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On 4/11/2020 at 11:10 PM, Fay said:


On 4/13/2020 at 1:39 AM, Veveco said:


On 4/13/2020 at 5:53 PM, SuzyQ said:

Stars on Ice 2020 in Yokohama is now postponed to 2021.  Oh, well, so are the Olympics :meditationf: :drama: :meditationf:






13 hours ago, FlyingCamel said:

Something to look forward to!


edit: even MORE things to look forward to!!!!




2 hours ago, monchan said:

Ahhhh :devilYuzu:


I also think he's likely to go to Beijing, thou not becuz it's unusual to retire right before Oly but becuz he might not land 4A in a PERFECT skate next ss yet :winky:. I feel it's his ultimate goal, a perfect FS with 4A!



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On 4/15/2020 at 8:40 PM, ralucutzagy said:


On 4/16/2020 at 2:42 PM, monchan said:


21 hours ago, monchan said:


11 hours ago, yumeaki said:

if anyone is bored with self isolation at home, can pick up a new skill...





8 hours ago, CiONTUw4A said:


7 hours ago, FlyingCamel said:


7 hours ago, monchan said:


6 hours ago, FlyingCamel said:


4 hours ago, ralucutzagy said:


35 minutes ago, rubyblue said:

OC account with subtitles: <I'm not crying>




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On 4/17/2020 at 8:53 AM, monchan said:


Oh yeah, how can they NOT jump on board :rofl3:


On 4/17/2020 at 10:28 AM, Veveco said:


On 4/17/2020 at 1:38 PM, monchan said:

Rewatch Chibi Yuzu during mean time:


On 4/17/2020 at 5:36 PM, Fay said:


On 4/18/2020 at 1:59 AM, Fay said:

And apparently, Japanese newspapers seized the opportunity to get some Yuzu-related content too. 



On 4/18/2020 at 7:43 AM, FlyingCamel said:

Maxim Trankov calling our Yuzu a Samurai! 
Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t Yuzu say something along the lines of wanting to portray the spirit of a Samurai before?


On 4/18/2020 at 11:29 AM, monchan said:

Yuzuru Hanyu Vietnamese fanpage translated Ice Jewels vol 12 full interview. Many questions but I just summed up a few interesting points:

1. He compared Otonal and Ballade, Origin and SEIMEI: saying Otonal is a piano concerto with many other instruments besides piano while Ballade is a solo piano piece that allows him to truly feel the pure tone of piano. For Origin and SEIMEI, he can skate both with fire inside him as the main motivation, but now he understands he'd better focus on control and vision rather than let the fire inside go wild

2. He talked about how changing layout for each comp helps him avoid injury, it's the biggest achievement. He feels he has adjusted his condition pretty well thru out this season

3. He started to fully rotate 4A!!! His body feels more and more relaxed when jumping it now. The progress is slow as he can't train it everyday but he gradually has a clear image of a successful 4A!

4. Training 4A can make his attention and energy on other jumps decline, he has to separate his training for them clearly.


Just a loose translation. Anticipate full Eng trans soon.


On 4/18/2020 at 1:19 PM, yuzuangel said:


Sergei Davydov said he has seen Yuzu's 4A?


On 4/18/2020 at 11:32 PM, monchan said:

The tweet of his message made it in newspaper:)) Thou I find it funny they actually print the tweet out and it looks like missing child announcement:))


On 4/19/2020 at 2:12 AM, ralucutzagy said:


On 4/19/2020 at 5:34 AM, BWOZWaltz said:


Click on the YouTube link will take you to the Japanese TV that's showing the NBC video.

Here is the video if you still don't want to give it a click :)





16 hours ago, FlyingCamel said:

Can’t read this but it’s newspaper article with Yuzu!!




12 hours ago, monchan said:

So no ice shows for him this season. The TRUE drought is confirmed.


13 hours ago, Fay said:

Hey, Yuzu is No 1 in the World Standings again



13 hours ago, yude said:

This is an article about Marin Honda's Instagram live, and there was her short comment about Yuzuru. She was asked how she looked up to Yuzuru, and she answered "Everything. He is like a historical figure to me. When we passed each other at Skate Canada, he was getting off the bus and I thought "He really exists!"." :laughing:





7 hours ago, amylance1215 said:

Yuzu is 1st in both rankings though, World and 19-20 season. 



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On 4/22/2020 at 9:47 AM, naomi said:

I know we're on the topic of Yuzu's Sendai parade :agree2:, but I was curious about what you all thought about Jack Gallagher's recently launched website, and this page featuring Yuzu's top 5 performances.






