2021 at 6:58 AM, Wyell said:

Non-commentary version of the SP event was added today (second half only): 



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On 12/25/2021 at 8:19 AM, hananistellata said:

Guess who else was watching the women's free.  :67638860:





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On 12/25/2021 at 10:37 AM, Anni said:


Mitsuru Nobuchika (former professor from the Keio University) about Yuzu’s SP :tumblr_inline_mto5i4jHv61qid2nw:






On 12/25/2021 at 11:19 AM, yuzuangel said:

Merry Christmas, everyone! And happy holidays!



:laughing: [NEWS]



23 hours ago, Anni said:


"Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso" has reached over 6 million views (currently 6.571.146 ) ... Wow :happy0065:


Video: https://sports.yahoo.co.jp/video/player/6058624

(blocked in my country)


I love this program :heart:





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18 hours ago, IceWings said:

Yuzu's here!



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18 hours ago, Umebachi said:



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18 hours ago, Umebachi said:






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18 hours ago, IceWings said:



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18 hours ago, IceWings said:



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18 hours ago, LadyLou said:



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18 hours ago, Umebachi said:

It's truly amazing that we get to know how many time Yuzu blows his nose during the practice session.  Detailed reporting by fanyus!




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18 hours ago, LadyLou said:



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18 hours ago, IceWings said:



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18 hours ago, LadyLou said:


18 hours ago, LadyLou said:


18 hours ago, toesocks said:


focused king :knc_brian2:

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18 hours ago, toesocks said:



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18 hours ago, LadyLou said:


18 hours ago, toesocks said:

it's go time



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18 hours ago, LadyLou said:


18 hours ago, amylance1215 said:

He's really pushing the boundaries in ways no one thought was possible! We've all been focused on the 4A and didn't even realize there are other areas that could be made even more complex yet here were have Roncapu! Truly the GOAT!!




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18 hours ago, toesocks said:


stop I love him

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18 hours ago, cereus said:


that look


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18 hours ago, LadyLou said:




So it looks like he didn't push for 4A today as hard as in previous practices. Hope he stays healthy and that he'll be healthy happy and satisfied with his fs🙏🙏🙏

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18 hours ago, Anni said:


Edit: Lady Lou was faster :happy:

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17 hours ago, Anni said:


17 hours ago, Melodie said:



That is absolutely adorable :img_21:


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17 hours ago, Anni said:


17 hours ago, Paskud said:

practice notes December 26

3lo, 3lo-eu-3lo

points to the ice as he skates


4s, skates slowly and looks around the venue




3a, drinks

with both hands on the fence, he moves his feet to feel the ice

3a both hands down, 3a-spinning on ice

3a-spinning on ice

3a-spinning on ce

drinks, feels the ice under his feet, 3a, looks at the spot where he landed and mumbles something



skates slowly, 3a3lo

drinks, checks take off, 3a3lo


hands on fence, checks the feel of the ice

thinks, nods

4t, nods


skates slowly

3a, drinks

axel pop

checks axis, axel pop

spins around from the position to jump 4a, improves his image of landing on the ice, stretches at the side of the rink

RT - axel pop, salchow pop, touches ice with right hand, 3a2t 3lo 4t3t 4t-eu-3s 3a, counts something

checks position of 4a, 3a-spinning on ice

skates with intense movements


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17 hours ago, Anni said:

Yuzu, now rest well until to your FS :smiley-angelic001:

I'm going back to bed. See you later :wave:









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17 hours ago, Anni said:

FP layout 




This makes me a little nervous to see the 4A on the layout  :panic:




16 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


16 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


16 hours ago, Umebachi said:

I love this picture poster by Nikkan Sports describing Yuzu's practice at JNats. 

On the left side, it lists Yuzu's 10 attempts at 4A:  10 tries, 1 2ft landing, 6 pops, 3 falls; then the following lines  - continuation of failures, "Never losing hope, never giving up".    

