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3 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:


Yuzu fan artists are incredible :7938863: I really like these smiling white cats. I wonder if they are also handmade :think:



These cats are very pretty, they look lovingly hand crafted. The photos on the instagram feature the Kitties in different Yuzu outfits with different poses. 

There is Kitty dressed in Origin 2.0 propped up against Yuzu in Origin 2.0 at the wax work museum. This is such dedication.:59227c768286a__s: and the original model is pictured nestled amongst the toy kitties, handsome white cat

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Guest turquoiseblue
5 hours ago, Perelandra said:

These cats are very pretty, they look lovingly hand crafted. The photos on the instagram feature the Kitties in different Yuzu outfits with different poses. 

There is Kitty dressed in Origin 2.0 propped up against Yuzu in Origin 2.0 at the wax work museum. This is such dedication.:59227c768286a__s: and the original model is pictured nestled amongst the toy kitties, handsome white cat


I just saw their latest post! ( :thankssign:for letting us know.) That is true dedication indeed :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:


Two kitties with long legs :tumblr_inline_n18qr7hmfk1qid2nw::68271262:




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6 minutes ago, turquoiseblue said:


:7938863: :5GOE: :7938863:


I wish we could use runrun8383's artworks as emoji on PH :10636614::10636614::10636614:

I would love runrun8383 to publish a book with all of their Yuzu artworks with captions in Japanese and English.

A Hopurega fairy story book would be lovely too 

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Guest turquoiseblue
1 hour ago, Perelandra said:

I would love runrun8383 to publish a book with all of their Yuzu artworks with captions in Japanese and English.

A Hopurega fairy story book would be lovely too 


The H&L series are my favourite! :tumblr_inline_mfy936EPNF1qid2nw:Runrun is such a talented artist :tumblr_inline_mueoe3Yabh1qdlkyg::tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw::tumblr_inline_mueoe3Yabh1qdlkyg:

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Guest turquoiseblue
7 hours ago, Perelandra said:




Just in case you have not seen this endearing little video before, posting here for you. I have posted this before on Gen Yuzu chat and you may have come across it before.


Thank you for reposting it in this thread :tumblr_inline_nhkf04zUM41qid2nw: I hope all Fanyus see it :tumblr_inline_n2pje2YFXq1qdlkyg:


This is a masterpiece. Each time a new drawing was posted during the 2016-17 season, it warmed my heart :tumblr_inline_n2pje2TPZt1qdlkyg: I really loved the story and I remember how sad I was when it came to an end... :tumblr_inline_n2pje3s3EO1qdlkyg::tumblr_inline_n2pje3s3EO1qdlkyg::tumblr_inline_n2pje3s3EO1qdlkyg:


Runrun was generous enough to share a cute H&L letter paper :tumblr_inline_mfy936EPNF1qid2nw::68271262:





Runrun is the best! :tumblr_inline_mqt4gvxxtJ1qz4rgp:

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