On 4/22/2020 at 1:56 PM, FlyingCamel said:


is there any chance yuzu was there ~23 years ago


On 4/23/2020 at 10:16 AM, monchan said:


22 hours ago, MatchaBeans said:

Here is a translation of Yuzu's latest interview by Ice Jewels magazine (Apr 2020) that I have translated from Mandarin source. It was translated from Japanese to Mandarin quite literally, so I tried my best to do the same from Mandarin to English, translating every word so as not to lose the nuances. Because neither Japanese nor Mandarin have tenses, so I used present/past tense here according to the context. For those who have read it in Japanese, feel free to point out any mistakes/inaccuracies! Thank you!


There aren't too many new info this time, but it's like a more detailed version of things that he has said before in the season. I find it very interesting, hope you all can enjoy the same!




Yuzuru Hanyu x Ice Jewels: To surpass myself is to become my better self


Because the last competition of the season - Worlds - was suspended, the 2019/20 season has come to an abrupt end. This was a season where Hanyu won competitions that he has not won before. The victory at 4CC resulted in him achieving a Super Slam, leaving behind glorious records and memories. Through this interview, Hanyu looked back at this season, and at the same time talked about his aspirations for the next season.


About winning 4CC


--- Upon winning 4CC, does Hanyu have any special thoughts?


I really wanted to be able to get the 4CC gold medal, I feel very happy to have won it. Although probably Worlds & Olympic titles are the titles that should have been won last, but in this season, by winning my first Skate Canada's gold medal etc, I have completed the task that has been up until now. More importantly, I had already won a 4CC silver medal at the age of 16, but from then on it had been tough ride to get the gold medal. I feel, I finally got the gold medal, that's really nice. 


--- When the Japanese Nationals 2019 was over, you said it had been hard to pull yourself back together. How were you feeling after the Nationals? How did you rearrange yourself? Please discuss in detail.


It could be due to the succession of the 3 competitions (NHK - GPF - JNats). I was generally tired, probably. I was thinking this way while getting through that period of time. I had always been putting pressure on myself, there wasn't time to recover, emotionally and physically, so I just followed my heart and did as I please during that period. Did not really take notice of / care for anything in particular, basically don't really remember how I lived through it anymore....


The 'SEIMEI' & 'Ballade No.1' that was unique to the moment (4CC)


--- About the decision to change programs, especially to repeat SEIMEI and Ballade No.1, two programs that have reached completion, was there any hesitation and uneasiness? Besides, what made you determined to change the programs?


About SEIMEI, although there was a slight thought of 'completing the program without being able to include both 4Lz and 4Lo in the layout', but these two programs, in a certain sense, are programs that I consider had been completed properly. However, I did not feel a loss of motivation (because of this) at all, or shall I say, I would like to make these programs better than they were before. I was thinking, was there anything that could only be done with my current self, was there anything that I wanted to express, any content that I wanted to skate. 

Of course I had uneasiness. Whether or not (the judges) approve of this program, to boil it down, I am not sure even now. The judges are human. Whether or not it would get the recognition it did in 2015, it could only be found out from the competition results. The judging system is different now, it's not possible to surpass the past performance without bringing out an excellent performance, this is for sure. Besides, (underperforming) would spoil the program, I also had this feeling. 

However, I really wanted to skate these two programs. This frame of mind has been motivating me from behind since training started. I wanted to use a difficult layout that is even closer to the limit than before, to present SEIMEI and Ballade No.1 that could only be done with my current self. 


--- The short program Ballade No.1 at 4CC was exceptionally performed. In the past, you said before (that skating to this) was like transforming yourself into the pianist's breathing, the sound of the keys to execute the performance. What kind of mood did you perform it with this time?


This time, I skated with the feeling of moving my body with the music notes that I hear in my mind. All the music notes, tones permeated my body. As I was feeling the rhythm of the music, I let my body dance along with it. Of course, I was nervous for the jumps and difficult elements, and there were many places where focus was needed to complete (the elements), but I felt I had handed over 80% of my consciousness to the music.


--- About the free skate SEIMEI, the program duration was reduced by 30 seconds. In order to not spoil the outlook of the program, when adjusting the program, which parts of it were placed extra attention to?


Generally, I didn't want to spoil the flow of the music and the program, this kind of thought was very strong, therefore did not cut out parts that had left a deep impression on people. Although there was a part where the tempo was sped up to shorten the length of the program, but even after accelerating the tempo, one of the significances of me skating to this program is that (this program has) a rhythm that belongs to me, I was very careful not to spoil my own rhythm in the part where the tempo was accelerated. If the change in tempo was too much, the essence of me skating to this program would have become different.


--- What were the intentions behind the jumps layout for the new SEIMEI? Especially the inclusion of four jumps in the first minute. Within that included (jumps with) no set-up, 3A was followed by 3F with just turns, the jump layout that only Hanyu is able to do. Please talk about the turning point when the idea of this layout was born.