On the right side: "The dream of Quad Axel, today at 21:03 Free (Program), the Descent of the Angel (tenshi korin) - the one who excels in adversity (i.e. in the real competition)" 

On the bottom right, the poster shows the large kanji for "Hanyu" and separates them into a sentence that reads "The Wing 羽が will grow 生える"  (Hane-ga haeru).

Beautiful.  May the earth and heavenly spirits enter into his soul. 


Someone noticed that Yuzu is inspiring these sports journalists to become poets and artists. 




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15 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


15 hours ago, sweetwater said:


14 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:

From today's practice






14 hours ago, Henni147 said:



900 Million!!! WHAT THE HELL :dpooh:


This is 7.5 times the population number of Japan

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14 hours ago, Anni said:




Yuzu, we send you a lot of positive energy.:grouphug:

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Good luck.:2thumbsup:


Fanboy Shingo support Yuzu :agree:




Sorry if already posted in the competition thread. 



12 hours ago, Anni said:


12 hours ago, Tee said:



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11 hours ago, Tee said:



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11 hours ago, Tee said:



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11 hours ago, Tee said:



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11 hours ago, Tee said:



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11 hours ago, yumeaki said:



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11 hours ago, Tee said:



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11 hours ago, Tee said:



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11 hours ago, Tee said:



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11 hours ago, Tee said:



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11 hours ago, Tee said:



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10 hours ago, Tee said:



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10 hours ago, Tee said:



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10 hours ago, ralucutzagy said:




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10 hours ago, Tee said:



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10 hours ago, Tee said:



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10 hours ago, CiONTUw4A said:

Kao the Fanyu. “A masterpiece.”








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10 hours ago, Tee said:



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10 hours ago, Tee said:



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10 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


10 hours ago, Tee said:



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10 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


10 hours ago, sallycinnamon said:


10 hours ago, Yuzupu said:


10 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


10 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


10 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


10 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


10 hours ago, Anni said:


10 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


9 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


9 hours ago, Anni said:

Sorry if already posted, the thread moves so fast


Videos of the victory ceremony:11135030:








9 hours ago, Tee said:




:10636614: but not hd : (


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9 hours ago, monchan said:


The usual fanboy with his bilingual tweet :cheer:


Btw about Yuzu's injury I'm not surprised w what happened. No injury could magically go away.

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].


9 hours ago, Anni said:


9 hours ago, Yuzupu said:





Not HD though. :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:

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9 hours ago, Tee said:




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9 hours ago, Henni147 said:





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9 hours ago, Tee said:



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9 hours ago, Yuzupu said:



Yeah Rika could not participate in JNats because she did not have enough time to heal, so she could not fulfill the requirements for a representative. I'm still broken hearted for her.

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9 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


9 hours ago, wildstrawberry said:


9 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


9 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


9 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


9 hours ago, Anni said:


9 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


8 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


8 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


8 hours ago, Anni said:

 Edit: Sorry wrong thread 


Team Japan





8 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


8 hours ago, Tee said:





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8 hours ago, Anni said:


8 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


Iron Klaus has reuploaded the correct one :68271262:




8 hours ago, Yuzupu said:





A little clarification from another translator. I think Axel With Wings team will provide more detailed translations later. Yeah seems like it is just how he feels.

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8 hours ago, Bilge said:




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7 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


7 hours ago, yuzublaze said:

Don't know if this has been posted already, but here's some footage of the medal ceremony




7 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


7 hours ago, Wyell said:

Uploaded 4K version here :peace2:: 

I will add the full event when I get the chance to.



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7 hours ago, Melodie said:



Yuzu maxed out on the ChSq and almost there with the StSq (only one lonely 4) :D

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7 hours ago, Yuzurella said:



I thought only the belt and the gloves changed. But there are also subtle differences in the shading of the costume compared to last season. Either way, it's such a beautiful costume. :heartpound:

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6 hours ago, Tee said:



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6 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


6 hours ago, Tee said:










compilation of Yuzuru holding the wreath instead of putting it on his head to make me sad

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6 hours ago, Tee said:






:tumblr_inline_mm2wbaeqQM1qz4rgp: :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:


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6 hours ago, Yuzurella said:



Aaaw, Yuzu... we're so proud of you. And you should be so, so proud of yourself and of what you've achieved. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

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5 hours ago, Tee said:


5 hours ago, Tee said:




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5 hours ago, monchan said:


lol he's like "I only wished to win lottery twice but now even got extra ticket, thanks anw"  :xD:

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5 hours ago, Tee said:




lmey stsq by them x


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5 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


5 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


4 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


4 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


4 hours ago, Anni said:

Schedule and time conversions for the gala tomorrow 



For me 7:00 am.:yes:


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3 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


3 hours ago, DancingFeather said:

He already placed it back last season. I love it! There is no one like him.




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3 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:

:7562096: Important information posted by @wildstrawberry in the [2021] Japanese Nationals (22.12-26.12) - Men's FS thread :68271262:





2 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


1 hour ago, turquoiseblue said:


1 hour ago, turquoiseblue said:

Yuzu's "Arigatougozaimasita" :tumblr_inline_n2pje2YFXq1qdlkyg:




59 minutes ago, Tee said:



soft yuzu :tumblr_inline_n2pje2TPZt1qdlkyg:

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Link to comment


He really does not know how to chill :Poohgaveup:


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This should end the R-word speculation. 




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I came back home nearly midnight from the Nationals yesterday, and I've not come to myself yet :dizzy2:


I arrived the venue with my friend one and a half hours before the venue opening time, but there was already a long, long queue surrounding the hall.

All seats were of course reserved, but we just wanted to watch the final official practice :smiley-happy085:


We tried the same the day before yesterday to watch men practicing, but the queue was not so long.






Yuzuru seemed a bit nervous at his 4A, saying something to himself. 

He tried 3A 3Lo sometimes (I already can't remember this happened yesterday or the day before yesterday, or both :scratch2: )

And he tried 3A twizzle (3 turns?) sometimes at the location of 4A.  I wondered what this was for?


Two kohais talked about Yuzuru's performance.

Shoma:  It's too amazing.

Yuma:  Normally, we run out of energy after doing the Axel. 


Shoma seems crying a bit.



Yuzuru:  It (4A) is difficult.  Super difficult. What you saw was (yet) what I got from my really hard work for 2 years.

Shoma:  The height of my 3A in the short program is 52cm.  Yuzu-kun's is 73cm, 20cm higher than mine. Crazy, isn't it?

               It's ridiculous there is 20cm difference for the same jump.



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Gorgeous picture

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Ina Bauer in motion :10636614:




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Thank you Yuzu.:heart:  I will miss your skating. Now have a good rest. 

My best wishes for you. Take care of yourself and stay healthy.






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The Asahi Shimbun article on Yuzu:


FIGURE SKATING/ Hanyu tries again but just misses nailing elusive quad axel
December 27, 2021



The interview will be broadcast on "news every".




What is this? :68468287:

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I'm a bit quicker this time :grin:


Second half Gala uploaded here: 



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The Japan News article (English-language newspaper published by The Yomiuri Shimbun)


Hanyu earns shot at 3rd straight Olympic gold by winning natl title
December 27, 2021





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The Mainichi article


Figure skating: Yuzuru Hanyu says quad axel will help win 3rd Olympic gold
December 27, 2021



MOI interview 




Here the translations 





We fans love you and support you. :heart: Rest well Yuzu :smiley-angelic001:


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Beauty blogger is here







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More photos :tumblr_inline_mto5i3wxFW1qid2nw:



Credit: @@tshashin on twitter





The translation by Olympic Channel has been edited now :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:










Yuzu’s  interview with Mita-san (Hodo Station)






Link to comment





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Video showing the announcement of the teams for Olympics, Worlds and 4CC to the athletes.




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Sharing this for the cute laughter at the start of the interview.

And er… did he say he had painkiller during the skate? :huh:




This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].



Yuzu, if you've decided that you will give it your all, then we will be with you along the way, supporting you and cheering you on! :ganba:


It makes me sad to think that Yuzu is going to the Olympics after all and I won't be able to watch and support him him there, as I had intended to. :tumblr_inline_mg16f1RxCn1qdlkyg: But nothing can be done about that.


