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Fantasy on Ice 2024 in MAKUHARI


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2 時間前, Perelandraさんが言いました:

Thank you very much to Marika for explaining interpretation about the programme




Oh, that pose can be interpreted this way :tumblr_inline_n2pje2TPZt1qdlkyg:

Those who know the story well may be able to find more.

Programs of Yuzuru's self-choreo are now increasing and showing his another talent.

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2 minutes ago, SuzyQ said:


Oh, that pose can be interpreted this way :tumblr_inline_n2pje2TPZt1qdlkyg:

Those who know the story well may be able to find more.

Programs of Yuzuru's self-choreo are now increasing and showing his another talent.

The beauty of art is that it speaks to the observer in many different ways and conveys a story which is personal and draws in both the raconteur and the audience to create a very special shared experience. 


It is really fantastic that Yuzu enchants us all with yet more of his many and evolving talents.


Thank you very much indeed for your first hand report of the show and sharing insights about the Meteor performance and Gundam WIngs. It certainly brought the show and Yuzu closer for those of us who were not able to be there in person. 

So happy to hear about your experience of being at the show

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This report of the first day was interesting.




Rough translation by DeepL and me.



羽生結弦、西川貴教とガンダム挿入歌で“コラボ” ~ファンタジー・オン・アイス2024幕張公演~

Yuzuru Hanyu "collaborates" with Takanori Nishikawa on Gundam song - Fantasy on Ice 2024, Makuhari, Japan


フィギュアスケート・アイスショーの「ファンタジー・オン・アイス2024」幕張公演が24日、千葉市の幕張メッセで開幕した。プロフィギュアスケーター・羽生結弦らが登場し、観客を魅了した。公演は前半、後半の2部制で行われた。羽生は1部終盤に登場し、「Danny Boy」を演じた。2部終盤には歌手のT.M.Revolution/西川貴教が機動戦士ガンダムSEEDの挿入歌「Meteor-ミーティア-」を歌う中、羽生が華麗なスケーティングを披露し、“共演”した。同幕張公演は25日、26日と続けて幕張メッセで行われる。

The figure skating show "Fantasy on Ice 2024" opened at Makuhari Messe in Chiba City on March 24. Professional figure skater Yuzuru Hanyu and others appeared on stage and captivated the audience. The show was divided into two parts, and Hanyu appeared at the end of the first part and performed "Danny Boy," and at the end of the second part, while NISHIKAWA Takanori / T.M.Revolution sang "Meteor," a song used in the anime “Mobile Suit Gundam SEED,” Hanyu showed off his brilliant skating collaborating with him. The same show will continue on the 25th and 26th at Makuhari Messe.



There are a number of well-known songs by Nishikawa. But this time, it was meaningful to collaborate with Hanyu on this song, “Meteor.” The lyrics of the song tell us that our lives now exist on the basis of many sacrifices. It also makes the listener wonder, "What exactly are these beautiful stars?”



These are the things that Hanyu, whose feelings of requiem are stronger than others, always expresses on the ice. In addition, "Meteor" means "Ryusei – shooting stars” in Japanese. There was once a young man who found hope in the starry sky he saw at an evacuation center after the disaster.



With a keyboard and guitar prelude that evoked a sense of sadness and fragility, the spotlight fell on Hanyu.



Hanyu was dressed in an outfit based on white with blue accents. The vivid colors reminds us of the robot aircraft (mobile suit named “Freedom”) piloted by the protagonist of the aforementioned anime. On his right shoulder was a white and blue gradient feather. This was also imaged from Freedom's airframe, and I also wondered if it was added because the word "feather" is used at the end of the lyrics. I couldn't help but think that this costume, with its meticulous attention to detail, was already a masterpiece.


 もともと羽生は音と歌詞に合わせて演じるスケーターだ。この日はさらに凄みが増していたように映った。西川が歌い上げる歌詞に沿うように指先にまで意味を持たせながら氷上を滑った。<触れてても 冷たい指先>の歌いだしに合わせ、自らの指先を見つめ、顔の近くに持っていった。

Hanyu has always been a skater who performs to sounds and lyrics. This day, he looked even more amazing to me. He skated on the ice with the lyrics sung by Nishikawa, giving meaning down to his fingertips. To the first part of the song, "cold fingertips, even if I touched," he looked at his own fingertips and brought them close to his face.



Hanyu has said in the past, "I choreograph dance moves on land, and then put them into figure skating choreography on the ice." Exactly, on this day, while the choreo of his upper body was the one on land, his lower body movements were firmly the figure skating performance. They did not look disjointed, but splendidly and exquisitely "united."



Toward the end of the performance, just before Nishikawa entered the biggest hook (highest point) of the song. Hanyu started preparing for taking off, but did not jump in his usual timing, and changed his jumping path roundly. From the press box, it looked as if Hanyu momentarily checked Nishikawa on the stage. Then, he timed his triple Axel at the point where Nishikawa's beautiful voice reached the most exciting part.



The main character in this anime went into battle with the conflict of "I don't want to fight. But if I don't fight, many people will not be rewarded and will not be saved.



"I don't know if I am allowed to skate under these circumstances. But I am able to skate thanks to a lot of support. And they would be happy with the results I have achieved.” We know a young man who has determined and walked the thorny path to become a champion.



In the “Meteor” by Hanyu and Nishikawa, we could see a combination of various factors.