Firstly, I wanted to do my best to value the music that forms the program. The program was rearranged based on this premise. I didn't want to change the rhythm of the first half of the program, and I also wanted to place, in the second half of the program, only three jumps that are able to achieve positive GOEs. Therefore, had to add a jump somewhere in the first half of the program, and the solution I figured out was to jump 3F at that point. Although the possibility of placing 3Lo or 3Lz was also considered, but I believed the jump that won't interrupt the music and rhythm there was 3F. Shae-Lynn had a full picture of the program after the revision was done, she was also satisfied, therefore this layout was decided.


--- What was it that could only be expressed after having skated Otonal and Origin?


Though Otonal was a piano piece, it was also an orchestral music. I tried to express Otonal as a music piece completed with the piano as the core, tried to feel every kind of sounds. In Ballade No.1, exactly because I had attempted to express Otonal's orchestral music before, I had a deeper feeling towards the echos, transparency, spread and propagation of the pure piano notes. Origin, on the other hand, was performed by integrating a vigorous gush of power from the ground. This had always been the mainstay of executing my performance in this program. While I was running forwards non-stop, I felt that the power had become my core. In SEIMEI, maybe while receiving this power and energy, I had to let everything be within my own control, only then it'll be ok. I was hoping that the program was not about continuously releasing its full energy, but through the program, displaying an impression of being able to float in the sky, surveying the overall situation, although having both feet on the ground.


The achievements of this season, the goals for the next season


--- Since the Grand Prix series, Hanyu had been changing jump layout through competitions, participated in the Grand Prix series, Grand Prix Final, Japanese Nationals. What kind of rewards did you get from them?


I think the biggest reward was precisely no injury. If I force myself towards my best form when the body was in poor condition to adjust the peaking, it would result in a prolonged case of bodily functions not being able to keep up, and mentally not having any room to deal with things calmly. However, in this season, I adjusted very well.


--- Please talk about the results of the trainings etc for injury prevention that had been done up until now.


I started to know it was already almost enough if I force myself to this extent, started to know where the line is. It's just, if I don't go beyond that line, then I won't achieve any growth, I also understand this. Therefore, I started to think, little by little, about when it's ok to go over that line, when it's not ok to go over that line.


--- Worlds has been cancelled, but how was the training results in the timeframe between the end of 4CC and Worlds? Was there any results / experience that connects to the next season? 


I felt I trained by paying more attention to skating skills and jump transitions during trainings. Although it's difficult to say that it's been completed, but I felt that if I train by firmly paying attention to skating skills and jump transitions, then in the next season (we will be) seeing a different scenery probably.


--- Was your training and life in Canada affected by Covid-19? Was there anything you need to pay attention to?


I washed my hands and gargled very carefully and thoroughly. Besides, when getting home after finishing trainings, I would also sterilise and disinfect various things. (Covid-19's) impact on training was not huge.


--- In the coming off season, is there any training content that you would like to try specially because you're in the off season?


I hope to spend time doing the Axel jump practice. Because to train a new jump during the competitive season is very difficult. Also, my training base has been closed. Although the situation has become very difficult, I intend to put effort in off-ice training etc, lay a solid foundation.


--- For the next season, the idea of the program, the image of the music. Please, within the possible limits, tell us about it.


I intend to use new programs. Although I don't know how much time is needed until the 4A is trained to the degree where it can be included in a program, but I want to strive hard with this as a goal as well in the next season. Regarding the music and program, I do not have a concrete image yet. However, I hope to be able to make programs that are meaningful to me.  


--- About 4A, in the GPF, you showed everyone 4A for the first time. At that time, what were your thoughts and feelings of revealing 4A to the public for the first time in the arena?


Although I was very nervous, but because I was jumping in front of everyone, I slightly looked forward to whether it could be successful. It felt very pleasant to attempt to leap over the limit barrier.


--- How is the completion of the 4A now?


Starting to be able to fully rotate, starting to be able to jump with a more relaxed form a little bit. Because 4A is not (something that) can be trained everyday, so it can be considered that, bit by bit, the body is able to specifically sense the image of a successful 4A.


--- Did the training of 4A affect other jumps?


After training 4A, because it's quite energy consuming, the intensity and focus of other trainings have somewhat decreased. On this, I did trainings by setting my priorities clear.


--- Lastly, please talk about aspirations for the next season and a message for the fans.


In this season as well, thank you very much to everyone for your support for me until the end. Now, everyone is experiencing the same difficulties because of Covid-19. Everyone, please take care. Facing the next season, including the training of 4A, I will also continue to work hard to train. 















21 hours ago, Henni147 said:


This. Makes. Me. So. Sad.