The most important thing is that Yuzu stays healthy and happy along the way and achieves his dreams and goals. I'll be supporting and cheering him from afar! :cheer:





Here is the translation this scene :yes:





Here is a heartwarming article about Yuzu's Chinese fans :tumblr_llidknnxec1qzbrv5::10742289::tumblr_llidknnxec1qzbrv5:

Global Times article 

‘We’ll be there for him’ – Japanese figure skater Yuzuru Hanyu qualifies for Beijing 2022 Winter Games
Dec 27, 2021




Here you can also see short scenes from the gala rehearsal (at 1:12 min)





Yuzu's message seems to be older? His hair looks a little longer here.


Mark Kondratiuk about Yuzu's 4A






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Cutie :heart:


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He looks so happy:tumblr_inline_n18qr7hmfk1qid2nw:



Late "Merry Christmas" from Yuzu in English  :11135030:





Yuzu, now have a good rest and enjoy the time with your family:heartpound:

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The official Twitter account of the Beijing Olympics posted about Yuzu. :tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw:




Google translation: 

“ The man is awesome! 🤯 Yuzuru Hanyu almost hits an unprecedented move and guarantees a spot to fight for the Olympic trio in #Beijing2022 . #YuzuruHanyu”

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].





I agree with Shoma. It was really amazing that Yuzu put in the 4A, landed it on two feet and skated the rest of his program beautifully. That was so powerful of Yuzu! :ganba: 


Actually, I also think judge No 9 was right to only give him a -1 GOE for that 4A. It wasn't a fall and it barely disrupted his program. :grin:





Indeed, Machida-san, indeed. :2thumbsup:

Let's hope and pray Yuzu stays healthy and happy and fulfills his goals and dreams! :smiley-angelic001:



Sports China also tweeted about Yuzu :happy:


and INQUIRER Sports Manila







Here the translation from Yuzu's Sekkisei voice message:tumblr_lkl6q24eyw1qfamg6:







The next message is planned for 17th January:tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw:



Yuzu was also mentioned on Chinese national TV. Yep, he's definitely big news in China.



I sure hope Italy and Mexico judges will not be there too, for obvious reasons....


When even the source is doubtful....

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Former track & fielder Takei-san about LMEY : smiley-cool14:










It was so nice to see LMEY again :tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw:



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This photo is from Matteo's IG Stories :peace2: Camden also shared this in his Storie.






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Sorry, if this has been already posted, but just in case.


BS Fuji Broadcasting schedule;



Tonight, 29 Dec.  19:00 - 20:55

Japanese Nationals - Special edition



21:00 - 22:55

All Japan Medalist on Ice




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It's amazing how he inspires a generation of skaters and one of them even goes to Olympics, it's even crazier how he's still here going to Olympics with her :happy0007:

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It's Yuzu emo hours




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Sportiva photo gallery - Yuzuru Hanyu at Japanese Nationals 2021




Other skaters:


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Not Nessie becoming Yuzu's first love :LOL:


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JAPAN Forward article by Jack Gallagher


[ICE TIME] Yuzuru Hanyu Chasing Immortality with Quad Axel, Third Olympic Gold Medal
December 29, 2021




:7562096: Here are the results of "Who is your favourite male figure skater of all time?" 



Google translate :68271262:





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Yamakai (professional ballet dancer) analyzed Yuzu's performances in jnats this year, sadly no English subtitles.




(sorry if this was already shared)


This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].

Asahi Shimbun "Witnesses of the Legend"


No. 3 アイスショーの舞台裏で震えた羽生結弦 高橋成美さんは「感動した」

Backstage at an ice show, Yuzuru Hanyu was trembling from anger (over the mistake he made)*

"I was moved" - Narumi Takahashi















The first feeling she had for Yuzuru Hanyu was jealousy.

