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7 hours ago, Faithyu said:


Well, someone clearly paid their staff and everything they needed in Hongkong.....


Beomgyus panic is getting released this thursday, so every Moa going to the Berlin concert hopes for a live performance of the song🍀😁.


And I just saw the bts 7 moments on weverse......it's only 66min of content! How can 66min cover seven solo activities?!?

Can't find anything about the content, but not going to buy it. Without shipping the price is kind of ok, but not going to spend around 70€ on this short video content.

Ador had announced up front that they were going to go to HongKong to support nj, as I believe this was the last official item on their schedule (which is why they are now saytng they are on hiatus).  So Ador covered their costs for this and got slapped in the face.  Anything from now on will require other financing, but I hope the courts put them in their place before then.  Even their profits for their basically counterfeit merch should be handed over to Ador.

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Got back from the txt concert, now in the hotel. Wow, just wow. It was amazing😃. Their live vocals are incredible (as I expected), so so stable, just wow.

A few notes:


Soobin's voice when he speaks!?! I know I've always found it super pleasant but hallelujah, I don't care if he's telling me about his favorite anime or reading a book as long as he's just talking🥰.
We got about a minute of live performance from Beomgyus Panic😍🤩😍.
Yeonjun's stage presents is really no joke. He is born for the stage, period🔥.
Of course they say at every concert and every city that you are the greatest audience ever..... However, I think this time there was a spark of truth in it, at least for Taehyun. He explicitly mentioned three times that the Berlin concert is now in his top three best concerts ever at the ending ment (and seemed quite surprised himself). I had my ear protectors in, so I can't judge it that well, but I could imagine that the briefing for the guys went in the direction of "Germans tend to be a bit more reserved" and that's why it surprised them so much. I mean, Moas do know how to bark😉😎 and we showed it....a lot😂.
I saw more men at TXT's concert than at the Ateez concert, which surprised me quite a bit.
Apparently there was a dress code somewhere, at least many people were dressed in white, no idea where that information was spread🤷🏼‍♀️.
Surprisingly, there was a banner event (think it was organized by the promoter) and a fan event where stars were held up during magic island. Beomgyu did mention the song after if we (moa) organized the stars, but I almost think he was told via the in-ear monitor. In any case, you could hardly see the stars, I can't imagine that the guys noticed anything while standing 90% of the song in the spotlight.
Their attempt to speak German was extremely cute. I love how much they tried and it was not the typical two phrases (Danke (thanks) and  Guten Abend (good evening...no idea who told them thats how we greet each other in a concert situation😅), a Ich liebe dich (i love you) only happened once from Taehyun). They had the MOA chant, then directed the wave in german, then their slogans for moa with quite long phrases. The love was felt😊.
They have a translator at the concerts. Yeonjun said what felt like two very long sentences in Korean, the translator said "your energy was great"....Yeonjun "huh"🧐? And then repeated part of what he had said, which was translated the second time. But the look on his face was very funny😂.
Yes, they were fantastic and they don't need backup dancers. But Bts doesn't need them either and they've had them since debut. Of course Yeonjun rocked ggum on his own, or Taehyun his solo performance (which was incredible by the way) and Beomgyu his traditional fan dance. But there is a reason why additional dancers are planned for certain performances, because it supports the performance, gives it a finishing touch or they help to heat up the atmosphere. That's why I still think it's a great pity that TXT never has them on tour, when clearly some stages are planned and choreographed to have backup dancers.
and now, off to bed......please no migraine when I wake up🙏


Edit: just went through some of the videos I took. Man am I thankful for my ear protectors, seems like I had a screamer somewhere behind me, good that I didn't hear thst during the concert, would have ruined it for me😑......

And edit for 4): we were loud😅



Soooo.....and while I had fun at the concert, worlds men short program happened.... 

Can anyone tell me what the heck happened?!? I mean, I did not expect that I need to search for Jun after him being so strong in the last competitions. And Kevin in fourth? He clearly had one of his good days.....and a lot of others a bad one🙈

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1 hour ago, Faithyu said:

Got back from the txt concert, now in the hotel. Wow, just wow. It was amazing😃. Their live vocals are incredible (as I expected), so so stable, just wow.