Imagine Yuzu performing Notte Stellata live with Il Volo at FaOI in a few weeks... It was really planned... :sadPooh:

I pray that they get a second chance. Somewhere... Sometime...


19 hours ago, Fay said:

Some crumbs to look forward to, dear satellites. 



12 hours ago, monchan said:


6 hours ago, Fay said:

Once again - you have a chance of trying and asking your own question. Hope you get to listen to him and tell me what he said. I will be working. 



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On 4/24/2020 at 5:43 PM, yuzuangel said:


On 4/25/2020 at 12:47 AM, FlyingCamel said:


On 4/25/2020 at 6:17 AM, sweetwater said:


TV Asahi Ch2 is going to re-broadcast MwW on May 3rd, from 15:00 JST. 

They will also air past WTTs from May 1st. WTT 2015 will be aired on May 3rd, sandwiching MwW. WTT 2017 will be aired on May 4th.



WTT2015 Men's Singles--May 3, 10:15-13:55

WTT2015 Pairs SP--May 3, 13:55-15:00

Music with Wings--May 3, 15:00-

WTT2015 Ladies' Singles--May 3, 22:30-May 4, 02:05

WTT2015 Pairs FS and Ice Dance--May 4, 02:05-05:10

WTT2015 EX--May 4, 05:10-08:00


WTT2017 Pairs--May 4, 08:00-10:50

WTT2017 Men's Singles--May 4, 10:50-15:00

WTT2017 Ladies' Singles--May 4, 20:00-24:00

WTT2017 Ice Dance--May 5, 00:00-02:30

WTT2017 EX--May 5, 02:30-05:5


On 4/25/2020 at 10:14 PM, Paskud said:


10 hours ago, monchan said:

New magazine: Figure skate magazine 19-20 season highlight, released 18 May.

Don't know if there's interview. Prob expect too much as he just gave interview to Ice Jewels but these days there's really nothing else to anticipate :deadinside:



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On 4/28/2020 at 3:26 AM, FlyingCamel said:


23 hours ago, FlyingCamel said:


21 hours ago, amylance1215 said:

It is a Japanese athletes' quote compilation website. 



12 hours ago, FlyingCamel said:


5 minutes ago, Fay said:



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18 hours ago, amylance1215 said:

Sendai local TV station will re-broadcast FaOI 2019 in Sendai with unreleased footage(s)! Hopefully we will get a recording after :68556365:


19 hours ago, amylance1215 said:

I wonder if this is the one. 


It was aired on April 29th, 11:20pm to 11:25pm. My Twitter TL is full of posts about that broadcast :tumblr_inline_mg16go8gBg1qdlkyg:



16 hours ago, Paskud said:


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On 4/30/2020 at 1:38 PM, EternalSpin said:

I accidentally found a reversed version of 4CC Chopin. Have you seen it?

Hope it wasn't posted before



19 hours ago, FlyingCamel said:


17 hours ago, amylance1215 said:

So this video is the one broadcasted yesterday.  I think they're all different cuts of the same footage, but it doesn't hurt to watch them all :tumblr_inline_mqt4gmPEiv1qz4rgp:



16 hours ago, Fay said:

How about casting some vote for Yuzu? (and Rika or Marin or Mai, if you like) 



12 hours ago, Veveco said:

I know this section is not new on the JSF website but is the picture new? Doing the Seimei pause and being all sunshine smiley? :tumblr_inline_mqt4gmPEiv1qz4rgp:



11 hours ago, CiONTUw4A said:

Has this been posted yet? Yuzu commenting on his own 4CC SP:



10 hours ago, CiONTUw4A said:


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On 5/2/2020 at 3:24 PM, amylance1215 said:


On 5/2/2020 at 4:30 PM, FlyingCamel said:

New video from OIP!

Kind of the same video as before but now with other skaters too hahaha


5 hours ago, monchan said:


4 hours ago, sweetwater said:

This is an excerpt from a sports variety show aired tonight by Fuji. Yuzu's FS at Nice2012 was chosen by a vote to be the most encouraging comeback/come-from-behind performance. This is part 1 and here are part 2-5. I found some new (old but never been aired) footage in them.



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8 hours ago, FlyingCamel said:

More Yuzu love from Beijing! Hehehe


also found this which I assume is a segment from a Chinese tv show:


Basically the lady praises Yuzu’s quads, stating his short preparation time and transitions into the jumps, making the program very smooth and not disrupting any of its flow. She also talks about how well-mannered Yuzu is, bowing to Ghislain. She mentions Ghislain is Yuzu’s jump coach and speculates that perhaps Yuzu was also thanking him for helping him gain such mastery over his quads! (this is my understanding of what she says, there are some tweet replies which I assume is a Japanese translation of what the lady says)



2 hours ago, Fay said:

Someone on the reddit came up with this - thank you whoever made it! 



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