Narumi Takahashi (29), a skater of Japan's pairs team at the 2014 Sochi Olympics, was in the fifth grade of elementary school at the time. When she temporarily returned to Japan from China, where her father had been transferred, she practiced at a rink in Sendai. There, she met Hanyu, who was in the second grade. Shoichiro Tsuzuki was teaching Hanyu at that time. Tsuzuki had also taught Takahashi since she was seven years old.

"I thought that Mr. Tsuzuki took good care of me, but when I came back to Japan, Yuzu (Hanyu) had taken my place. Mr. Tsuzuki had Yazu in his mind first, and I was the next to him."

Tsuzuki told her many times, "You should learn from Yuzu."

"I was frustrated. At that time, I could jump better than him, so I sometimes acted high and mighty over Yuzu, telling him that I could do it."

But she soon understood what Tsuzuki meant when he told her to learn from him.

"Yuzu is very good at creating the axis of body. In jumps and spins, he makes a very thin axis, so he doesn't waver."

"He seemed to be joking around with the other skaters of his generation, but actually he had finished what he was supposed to do before joining them."

"He said, 'if I'm going to skate, I have to be an Olympic champion, otherwise it's meaningless,' and as I admired his big mouth, I said the same thing (laughs)." 

He was good at being spoiled by older girls and attentive to younger ones. He was loved by coaches and mothers alike. Hanyu is liked by men and women of all ages, and at first she suspected that he was playing the role of "Yuzuru Hanyu".


(*He succeeded a quad at the finale of the show changing his anger into power.)

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"Arigato gozaimashita":tumblr_inline_mm2wb3v3qq1qz4rgp:





I wish you all a nice last day in 2021 :grouphug:



Japan's bidding for 2030. Of course he is on the front page LOL




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His Salchow was really great. 




Post from Zhang Meifan (Consul General of China in Belfast) after Yuzu's SP :happy:






This is the translation of Yuzu's message. :tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw:



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Here, but sadly the stream died for the first half of Yuzu‘s FS https://vk.com/video-207258902_456239632


Yuzuru's 6-minute warm-up starts 3:34:00 (full warm-up session in aerial view).


Yuzu FS without commentary is here: https://vk.com/video-166778828_456242364


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Asahi Shimbun "Witnesses of the Legend"


No.4 羽生結弦が望んだカナダ行き 語り合った食事会、トロントでの成長

Yuzuru Hanyu wished to go to Canada - A dinner where they talked - His development in Toronto



















Yuzuru Hanyu's encounter with Brian Orser was a major catalyst for his further development.

In 2012, Hanyu moved to the Toronto Cricket Club in Canada, where Orser is based. Later, he won the Olympics in Sochi in 2014 and Pyeongchang in 2018 in succession.

Yutaka Higuchi (72), a figure skating coach, acted as a bridge between them.  He was the first Japanese to become a member of the Cricket Club.

Higuchi first saw Hanyu when he was in junior high school.

"I think it was at the Japanese Junior Nationals. He had a good jumping ability, and was very good at making a rotational axis. I felt that he was an athlete suited for figure skating with excellent physical ability."

In 2011, Higuchi heard that Hanyu wanted to receive coaching from Brian Orser. Noriko Shirota, former Head of Figure Skating Division at the Japan Skating Federation, asked him if he could introduce Brian Orser.

Higuchi had known Orser since he was an active competitive skater in junior category, and kept a friendly relationship with him even after Orser became a coach.

"He is technically sound, calm, and also very kind. As a coach, he is a type of tutor who rarely scolds or gets angry at his skaters."

At the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, Orser led Kim Yu-na to the gold medal. Higuchi had a high opinion of Orser's coaching skills.

Higuchi knew very well about the Cricket Club. After competing in the 1968 Olympics in Grenoble, he went to the Cricket for skating training.

He was convinced that the environment of the Club would be a good fit for Hanyu.

"Cricket is a rink dedicated to figure skating, and it's a place where famous skaters gather. I thought it would be a good place for him."

"The rink had no fence, and mirrors around it, so you could check your own skating. Its ice is good and gives smooth skating. For advanced skaters, practicing on good ice is one of the factors to improve their skills."