A few notes:

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Soobin's voice when he speaks!?! I know I've always found it super pleasant but hallelujah, I don't care if he's telling me about his favorite anime or reading a book as long as he's just talking🥰.
We got about a minute of live performance from Beomgyus Panic😍🤩😍.
Yeonjun's stage presents is really no joke. He is born for the stage, period🔥.
Of course they say at every concert and every city that you are the greatest audience ever..... However, I think this time there was a spark of truth in it, at least for Taehyun. He explicitly mentioned three times that the Berlin concert is now in his top three best concerts ever at the ending ment (and seemed quite surprised himself). I had my ear protectors in, so I can't judge it that well, but I could imagine that the briefing for the guys went in the direction of "Germans tend to be a bit more reserved" and that's why it surprised them so much. I mean, Moas do know how to bark😉😎 and we showed it....a lot😂.
I saw more men at TXT's concert than at the Ateez concert, which surprised me quite a bit.
Apparently there was a dress code somewhere, at least many people were dressed in white, no idea where that information was spread🤷🏼‍♀️.
Surprisingly, there was a banner event (think it was organized by the promoter) and a fan event where stars were held up during magic island. Beomgyu did mention the song after if we (moa) organized the stars, but I almost think he was told via the in-ear monitor. In any case, you could hardly see the stars, I can't imagine that the guys noticed anything while standing 90% of the song in the spotlight.
Their attempt to speak German was extremely cute. I love how much they tried and it was not the typical two phrases (Danke (thanks) and  Guten Abend (good evening...no idea who told them thats how we greet each other in a concert situation😅), a Ich liebe dich (i love you) only happened once from Taehyun). They had the MOA chant, then directed the wave in german, then their slogans for moa with quite long phrases. The love was felt😊.
They have a translator at the concerts. Yeonjun said what felt like two very long sentences in Korean, the translator said "your energy was great"....Yeonjun "huh"🧐? And then repeated part of what he had said, which was translated the second time. But the look on his face was very funny😂.
Yes, they were fantastic and they don't need backup dancers. But Bts doesn't need them either and they've had them since debut. Of course Yeonjun rocked ggum on his own, or Taehyun his solo performance (which was incredible by the way) and Beomgyu his traditional fan dance. But there is a reason why additional dancers are planned for certain performances, because it supports the performance, gives it a finishing touch or they help to heat up the atmosphere. That's why I still think it's a great pity that TXT never has them on tour, when clearly some stages are planned and choreographed to have backup dancers.
and now, off to bed......please no migraine when I wake up🙏


Edit: just went through some of the videos I took. Man am I thankful for my ear protectors, seems like I had a screamer somewhere behind me, good that I didn't hear thst during the concert, would have ruined it for me😑......

And edit for 4): we were loud😅



Soooo.....and while I had fun at the concert, worlds men short program happened.... 

Can anyone tell me what the heck happened?!? I mean, I did not expect that I need to search for Jun after him being so strong in the last competitions. And Kevin in fourth? He clearly had one of his good days.....and a lot of others a bad one🙈

I am not at all surprised that the TXT concert was fantastic.  When I saw them, I was blown away with how complete and confident they are.  I agree that they do not need back up ndancers - but wonder, still, whose choice that is.  They, when I saw them, were 100% perfect - and the show was a good length.


Beomgyu shows in his new song/mv something I think all five felt.  When Soobin left for his "rest", I bet they were afraid he would't be back and also started feeling the weight of the years of efforts.  I am so glad you got to see them and hope your ears are okay(decibel reducing ear plugs a must!)

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7 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:



I don't know if we'll hear about all 7 of them donating to this cause, but I'd put money on them all donating an equal amount.  (and this pic of RM is insane!)  The fires are so sad.  They really do not have a lot of big forest fires in Korea and so much has been lost.

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7 hours ago, Faithyu said:

worlds men short program happened.... 

Can anyone tell me what the heck happened?!? I

I haven't watched it yet but I read that Roman skated great and still only landed in 15th... so it's either the men menning or the field has gotten way more competitive, not sure

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