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9 hours ago, Anni said:

Marika's report today 












ALIGATO for all these links@Years which allows me to see more clearly in Yuzu's gestures and attitude, sometimes with a certain humor  :space:: I also think that Adam is the only one (to my knowledge) who can practice the back flip because before him there was P Candeloro: nice gesture from Yuzu :girlsigh:


4 hours ago, Anni said:

Gift from Yuzu :tumblr_m230ouoWHD1qfamg6:




 Another excellent gesture on his part (like last year) and if I remember correctly: the pastry chef had done his apprenticeship with great Parisian pastry chefs (very awarded  :2thumbsup: like gastronomy) is this this place in Sendai?  https://sendai-gourmet.com/?p=252  because I saw marked in French : "special Mont Blanc" I also read the excellent butter from Isigny not ISNEY which is an error (which is an appellation Superior AOP) and Guérande salt which is also in high category. 


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2 hours ago, SuzyQ said:

This report of the first day was interesting.




Rough translation by DeepL and me.


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羽生結弦、西川貴教とガンダム挿入歌で“コラボ” ~ファンタジー・オン・アイス2024幕張公演~

Yuzuru Hanyu "collaborates" with Takanori Nishikawa on Gundam song - Fantasy on Ice 2024, Makuhari, Japan


フィギュアスケート・アイスショーの「ファンタジー・オン・アイス2024」幕張公演が24日、千葉市の幕張メッセで開幕した。プロフィギュアスケーター・羽生結弦らが登場し、観客を魅了した。公演は前半、後半の2部制で行われた。羽生は1部終盤に登場し、「Danny Boy」を演じた。2部終盤には歌手のT.M.Revolution/西川貴教が機動戦士ガンダムSEEDの挿入歌「Meteor-ミーティア-」を歌う中、羽生が華麗なスケーティングを披露し、“共演”した。同幕張公演は25日、26日と続けて幕張メッセで行われる。

The figure skating show "Fantasy on Ice 2024" opened at Makuhari Messe in Chiba City on March 24. Professional figure skater Yuzuru Hanyu and others appeared on stage and captivated the audience. The show was divided into two parts, and Hanyu appeared at the end of the first part and performed "Danny Boy," and at the end of the second part, while NISHIKAWA Takanori / T.M.Revolution sang "Meteor," a song used in the anime “Mobile Suit Gundam SEED,” Hanyu showed off his brilliant skating collaborating with him. The same show will continue on the 25th and 26th at Makuhari Messe.



There are a number of well-known songs by Nishikawa. But this time, it was meaningful to collaborate with Hanyu on this song, “Meteor.” The lyrics of the song tell us that our lives now exist on the basis of many sacrifices. It also makes the listener wonder, "What exactly are these beautiful stars?”



These are the things that Hanyu, whose feelings of requiem are stronger than others, always expresses on the ice. In addition, "Meteor" means "Ryusei – shooting stars” in Japanese. There was once a young man who found hope in the starry sky he saw at an evacuation center after the disaster.



With a keyboard and guitar prelude that evoked a sense of sadness and fragility, the spotlight fell on Hanyu.



Hanyu was dressed in an outfit based on white with blue accents. The vivid colors reminds us of the robot aircraft (mobile suit named “Freedom”) piloted by the protagonist of the aforementioned anime. On his right shoulder was a white and blue gradient feather. This was also imaged from Freedom's airframe, and I also wondered if it was added because the word "feather" is used at the end of the lyrics. I couldn't help but think that this costume, with its meticulous attention to detail, was already a masterpiece.


 もともと羽生は音と歌詞に合わせて演じるスケーターだ。この日はさらに凄みが増していたように映った。西川が歌い上げる歌詞に沿うように指先にまで意味を持たせながら氷上を滑った。<触れてても 冷たい指先>の歌いだしに合わせ、自らの指先を見つめ、顔の近くに持っていった。

Hanyu has always been a skater who performs to sounds and lyrics. This day, he looked even more amazing to me. He skated on the ice with the lyrics sung by Nishikawa, giving meaning down to his fingertips. To the first part of the song, "cold fingertips, even if I touched," he looked at his own fingertips and brought them close to his face.



Hanyu has said in the past, "I choreograph dance moves on land, and then put them into figure skating choreography on the ice." Exactly, on this day, while the choreo of his upper body was the one on land, his lower body movements were firmly the figure skating performance. They did not look disjointed, but splendidly and exquisitely "united."



Toward the end of the performance, just before Nishikawa entered the biggest hook (highest point) of the song. Hanyu started preparing for taking off, but did not jump in his usual timing, and changed his jumping path roundly. From the press box, it looked as if Hanyu momentarily checked Nishikawa on the stage. Then, he timed his triple Axel at the point where Nishikawa's beautiful voice reached the most exciting part.



The main character in this anime went into battle with the conflict of "I don't want to fight. But if I don't fight, many people will not be rewarded and will not be saved.



"I don't know if I am allowed to skate under these circumstances. But I am able to skate thanks to a lot of support. And they would be happy with the results I have achieved.” We know a young man who has determined and walked the thorny path to become a champion.



In the “Meteor” by Hanyu and Nishikawa, we could see a combination of various factors.


A thousand thanks for taking the time to bring this wonderful translation. 本当に ありがとう ございます


These are beautiful words about the Yuzu, his life experiences and the programmes.

The original author has written a thoughtful article and described the performance in great detail. 

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On 5/26/2024 at 9:54 AM, SuzyQ said:

Like two high school kids laughing and playing :tumblr_inline_mg16go8gBg1qdlkyg:

What are you doing naughty Yuzu :lol:

Love them, but I miss Ryuju Hino.



It's very rare nowadays, for friendships to last very long.  I am super glad that their friendships, are so treasured and so everlasting :grin:

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