When the 2011-12 season was coming to a climax, Hanyu, Orser, and some other people had an opportunity to have dinner together in Tokyo.



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Happy New Year, dear satellites!!! <3<3<3 🎄🎆

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:star-plucker-smiley: Happy New Year to all the satellites and those visiting this forum! :star-plucker-smiley:



Yuzu in newspapers on New Year's Day :68271262:





It is always nice to start the new year with an article about how nice and skillful Yuzu is :)


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I also want to wish everyone a Happy New Year!!! May 2022 be a golden year for Yuzu and all of us! :tumblr_inline_nhkf0oKdhx1qid2nw:

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I really wonder if Yuzu has ever been to a private party, say a new year party. This makes me remember an interview by Tracey, she said Yuzu limits himself to talk to only a limited number of people (even in Canada, obviously he can't really go out in Japan), which he has to, he always puts stating first. His level of concentration and self-discipline is beyond this world. 

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Has this been shared? His attention to details is mind-blowing. 



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Asahi Shimbun "Witnesses of the Legend"


No. 5 エッジを拭く手を止めた羽生結弦 真剣な目、「負けた」と感じた先輩

Yuzuru Hanyu stopped wiping the blades. His serious eyes - the time his senpai felt he had lost (to Hanyu)











In 2012, at the age of 17, Yuzuru Hanyu moved his training base to the Cricket Club in Toronto, Canada.

Kento Nakamura (30), who is three years older than Hanyu and had competed on the same stage as Hanyu since they were in junior category, also trained at the club for two years starting that year, in the spring and summer lessons.

The club is a world-class environment where Olympic medalists such as Kim Yu-na (South Korea) and Patrick Chan (Canada) have trained in the past.

Even there, Hanyu's presence stood out, Nakamura says.

Even when It was early in the summer (still time before the actual skating season starts), he went to the rink and after doing a 5-minute warm-up (on the ice), he immediately started practicing with music. Before that, he had finished a very thorough warm-up and watched the videos of the performances that went well....... It was an atmosphere like an actual competition. After that, he practiced the parts where he had made mistakes in the through practice with music. The density of the practice was totally different from other skaters, even if they were in the same one hour.

His determination with which he had crossed the ocean, vowing to make a great leap forward, was seen in his daily practice. Nakamura still remembers the conversation he had with Hanyu about six months before the Sochi Olympics.


As the main point of this article is in the latter part of the paid article, I put the summary of my translation below.


In 2013, Nakamura replied to Hanyu, who said "Let's work hard for the Olympics", that he would try his best to go (to the Olympics).

(Nakamura had placed sixth at the Japanese Nationals the previous year, and there were many rivals, including Takahashi, Oda, Machida, etc., and he thought it would be difficult for him to make it.)

Hanyu stopped wiping the blade in his hand, and said.

"Kento-kun, As you are a senior, it's not easy for me to say this," he said before continuing. "If you say, 'I'll try my best to go,' you won't be able to go. I'm working hard thinking that I can go, and I will definitely win a gold medal in the Olympics. That's why I'm working so hard," said with a serious look. He left the locker room saying, "Well, good work."

"He left really cool. I felt lost before the competition (laughs), but he was right.  The game had already started before the competition."

Hanyu reached the gold medal at the Sochi Olympics.

Nakamura retired in 2014 and now works for a consulting company, says, "Even as a working adult in the society, I still think that if you don't do things with that kind of spirit, you won't be able to do what you need to do. I am grateful to my younger teammate for teaching me a good lesson and a guideline for the rest of my life."

Hanyu has been clearly stating his goals since he was a child, and he has been achieving them.

Nakamura says, "He can set a firm goal for each season and 'factor out' the tasks to achieve it. He is able to think quantitatively about what kind of training and skills are needed to achieve the goal, and he is also able to think in terms of science and mathematics, such as how many GOE points are needed to get the target score, and how the performance should be structured."

In Canada, he often saw Hanyu watching his own videos and doing image training.

Hanyu once told Nakamura; "When I'm about to jump, I see myself jumping in front of me, and I superimpose myself on the image of myself jumping, and I swing my leg up, and I can jump the same way."

