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29 minutes ago, hamaguri said:

Sorry if it's alteady shared.

News clip

Around 10:00 whole sp (different angle)

Commentary shizuka


After sp, he says what's most important now is to get his knee perfect and take care of body condition and peaking. His team and fans must have been worried about his knee, that's why they must have tried to give him more power. So he wants to commit himself to tomorrow's performance to show his gratitude to them.





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59 minutes ago, kaerb said:



According to this, he (ROUGHLY) said 'There were a lot of thoughts (running through my head), I was thinking too much. It messed me up and so I ended up with a load of regret/frustration. I was chasing after my strong performance and hoping to surpass myself.'


56 minutes ago, hamaguri said:


Yuzu interview

"Today my mind was full of too many unnecessary thoughts and thought too much. I'd gone messy, and got a big sense of "kuyashii". Following my strong self, I shall pass (that stronger self)."




28 minutes ago, hamaguri said:

Yuzu says,. 

"I popped first jump and one moment thought that I would bring 4 loop (to avoid in this company) as a next jump. I had plenty of such kind of unnecessary thoughts today and went messy. I was able to a big result of sense of "kuyashii""




1 minute ago, kaerb said:

OH okay more updates from his interview - apparently after he popped his 3Lz, he was thinking for a split second about doing his 4Lo (:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:!!!!!!) and then the thoughts kept piling up one by one, hence he started overthinking and got messed up. やっぱり he needs to work on the nerves and not YOLO-ing too hard (although he was off from the start even before that pop so idk...)






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