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4 hours ago, Perelandra said:

Someone posted a picture in twitter of the powder sachets from the share practice, some kind of barley powder, maybe for energy?



I found this picture. 

It's called "MAGMA Athlete Barley". :happy:








A Fanyu write something about it in this blog



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11 minutes ago, Anni said:



I found this picture. This is called "MAGMA Athlete Barley"  :happy:



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A Fanyu writes something in this blog



Well done, that is the photo posted on Twitter, which I saw but could not find again for @Yuzuwinnie

Danke Anni, for fantastic detective work

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12 hours ago, Perelandra said:

Oui, tu est le bienvenue. L'orge a des avantages, notamment des vitamines si elle est propre A et C et une bonne source de fibres, ainsi qu'une bonne source de piégeurs de radicaux libres naturels, ce qui est probablement important lors d'exercices intenses, comme le patinage. Avantage supplémentaire, un regain d'énergie sans les sucres présents dans certains gels énergétiques, qui donnent une ruée vers le sucre et sont mauvais pour les dents.


12 hours ago, Anabel said:

Yuzu prend grand soin de son alimentation et il semble qu'il le fasse aussi avec les suppléments, n'est-ce pas ?


11 hours ago, Perelandra said:

Il y a définitivement des professionnels de la nutrition et de l'alimentation dans l'équipe Yuzu 


10 hours ago, Anni said:



J'ai trouvé cette image. 

His name is "MAGMA Athlete Barley". :happy:



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A Fanyu writes something about it in this blog




10 hours ago, Perelandra said:

Well done, it's the photo posted on Twitter, which I saw but couldn't find for@Yuzuwinnie

Danke Anni, for his fantastic detective work


:thanks: for Perelandra / Danke for Annie / Gracias for Annabelle for answering and I appreciate this gesture towards me  :grouphug: and interesting to know the virtues of barley (and think of our teeth, because it hurts a cavity) that I know in agriculture, because my country is surrounded by farms and I saw fields of barley / wheat and corn and doubted that if Yuzu takes this product, it is not for nothing and to see the sachets in the photo and it's clear that he is surrounded by nutritionists (I don't remember the name of the company?) 


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I had an amateur athlete boyfriend and he was obsessed with supplements. What to take daily for training, what to take before the race, during the race and after the race... But I was never too interested in that :tumblr_inline_mzx8s4JRlX1r8msi5:




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