Nakamura couldn't help but laugh and wonder what he was talking about, but later he reconsidered that Hanyu probably had a clear image in his head of what area and how to make the jump. He thought it was proved in the World Team Trophy in April 2021. In the free skate, the quadruple salchow became a single rotation. After the competition, Hanyu recalled that he went into the hole (groove) he jumped in the last practice and got stuck.

Nakamura was strangely convinced when he heard this.

Yuzuru Hanyu may look like a 'genius,' but Nakamura doesn't think so. He has seen Hanyu working harder than any others through his practice.

Nakamura thinks it is very Yuzuru Hanyu to challenge the quad axel. It's a very difficult goal to set, but after winning the Olympics twice in a row, the number of quadruple jumps has been increasing, he has found another slot of 'legend' that has not been filled yet. Considering the trajectory he's been following, he may achieve it again.


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Is it already shared?
Photo collection. Very nice.

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Olympics article


Some of the greatest celebrations in the history of the Olympic Winter Games
1 January 2022



Their selections include Oksana Baiul and Midori Ito. 

This needs long patience 😊

Yuzu on his pre comp ritual 😊



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Let's send your message to yuzu!



I remember some days ago our member introduced it, sending fanletter to athletes at Beijing Olympics.
It seems we can send the post card (card only, not envelope, not present) directly to Beijing Olympic committee.

They will give them to athletes.
I have sent so many airmails to China at my job.  I think the following address is enough. You can write your address and name in English as well.


Postal code: 100000


Attn: Yuzuru Hanyu

Figure Skating Men single

P.O.Box Beijing 102022

Beijing 100000, China


Please note the deadline is Jan.15.

I think postcards will be sent quickly usually by airmail.


I will dispatch soon from Europe. I guess it will be in time.


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Cute :) 

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Oh no :sad4:

I was always very grateful for all translations.



Takeshi Honda, Miyo Ichikawa (Curler) and Tomomi Okazaki (former speed skater) talk about Yuzu :yes:





Info about the talk show



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Asahi Shimbun "Witnesses of the Legend"


No. 6  4回転半、始まりは…羽生結弦が兄貴と慕う無良崇人さんが明かす秘話

The beginning of 4A -  Takahito Mura, whom Yuzuru Hanyu adores like a brother, reveals the secret story





2018年平昌五輪で2連覇を飾った羽生結弦が五輪後の同年4月、ファンのために作り上げた感謝の凱旋(がいせん)報告イベント「Continues~with Wings~(コンティニューズ・ウィズ・ウィングス)」。






"He is my senpai who has taken care of me the most when it comes to jumps. He's a big brother I can rely on."

In April 2018, after Yuzuru Hanyu won the PyeongChang Olympics for the second consecutive time, he held a triumphant event called "Continues with Wings" for his fans.

The event featured top skaters, choreographers, and instructors that Hanyu himself had been influenced by. One of them was Takahito Mura (30). The words at the beginning of this article are Hanyu's comment when he introduced Mura.

"I didn't take care of him so much as he says," says Mura with humility, who is four years older than Hanyu.

He had competed with Hanyu in various competitions until he retired in March 2018, and the two have maintained a close friendship.

Mura first heard of Hanyu when he went to the rink in Sendai for training camp and choreography.

"I don't even remember exactly what year it was, but I think it was when he was in Novice category. and I had an image of him practicing so hard, jumping all the time, even falling again and again." 

The first time he recognized Hanyu in a competition was at the Japanese Junior Nationals held in Sendai City Gymnasium in November 2007. Although Mura won it, Hanyu, who was 12 years old at the time, showed his presence. He placed first in the free skating, and became the first Novice skater to reach the podium of the Japanese Junior Nationals (3rd place).


I will post the summary of my translation of the rest of the paid article tomorrow, as it is quite a volume.


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So many coincidences!


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Hereunder is the latter part of this article, which is the paid part. The translation is for almost all the sentences as I could not summarize it.  Please note it is rather rough translation, and I'm not familiar with the technical terms of figure skating.



“I didn't see his performance actually because I was at the competition myself. Although I have not directly seen it, when I watched the video later, I thought we could see a glimpse of what he has become since then. In a word, I had the impression that the "next generation" of skaters has emerged. Including the way he carries himself, it’s a different kind of sophistication from our generation, if I put it. I felt that he was a type of skater growing up under the new rules.”

“It is the same now, but the lightness of jumps, the fluidity of jumps, were already there when he was a junior. Seeing such, I just thought, 'oh, he is different’. We were the generation that had been competing under the scoring of six-point scale for a long time. Hanyu has started to compete in earnest after the new rules came into effect. He goes to competitions with the understanding that not only jumps, but also spins, steps, and the whole program, are scored in total. Compared to our generation, I think the biggest difference is that the skaters of his generation are competing with all the elements refined.”

Mura and Hanyu recognized each other at the Japanese Junior Nationals. Why did Hanyu describe Mura as "a big brother he can rely on"?

Mura recalls an incident at a charity event for the Great East Japan Earthquake held in Toyohashi, Aichi Prefecture in May 2011.

“At the time, I remember that Hanyu's quad jumps had a strong tendency to go off to the left, and we talked that he should leave his upper body maintained in the air a little more, something like that.”

Hanyu said, "I think I may be able to jump quad Salchow. Please take a look," and he jumped it with ease.

They continued their talks through quad jumps, which have been mandatory for men skaters.

Mura sometimes asked Hanyu to give him tips on quad jumps.


“He wrote it down on a piece of paper and diagrammed it for me."

One day, when Muira told Hanyu that he was having trouble with his quad Salchow, Hanyu came to him with a piece of paper and a pen,

"He wrote down on the paper with what images he was doing and made a diagram. When jumping Salchow, you are standing on the ice with your left foot on the track, and when you step in (just before jumping), it becomes two feet. At that time of two feet, which way my left foot should go, and how I can make the jump without interfering the movement of sliding backward. He made a diagram of it. He taught me carefully and kindly in what direction to move my left foot, so that I would be able to find the right spot, and match the timing of raising my opposite arm to it, and so on.”

“It was faster to ask him when it comes to quad jumps. I myself knew that he was looking into them. If he can jump quads so beautifully, naturally it's because he's been digging into it.”

When he was a competitive skater, Mura used his powerful jumps as his weapon. Although he did not make it to the Olympics, he was one of the top jumpers in the field, winning the Four Continents Championships in 2014. What is common between him and Hanyu is that they both excelled at triple Axel, a jump to take off forward.

Hanyu is aiming for an unprecedented quad Axel, and there is a story for the two of them on quad Axel.

It happened at the ice show "Dreams on Ice" in June 2015.


"Yuzu, maybe you have a better chance"

"We talked about how it would be great if we could do a quad Axel, and I said, 'Let's give it a try.’ It just started like this; Hanyu-senshu said, 'As your Axel is high, you may be able to rotate,’ and I said to him, ‘Maybe you have a better chance.’ Since I had tried it in practice, we decided to try it in that kind of opportunity.”

At that show, they tried quad Axel. They didn't succeed, but that little bit of playfulness was probably the starting point for Hanyu to challenge quad Axel.

Mura says, “I practiced quad Axel for a while myself, but I knew I couldn't do it because I couldn't withstand in the air. I could not keep the posture with my body tightened up in the air. But I have a theory that if you have the aerial sensation to jump quad Lutz, you can keep your body tight, but the premise is that you have to be good at Axel.”

Lutz is a jump that you have to be really conscious of tightening in the air more than any other quads, because you have to rotate from the opposite-side twist. If you have that feeling in the air, you should be able to rotate to the end of four and a half turns. Since Hanyu-senshu can jump quad Lutz, he probably has that kind of aerial sensation.”

“And the Axel, which is nearly 70cm high and in a beautiful parabola, is a jump that only Hanyu-senshu has. Quad Axel is a challenge that only he can do. I think Hanyu-senshu is the person closest to quad Axel."


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